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Vaporizer Advice


hi all, i bought an iolite this year and i must be doing something wrong. i have only tried it a few times because all i get is the taste and smell of burnt buds in the microwave lol. but if that is what it is supposed to do, i wouldn't recommend one. cheers oz


Well-known member
hi all, i bought an iolite this year and i must be doing something wrong. i have only tried it a few times because all i get is the taste and smell of burnt buds in the microwave lol. but if that is what it is supposed to do, i wouldn't recommend one. cheers oz

Takes time to get the hang of it. Don't overfill it - just cover the screen really - switch on - wait for light to go off - breath in very slowly. The flavour only last the first few pulls, as with all vapes, but it should taste great.


shut the fuck up Donny
Takes time to get the hang of it. Don't overfill it - just cover the screen really - switch on - wait for light to go off - breath in very slowly. The flavour only last the first few pulls, as with all vapes, but it should taste great.

^this. dont overfill, and start out very sllllllow when breathing. You'll get the hang of it.

chief bigsmoke

Active member


The iolite is the shit, especially for a beginner. Plus its great for me so I can toke in my car on my breaks at work. Nobody knows a thing.
Maybe if you tried one from 2008 there were some problems..

Its just not good for a house full of trimmers.

We bought ours last year. We still stand on the fact that its a waste of time. Its cool that you can vape on the run, but it still fails to give the user a nice full and deep hit. I just live in an area where we don't need to be super discreet. So we don't have patience to mess around with something that gives you tiny hits with lots of time and effort.

To each there own though. some people might find it wicked if they live in high traffic secrurity areas and just need a tiny hit to keep there ship floating...

chief bigsmoke

Active member
hi all, i bought an iolite this year and i must be doing something wrong. i have only tried it a few times because all i get is the taste and smell of burnt buds in the microwave lol. but if that is what it is supposed to do, i wouldn't recommend one. cheers oz

Make sure you buy the right butane for it. There is a non-toxic supply that is specific for vapes. Do you know if you bought the right gas?

chief bigsmoke

Active member
vape suggestions

vape suggestions

A better portable one is the Vapir. even though it looks ridiculous when you smoke. ha or for a home model I highly recommend the Extreme Q vaporizer. ITs like the volcano because it has bags but it also has a whip for direct pulling. bonus bonus.

much respect,



i have a vapir no2

and while it works great for me, others have reported buying one and it having a strange smell. I also turned the heat up all the way with nothing in it and if you place it under light at the sae tie you see a faint whisp of smoke...so not sure what that is or why? I used it so much the first couple months but havent touched it in over 2. The constant charging was a hassle and then once i checked out fuckcombustion.com , i saw so many people with the weird things going on with their no2 so i put it away.

next month i will be purchasing a home base model, either a Volcano or a Oracle. I figure ill vape at home and puff j's when im on the go.


Active member



Takes time to get the hang of it. Don't overfill it - just cover the screen really - switch on - wait for light to go off - breath in very slowly. The flavour only last the first few pulls, as with all vapes, but it should taste great.
thanks b8man, but there is no screen or ready light? just fill the chamber with the heat spike in it. there is no light to say ready, thanks oz


I have found each way of inhaling MJ to be a slighly different experence, and vaping is no exception.

Vaping generally is a clearer high.

smoking a joint from tip to roach gets me the most roasted because you seem to ingest the whole thing at once.

Bong rips get me loaded quick too, but i tend to bail out sooner vs. finishing the rest of the joint.

Pipes i just pick up a hit when i want a 'refresher'.

Vaping seems to have two different styles.

There is nothing like a fresh bag from a cano, but i tend to run my chamber 5-6x. By 5th and 6th run, there is still, stony goodness, but much of the 'heady high' appears to be gone. Even as a gardener, i can see letting this MJ 'buzz' go without usage, each of my chamber packings is ~1.3g.

To make matters worse, when you want to 'first get high' in the day, there is nothing worse than a 'past prime chamber'. All you get is 'stoned', and not much of a 'high', not particularly useful when you first awake. (Would you believe i just bought a second volcano chamber, so i can always have some freshness in the morning.)

On the other spectrum of the vapes is the 'whip' style. They seem to offer the quickest and clearest high of all, but a lot of people are not actually looking for this. You can hit that shit and sit around and almost feel nothing, then you get up to do shit and youre fuxx0r.

When a lot of people say they wanna get 'high' they mean get 'buzzed' and most want to get 'stoned'.

You pick your own poison; i keep many instruments on hand...

Max Headroom

Well-known member
There is nothing like a fresh bag from a cano, but i tend to run my chamber 5-6x. By 5th and 6th run, there is still, stony goodness, but much of the 'heady high' appears to be gone. Even as a gardener, i can see letting this MJ 'buzz' go without usage, each of my chamber packings is ~1.3g.

1.3 grams?! like WOW!
seems like an incredible waste IMHO - i only barely cover the screen and pull 3 bags (could go 4-5) which get me high for at least 2 hrs. (i've never weighed it, but i'd be surprised if i used more than 0.3 g per load)

since the first bag is the one that tastes so heavenly, i would recommend using less weed per load but packing fresh loads more often.

i collect the leftovers and give them to some less fortunate non-growing friends who smoke that stuff in a bong and are glad they are getting it. still plenty left.


High Grade Specialist
yeah man wtf. i pack in 0,2g in a volcano, just so much that the screen is covered. then again i only pull 2 bags and then dump the rest.
and LOL at max headroom i give my volcano leftover to friends too. they are really happy about it.


Active member
Just wanna chime in and say the Extreme Q is awesome for me anyways, decent price too. Looks like I've learnt somthing new of whodare by hooking the vape up to a bong, looks hectic. Might help the missus to start vaping more often coz she luvs the bongs too much to use vaping as her main source of intake.
Been using a vapor bros for 10 years now and still love it....especially, since they converted to ceramic heating elements. BUT, to me this is more of a personal vape that is highly effective and conserves the stash. The volcano sounds like your answer since you're dealing with many people at a time and you could get multiple bags going at once.


Well-known member
thanks b8man, but there is no screen or ready light? just fill the chamber with the heat spike in it. there is no light to say ready, thanks oz

Not sure what model you've got then. The Iolite I know has a light (the flame you can see heating the element) which goes off when it hits 190C. It should have come with a small gauze screen which you need to stop it getting blocked up and sucking up bits of vaped herb.


I have found each way of inhaling MJ to be a slighly different experence, and vaping is no exception.

Vaping generally is a clearer high.

smoking a joint from tip to roach gets me the most roasted because you seem to ingest the whole thing at once.

Bong rips get me loaded quick too, but i tend to bail out sooner vs. finishing the rest of the joint.

Pipes i just pick up a hit when i want a 'refresher'.

Vaping seems to have two different styles.

There is nothing like a fresh bag from a cano, but i tend to run my chamber 5-6x. By 5th and 6th run, there is still, stony goodness, but much of the 'heady high' appears to be gone. Even as a gardener, i can see letting this MJ 'buzz' go without usage, each of my chamber packings is ~1.3g.

To make matters worse, when you want to 'first get high' in the day, there is nothing worse than a 'past prime chamber'. All you get is 'stoned', and not much of a 'high', not particularly useful when you first awake. (Would you believe i just bought a second volcano chamber, so i can always have some freshness in the morning.)

On the other spectrum of the vapes is the 'whip' style. They seem to offer the quickest and clearest high of all, but a lot of people are not actually looking for this. You can hit that shit and sit around and almost feel nothing, then you get up to do shit and youre fuxx0r.

When a lot of people say they wanna get 'high' they mean get 'buzzed' and most want to get 'stoned'.

You pick your own poison; i keep many instruments on hand...

lol Thats loads of weed that is you must have been getting blasted putting all that weed in their. I was making the same mistake myself and putting half a gram in the volcano easy valve chamber. So long as you have good weed then all you need to do is cover the screen with the easy valve. For vaping I would go with something that has an accurate temperature that is essential for vaping and I really dont like the iolite just doesn't touch me like the volcano. A very knowledgeable person on here told me that the aromed is very good as well that looks cool its german engineering like the volcano but pricey as well. Take care vaping is amazing.


the less you pack the more often you fill...

As long as youre not blocking the air flow too bad, i dont see a reason not to pack it up.

Supply is not a problem for me, excess repetition would be.

FWIW i always completely fill my gas tank too. I dont understand people that put in $10, and stop 3x a week.

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