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Newb with Leaf Problems


I've had leaf problems with the seed plants I flowered out and now with the clones I'm flowering out(taken from the same seed plants before they were put to flower). The mom's harvested fine and worked great, but did have a bit of a funky taste i chalked up to not flushing enough, but now I worry it's the leaf problem perhaps?
Can anyone tell me what this looks like? I've done some basic research but haven't been able to lock down a problem specifically/confidently. I'm in coco at 5.8 PH, nute strength is around 1200-1300 PPM, and I feed every second day, flush once a week with 5.8 PH water. Strain is Lifesaver from BOG, and starting 3rd week of flower. Thanks in advance.


High country cat herder
Looks like insect damage to me, Thrips and or Spider mites.

Get a microscope or Loupe and look in the crease of the veins on the leaf tops for small whitish bugs, I think I can even see one in the first pick (Center vein second leaf from the bottom at the 3rd serration.) And put up a blue sticky trap for flyers.

Thrips are easy, Bottle of "Dont bug me" Spray the entire plant and topsoil of the roots, typically 2 applications about 3 day's apart will knock em out of your entire room.

Mites are a bit trickier. Look on the bottom of the leaf for small round either white or black/dark brown bugs, again need a microscope or loupe to see them unless your eyes are REALLY good.

Don't bug me wont faze those little fuckers, Neem oil every 3-5 day's for 2-3 weeks will eradicate them tho, then you need to keep doing it every week or 2 in vege to keep them from coming back. Neem Stinks and will make your buds taste like shit too, so don't use after first or second week of flower.

Spraying on the soil will allow the plant to pick it up systemically, which will give the immune system a solid defense, and by the end of flower it will have flushed out.


upon further inspection, i definitely have thrips, not sure about mites. i have a yellowish snail type thing which looks like the thrips in the pics i've seen. the leafs also have a lot of dark black dot looking spots, but they look like damage and not bugs, as they don't move and I can't see any bug parts under my scope. can i use the "don't bug me" while i'm 3 weeks in flower? anything else i need to know about treating them other than those above?


High country cat herder
Was hoping you werent in flower..... Missed the last sentence in the first post, :eek::

I can't personally attest to its actual effectiveness, but "Mighty Wash" would be safer this late in flower, It's reputed to be a great kill all insecticide that's safe up to the day of harvest.

Don't bug me contains Pyrethrins, which are no bueno to breathe, let alone smoke any residue left on flowers, so disregard my previous advice on this stuff, if you were in vege hammer away, but not in flower.

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
yeah it looks like insect damage, but it also looks like a bit of a phosphorous deficiency. Are you sure your coco is still 5.8?


Coco's been steady at 5.8 and I keep my ph pen calibrated regularly. It still could be a deficiency knowing my luck. I'll treat the thrips and look into a correction for phosphorus deficiency.
I have the Lifesaver plants in the 3rd week of flower, however i have 7 sour bubble in veg right now with the thrips as well. I assume I can use any spray that will work during veg? Do the sticky traps actually work? I had them on for the longest time but they never seemed to catch anything, so I got rid of them as they were getting in my way when i watered. Thanks folks.