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Video of judge beating his kid


yeah makes one wonder...

he said "I'll beat you into submission!"

surprised he didn't make her pull her pants off before he beat her


Wow!! Had to go back and look...That was sick....Anyone who would do that to any creature should be put down,along with the missus...

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I read a comment that was posted on Youtube saying that the county is aware of the video on Youtube and are investigating. Even if he never sees a cuff, the whole world is watching this judge beat the shit out of a 16 year old kid.
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I didn't want to watch the video, brought back too many of my own memories of being " punished" with a belt by my father..so hard to write this.....I have never talked about it...but since this thread was started gave me the courage to start talking...and I'm on the far side of 40....thanks for listening.

me too brother,

brought back years of memories :( He never beat me again after I asked him if he liked beating me because he was smiling......Never hit me again, and unfort now at 40 something I dont have the relationship I should have with him. My daughter is my world and she knows daddy would never raise his hand to her

Grrr, I need to go kick something now


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Why is it that so often it is the Pillars of the Community that do these kinds of things and worse? I think a lot of times the higher up the socio-economic food chain you go, the worse the abuse.

People who desire power and status are usually the most fucked up, sick individuals.


the beating is enough to make you wanna cry ...... but listen to this asshole! mom (and i am not on that bitches side by any means) actually tries to chill things down in her way, but can't (bet you anything she knows how to cover a bruise with make-up). and the guy keeps going. talking shit to a 16 year old girl while you beat her with a belt? the control freak sadist mother fucker is not teaching a lesson .... he is getting his rocks off.

thats the kind guy i would like to drink a beer with ....... in the woods.


I read a comment that was posted on Youtube saying that Arkansas County is aware of the video on Youtube and are investigating. Even if he never sees a cuff, the whole world is watching this judge beat the shit out of a 16 year old kid.

this is another one of those times when you hear that the police are investigating .......... and you say to yourself "investigating what for fucks sake? look at the fucking video!!!!!"

i don't understand how who you are or how good your lawyer is could make any difference in a case like that. if it was a "regular" person (read : you or me), the cuffs would be on and we would be getting that fair and speedy trial very quickly ......... select jury-roll video-the state rests kind of speedy. but considering who this guy is i wonder how it will work out.


Game Bred
i wouldn't say a spanking with a belt and this sadistic display are in any way comparable...
the physical portion of this assault is really not nearly as disturbing as the mental aspect.

spankings should never involve anger IMO and this dude is straight RAGING!!!


Game Bred
i guess they are investigating to see if it meets these vague and sloppy standards..

Abuse does not include physical discipline of a child if reasonable and moderate and inflicted by a parent or guardian for restraining or correcting a child. Listed as not reasonable or moderate for correcting or restraining: -- Throwing, kicking, burning, biting, cutting, striking with a closed fist, shaking a child under 3, striking or other actions which result in any non-accidental injury to a child less than 18 months, interfering with a child's breathing, threatening a child with a deadly weapon, striking a child on the face, or any other act that is likely to cause bodily harm greater than transient pain or minor temporary marks. [Statute says this is an illustrative and not exclusive list]. Age, size, condition of the child, and the location of the injury and frequency or recurrence of injuries shall be considered in determining "reasonable" or "moderate."


i guess they are investigating to see if it meets these vague and sloppy standards..


i'm betting that the investigators have been given some vague and sloppy standards already....... if they can't vague and sloppy their way out that way, here is their hole card ......http://www.statuteoflimitations.net/texas_statute_of_limitations.htm


if my stupid ass thought about that you know some future politician in the DA's office has been all over it for a while now. this one is not gonna "slip" through the cracks, it's gonna get fast tracked through them


this video has been making rounds on other forums, and some of the people who defend the father saying he has a right to discipline his daughter are out their fucking minds. thats not a spanking, thats a beating. it became assault as soon as he grabbed her by her throat and choked her into the bed. and this guy gets to decide OUR fate. wanna bet nothing happens? to him, i meant. we all know her fate.


East Coast Grower
Jesus, I couldn't watch more than about 30 seconds of it. I've been disciplined as a kid but that is just sickening. I / we will never understand people like this. These are the ppl that should be IN dept of corrections and jail, not sending other ppl there....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

sickest shit ever.......

she should have released this yrs earlier
before the statute of limitations ran out.


Looks like the national media has picked up on it.

CORPUS CHRISTI — A video that allegedly shows a Texas county judge repeatedly hitting his teenage daughter with a belt because of her Internet use has prompted a police investigation.

Rockport, Texas, Police Chief Tim Jayroe said Wednesday that the probe was launched after numerous calls from people who saw the video uploaded onto YouTube.

The investigation will look into claims by Hillary Adams, who says she set up the camera in 2004 to catch what she called frequent beatings by her father, Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams.

Jayroe said he has not determined the identities of the people in the video nor whether any crimes were committed.

The seven-minute, profanity laced video shows a man hitting a girl repeatedly with what appears to be a belt-like object during an ordeal that started over her downloading music online, NBC News affiliate KRIS-TV in Corpus Christi reported on its website.

The video was posted Oct. 27, but picked up national attention after being posted on the Internet site Reddit.

The video had 300 hits Tuesday evening. As of 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, it had 225,000. A few hours later, the video topped 500,000, according to KRISTV.

William Adams admitted that he was shown in the video.

"It happened years ago ... I apologized," William Adams told KRISTV.com.

When asked if he thought the conduct in the video was excessive, the judge said, "It's not as bad as it looks on tape."

More at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45135221/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/#.TrGPDkcRacE





So sad this CRIME goes unpunished too often and as has been mentioned funny how it's upstanding and respected citizens.

The perfect family a privilaged child.

Happy to see how pissed some of you are with what you saw.

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