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New member
Great topic. Just read every post. I care about my body when it comes to fitness and nutrition. Guess I should wake up and get some carbon filters and a good vape.

Even with daily cardio I cough up stuff that occasionally has brown stuff. I only smoke 1 bong hit at a time usually, and 5 or 6 times a day.

What vape would you all buy if money was not an object?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Great topic. Just read every post. I care about my body when it comes to fitness and nutrition. Guess I should wake up and get some carbon filters and a good vape.

Even with daily cardio I cough up stuff that occasionally has brown stuff. I only smoke 1 bong hit at a time usually, and 5 or 6 times a day.

What vape would you all buy if money was not an object?

personally love the volcano.....

if you have access to oil or make oil, the new oil vapes are killer, i dont leave home without mine...

Sour Deez

Is it possible for one persons lungs to absorb or whatever more nasty shit whereas one other persons lungs may not or not as much?

Does that even make sense?

Guest 150314

do you guys who cough stuff up also smoke cigarettes? I have been smoking 1-3 grams daily in joints for quite awhile and I never have had sore lungs or coughed anything up, but i don't smoke cigarettes. My friends who smoke both are always hacking up some gross stuff.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If I was smoking more than the few hits I do in a day, I would vape. Cigs are another level of fucked up for your lungs. That article about pot and lung damage just showed that there was no proof of cancer from pot and the lung damage from pot was limited.

Tobacco brings up the heavy metals in phosphorus into the plant, cannabis does not, to my knowledge. That is the main cancer cause from tobacco. With the war on cannabis and science used to bolster that, any good evidence of cancer from cannabis would be all over every media. I have seen only a little bit of evidence for possible cancer from pot.


Active member
"P, phosphorus carries numerous radioactive particles, and when the cannabis plant is burned we inhale these radioactive particles"

Dude, WTF?

Ever heard of flushing nutes before harvest?

"flowers WILL have a detrimental effect by damaging cilia"

No they wont, as i said, smoke residues (fats and oils) WILL be absorbed by lungs


alright everyone you win. Smoking bong hits will have no negative impact on your lungs. Anyone taking huge hits of oil and compacting all of that smoke in the lungs is perfectly normal, if not healthy, this is 'medicine" isn't it?

And besides the fact that it's impossible to completely flush all nutrients out of the plant, there of course won't be any toxic chemicals, when someone lights leaves on fire and inhales the benefits.

And besides that every single health professional, who is prescribing mmj, in US will tell you that there are much healthier ways to consume cannabis than smoking.

"The most potent argument against the use of marijuana to treat medical disorders is that marijuana may cause the acceleration or aggravation of the very disorders it is being used to treat.

Smoking marijuana regularly (a joint a day) can damage the cells in the bronchial passages which protect the body against inhaled microorganisms and decrease the ability of the immune cells in the lungs to fight off fungi, bacteria, and tumor cells. For patients with already weakened immune systems, this means an increase in the possibility of dangerous pulmonary infections, including pneumonia, which often proves fatal in AIDS patients.

Studies further suggest that marijuana is a general "immunosuppressant" whose degenerative influence extends beyond the respiratory system. Regular smoking has been shown to materially affect the overall ability of the smoker�s body to defend itself against infection by weakening various natural immune mechanisms, including macrophages (a.k.a. "killer cells") and the all-important T-cells. Obviously, this suggests the conclusion, which is well-supported by scientific studies, that the use of marijuana as a medical therapy can and does have a very serious negative effect on patients with pre-existing immune deficits resulting from AIDS, organ transplantation, or cancer chemotherapy, the very conditions for which marijuana has most often been touted and suggested as a treatment. It has also been shown that marijuana use can accelerate the progression of HIV to full-blown AIDS and increase the occurrence of infections and Kaposi�s sarcoma. In addition, patients with weak immune systems will be even less able to defend themselves against the various respiratory cancers and conditions to which consistent marijuana use has been linked, and which are discussed briefly under "Respiratory Illnesses."

In conclusion, it seems that the potential dangers presented by the medical use of marijuana may actually contribute to the dangers of the diseases which it would be used to combat. Therefore, I suggest that marijuana should not be permitted as a therapy, at least until a good deal more conclusive research has been completed concerning its debilitating effect on the immune system.

Marijuana smoke and cigarette smoke contain many of the same toxins, including one which has been identified as a key factor in the promotion of lung cancer. This toxin is found in the tar phase of both, and it should be noted that one joint has four times more tar than a cigarette, which means that the lungs are exposed four-fold to this toxin and others in the tar. It has been concretely established that smoking cigarettes promotes lung cancer (which causes more than 125,000 deaths in the US every year), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis and emphysema) and increased incidence of respiratory tract infections. This implies, but does not establish, that smoking marijuana may lead to some of the same results as smoking cigarettes. It is notable that several reports indicate an unexpectedly large proportion ofmarijuana users among cases of lung cancer and cancers of the oral cavity,pharynx, and larynx. Thus, it appears that the use of marijuana as a medicine has the potential to further harm an already ill patient in the same way that taking up regular cigarette smoking would, particularly in light of the fact that those patients for whom marijuana is recommended are already poorly equipped to fight off these infections and diseases.

Smoking a joint is equivalent to smoking 20 tobacco cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk. Studies in the past have demonstrated that marijuana can cause cancer, but few have established a strong link between cannabis use and the actual incidence of lung cancer. Marijuana could be expected to harm the airways more than tobacco as its smoke contains twice the level of carcinogens, such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons, compared with tobacco cigarettes. The method of smoking also increases the risk, since joints are typically smoked without a proper filter and almost to the very tip, which increases the amount of smoke inhaled. The marijuana smoker inhales more deeply and for longer, facilitating the deposition of carcinogens in the airways.

Testicular cancer
Marijuana use may increase the risk of testicular germ cell tumors, primarily nonseminoma types. Dr. Janet R. Daling, from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has noticed a rise in TGCT rates. Her review shows current marijuana users, compared with those who never used marijuana, had a 70% increased risk of TGCT. However, one should keep in mind that the rate of testicular cancer is very low in the general population. Cancer 2009;115:1215-1223.

Cell damage
Marijuana smoke causes significantly more damage to cells and DNA than tobacco smoke. However, tobacco smoke causes chromosome damage while marijuana does not appear to.

Marijuana and heart attacks
Marijuana have a shorter life expectancy after suffering a heart attack. Dr. Kenneth J. Mukamal of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston found that marijuana users have a poorer prognosis in the years following a heart attack. Marijuana triggers a spike in resting heart rate, as well an increase in blood pressure. At the same time it speeds heart rate, creating a greater demand for oxygen, it can also limit the body's ability to use oxygen, the researchers explain. Marijuana smoke exposes users to carbon monoxide. American Heart Journal, March 2008.


How many studies have you found saying that taking bong hits all day is healthy? I don't care if your sitting at home smoking blunts and taking bong hits all day, that's fine. Im thinking about the 10,000s of actual medical patients who have serious health problems and shouldn't be exposed to further risk. I still am trying to understand how anyone will deny that smoking, any smoking, isn't good for you. This is why I think the entire movement will never gain acceptance until there is an actual medical field and the current medical situation becomes a liquor store follow up. Even with the studies showing the positive benefits of cannabis, the rate is usually measured at a "joint/day". What size of joint? What kind of bud? Every single nug sold in every single dispensary and street corner is completely 100% flushed, contain absolutely no mold, or other crazy ass contaminants. Right.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Which strain did you say that was lol jk... Yeah I know I'm going to have to get a vap .. I just haven't warmed up to them yet and they are hard to travel with lol,,but yes I will have to switch soon headband707


Active member
well, despite closing on 100 years of lies (white women will have sex with mexicans! it will make you kill! it will make you insane!)

where are the horrorshows of people dying from cannabis? where are the lungcancers? the totally damaged lungs?

where are the guys smoking a joint out of a hole in their throats?

you think they wouldnt talk about this, ALL day, everyday

if it was true? (Even remotely?)


Active member
its tried sometimes (one study tried to connect testicular cancer with weed...)

lol, but quickly forgotten.


again show me a reputable study of any medical association or university saying that smoking cannabis is healthy for your lungs.


Active member
If it is an immunosupressant, then good.

1 All other drugs are shitty.
2 The cancer is killed by T-kills, which are programmed by the glial cells....which THC modulates somehow to become cancer fighters....

WHICH is WHY YOUD see immunosuppressiveness from it. Also it's smoke, so that's a general immunosupressant.

I would be careful to compare a joint and a cigarette.

All I know is burning matter has cancer causing things, but also my burning matter has many different cannabinoids all fighting that stuff anyways.
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New member
Yes I occasionally cough up brownish stuff even though I have never smoked a cigarette. I consider myself a moderate smoker too at only like 10 bong hits total per day. I am in great athletic condition and do cardio almost daily. I still occasionally wheez at night and I cough spuratically through the night.

I only smoke my own and I flush for 2 weeks. Never spray shit on my plants either.

I'm not going to quit the bong, but I am going to buy some carbon attachment and filters, as well as buy a Vape. TODAY

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Tincture and edibles from now on me thinks.

Good thread KrunchBubble. In a few weeks I'm gonna stop burning.

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