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Going for custudy of the Grandson..


Active member
Since we all come from many different walks of life, Would anyone know if the courts could or have made people like us take drug tests to gain custody?In New York State, keep in mind...
Going soon, so no way we'd test clean...Your thoughts would be appreciated...
:thank you:


Hey Tree! I don't know about NY but here in NC, if there are no accusations of use or prior convictions, they have no reason to test. good luck and thanks for caring about the Grands!!!


Active member
Thanks, thats what I would figure the case here as well.. it probably wouldnt have happened the first time we went anyway.., I'm just a little nervous is all....His Dad could be an A**hole and I would hate to see the little guy, hes 5, get lost in the system after all this time being with us......as its apparent his Dad doesnt want anything to do with him..so we try the best we can .....


Grand parents are so very unappreciated in American I think it's a highly commendable thing your doing,
Good Luck


Yo tree how's bills country?! If my gramps took me in I woulda been eating pickled herring and gefilte fish everyday!! But damn homie I think you're straight if your intentions are right, who needs to sniff your pee?!?



You hear more and more about this stuff, really sucks that it even has to be a step.

My suspicion is that the child's parent should be concerned about a piss test, you...all you have to do is play up the 'old' angle,provided there are no red flags in your past...

This is what's great about being around today...50 is both the new 38 and 59ish, when the situation dictates of course.

It's great to still have game while commanding respect as 'the old dude' :tiphat:

Best of luck, go get that baby :ying:


Active member
HighDesertJoe, you are so right....and I thank you as well...I'm retirred and cant get food stamps with him either, make too much money...Go figure...


Active member
Cravenmore, Things are chilly up this way...but you know how it is...Snow on the way, for Southern Erie County..Good intentions is all I got...but thought someone would know something in this regard..Time will tell...Thanks...


Active member
You hear more and more about this stuff, really sucks that it even has to be a step.

My suspicion is that the child's parent should be concerned about a piss test, you...all you have to do is play up the 'old' angle,provided there are no red flags in your past...

This is what's great about being around today...50 is both the new 38 and 59ish, when the situation dictates of course.

It's great to still have game while commanding respect as 'the old dude' :tiphat:

Best of luck, go get that baby :ying:

Your advice on playin "the old dude" thing is somehting the wife and I were just saying...We do get more respect with all this gray hair now...LOL..so we will be playin that card big time...
Its so sad, but he has a heroin problem, so I dont think he'll open that can of worms...I'm pretty sure he knows I grow...as the daughter must have told him at one time or another..but I cant be positive of this either...Dont know how dirty he'll play...
Thanks again,


Active member
doubt it

doubt it

Id doubt a heroin addict could be bothered,sorry but he cares less than even you think.
Theres no money in it for him just confrontation.
Respect to you .A

Sour Deez

Its good to hear your taking him under your wing. So your retired and you make to much money supposedly for food stamps, interesting...

how bad is the H problem?

Be careful man, i danced with H for far to long and it makes you someone your not. If hes wrapped up in it bad make sure you lock up the valuables. I wouldn't think twice about snagging something if i could make a buck off it. When i look back on it now it makes me sick, cause thats not my style at all.


Active member
Yeah, we know how little he cares....He lives close enough that we can hit his place with a thrown rock...but he never calls or shows..and the little guy just doesnt understand...as hes asked before why he never comes to see him...:(


Active member
Its good to hear your taking him under your wing. So your retired and you make to much money supposedly for food stamps, interesting...

how bad is the H problem?

Be careful man, i danced with H for far to long and it makes you someone your not. If hes wrapped up in it bad make sure you lock up the valuables. I wouldn't think twice about snagging something if i could make a buck off it. When i look back on it now it makes me sick, cause thats not my style at all.

Hey SD,
Thanks for the info...I'd say its bad..tho he swears, "Im not doin nothing, you can check"..He is a waste, kids, with other babes all over the place..They dont want anything to do with him either..We all found out too late....We'll take care of him like he is our son as hes well worth it...ADHD and everything else that goes with it....but worth it just the same...


grandparents rights is an uphill battle even on the best of days, but the courts are starting to see the light slowly but surely. i doubt that a heroin addict is going to pull the drug test card on you, but i would cover your ass as good as you can. track down some of those other babes and see if they will testify as "total lack of character" witnesses. if you can make a judge see what a douche this guy really is you have a good chance of pulling this off.

things are pretty fucked up when you actually have to fight for the right to take care of a child. no matter what this anus says in the middle of the process remember to keep those gloves off and go for the all out win. if he cleans up later he can take it to court just like he forced you to do.

it is just MHO but i think if someone has proven to be an absolutely shit worthless parent the penalty should start at sterilization and work up on a sliding scale to the gas chamber. something about NOT neglecting or abusing a child should have made it into the 10 commandments! if you can't even give a shit about your own blood, you have some problems that even a good ass kicking is not going to solve.

good luck treetop! ........ show them how to fight grandpa!


God Bless man .
He couldn't end up in a much better place than with you and the Mrs .
Hell his Aunt / Uncle n lil cousin aint but a shot away either = family .


Active member
Thank you for your kind words....Us Grandparents get it in the "end" in more ways than one...Yeah, the more we think about it, he isnt going to pull anything, as he's got too much bad "paper" against him..No money/support for the last 2 years, no phone calls, nothing!!!! We have not denied him access to the boy, only that if and when he comes to visit, he cant be fkd up...He agreed to that almost 1.5 years ago and we havent seen him since...Hows that for a Dad? You have made us feel much better....
Thank you,
Fightin the good fight!!


Active member
God Bless man .
He couldn't end up in a much better place than with you and the Mrs .
Hell his Aunt / Uncle n lil cousin aint but a shot away either = family .

Thanks bud...We needed that as well...You know more than others, plus you have seen the little guy....He is well worth everything we have to do to keep him safe and well..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I thought I'd posted in this thread one night but now believe that it was during a moment that the server was down for its nightly maintenance.

God bless and great success to you and your wife with your grandson. It happens more often than ever these days where grandparents are called upon to raise the little ones for all the reasons above and more.......