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Cooking to cover smell?



Does anyone make thier house smell like something strong when the harvest? im thinking of throwing together a slow cooker ( crock pot) meal to so the smell will last all day. any ideas on what to cook that will overtake the fresh cut ganja smell?
Cook a shit ! lol The shit smell last forever:puke:


Senior Member
i fry burgers with the hood off, eat one every meal and let the juices get burned a bit in the pan after before i turn it off, so my apartment just reaks like fried cheeseburgers for the whole day, since i mostly eat microwave corndogs and chicken patties in an attempt to not do any cooking ever it would look kinda weird for the bachelor white guy to all the sudden be making spicy curry and cabbage casseroles or whatever, but you really can't go wrong with bacon and hamburgers, stinky burning fat reaks the house up for hours and hours, just remember to unplug the fire detector!


thanks for the replies everyone, i do have a diy carbon filter that works pretty well, its just harvest day that is a little smelly


when i was a kid (and didnt know that life started at 6kw)
we would get rental inspectors once a year.

I would get a frying pan going and burn the shit out of a spoon of curry paste.
once they get that burnt curry in their nose, everything else smells like krishnas armpits.
just go on a standard american diet n skip deoderant, personally i cant believe someone is so dumb as to even ask this question, ''wow honey the neighbor pot heads smoke all day n eat, who would of thought, wonder if they think we cant smell the weed or if we think 4 course dinners from 2am-4am sunday night are normal''

theres cheap odor solutions out there, no curry needed, no pinesol humidifiers which i think atleast a few people via icc advice at some point must of created and therewidth increased there livers health by leeps n bounds,, ona, vaportec disk anyone? just options


I second the curry response, one of my freinds grows in his apt, and runs no scrubber at all, and all I smell in the hallways are the ridiculously strong smell of his neighbors curry boiling away all day.


Active member
Carbon filter. For fuck's sake.


yeh, true, but even those are not perfect unless you have a perfectly sealed air circ system.

If I can get even a wiff in the air, I'll run a big scented candle that really covers it.

But, if someone knows the smell well ... they'll usually smell it no matter what.
vapoutek disk, one to cover or mask smell, and one of there linen disk to mask the mask, your grow will smell like laundry 4 about 5 -10 dollars a month, n its silent.


BBQ that's a good one you can't smell shit but food n smoke genius.


scrubber as a serious suggestion.

but if you're looking for a stink that will take a week to leave your house...host your very own fish fry!!! fry up a few tilapia filets, rockfish filets, or one big effing salmon filet.

you will smell fish for days.
As everyone said...a carbon scrubber is a must!

On top of that, for that extra "non marijuana" scent for a few days, go to a dollar store and get 5-10 of those pop up smelly air fresheners


Totally take the top off and put a fan on them. They'll only last 5 days or so when using them that way, but they use up all their smell in that time....

I like a combo of the fresh linen, odor neutralizer, and some kinda berry shit. With that plus a carbon filter, it won't smell like weed at all.


I'd have to go with curry on this one. Curry chicken, curry meats, etc. It's quite strong and overpowers everthing in the house and beyond!


I have a scrubber for my tent--not the garage--and just trimmed. I bought ona gel, smoked 2 chickens in a smoker, have a roast in a slow cooker, burnt toast and smoked cigarettes.

House still stunk until I was able to move everything back into the tent. I guess next time I will have to get a big enough scrubber/fan combo to filter 600 sq ft so my garage stays fresh.