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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Active member
So back to the topic, guys.

Here is a question:

Does anyone have any idea on how is OWS going to end? Do you think it will just go down peacefully and quitely, once folks get tired?

I really hope there is a peaceful end of OWS somewhere ahead.


Active member
Obviously you don't understand the basics of this movement dudesome. OWS will not end until something is done about the problems in our economic system that works so well for a few and not at all for most of us. The end may likely come after the 2012 elections here but who knows maybe not. 2012 will be a shit year and 2013 not much better. Provided the elections in 2012 are not taken for the right through election fraud we ought to see major improvements in time for the 2016 general election.

And to those of us who think these protesters look and act a little strange - yeah, they do. But they also vote, most of these are the Obama supporters from '08 who are feeling disappointed in the change they thought was coming. Many represent a new generation of voters who at this point are largely not influenced by party politics because they are disappointed from every angle and so are looking for solid and real policy changes for the people. I hope it continues to grow until their goals are reached. Lol, I'm sure one of you naysayers will link to the first article about OWS's numbers dropping at some point in the future and try to leverage some more of your economic ideas with it. Or is that what you are already trying to do?

And of course it will be peaceful. I've not seen anything but peace from the protesters on Wall St. The police, that is another story.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
"Occupy" will not go away until economic conditions improve. Economic conditions won't improve until global balance sheets are restructured. Balance sheets won't be restructured until we stop throwing bad debt on top of insolvent debt and printing money to monetize debt. If history is any guide the monetization of debt won't stop until the currency collapses.

OWS isn't going anywhere. The poor are rapidly getting poorer. If we think the distribution of wealth is unfair now, just wait. We haven't seen anything yet.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Yea gramps, you got it right. Honestly, I personally dont think anything is gonna change until the us government runs out of cash to build and maintain infrstructure, and I dont think that is that far fetched of an idea.

It has been said here multiple times, Americans as a whole are sheeple, and it is easy to control the majority of people as long as they are distracted with iPhone 4S', Facebook, Dancing With the Stars, and god fucking knows what else. As long as the people up top continue to provide this, I really dont think anything is gonna change. As great as OWS is, the sentiment from a lot of people that I hear is a)they really dont give a fuck or b) they think those people are assholes.(this may say something about the people i surround myself with, but that is another story.) Sheeple will continue to be sheeple as long as they are adequately distracted.

Like seriously, why the fuck would I care about any of this shit? Dexter is on every Sunday, I can go on the internet and jerk off whenever I want, never need to leave the house and socialize, everything can get delivered to me? Now take my internet away, and stop me from going on ICMAG, and shit, buildings will get blown up and politicians are getting kidnapped!(said with the heaviest tone of sarcasm,, dont need anyone thinking I am serious about kidnapping and blowing shit up)




Active member
So back to the topic, guys.

Here is a question:

Does anyone have any idea on how is OWS going to end? Do you think it will just go down peacefully and quitely, once folks get tired?

My prediction is:
The powers that be will just leave them alone. In a month or 2 winter will hit hard. When the NYC winter kicks in, they party boys will leave, and the hardcore will remain. Media attention will wane. they may plan a last gasp move by disrupting New Years Eve in Time Square.
A new year willl arrive. Attention will shift towards the Super bowl. maybe a boob will pop out, that will be a national outrage for a few weeks.

By the time next Spring shows up, the occupy Wall street people will be drowned out by the 2012ers. Hope it ends well for all parties involved.


Andinismo Hierbatero
...The poor are rapidly getting poorer. If we think the distribution of wealth is unfair now, just wait. We haven't seen anything yet.

spastics, why do you have this vision of the rich being bad people who want everyone in the world to be piss poor?

resentment gets you nowhere; plus a doom and gloom vision of the future, does not help at all.

this is coming from someone who works a 9-5 six days a week earning minimum, ok? garden-less atm too.

if people need to change their economic situation, people need to work tons and produce real valuables; something I'm not really doing, only doing the work hard part, but haven't gotten around to producing real valuables for a year now.

one thing I know though, the goverment does not owe me anything, and I do not owe them anything either, I'm debt free, always have been; and always have had good quality food on the tabe (we eat way better than most wealthier families I know).

I wonder what would happen if these wall street protesters got together to buy land and produce quality commodities? think about it.



I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
bombadil I may have misundertood, but is this your basic gist:

You are basically saying that people are the reason they are poor, and that it is everyonese own fault that they are in a fucked situation financially?

not accusing, just wanting to verify. keep it green people



the shit spoon
Regarding OWS:

I love the 99% message. The middle class has been cannibalized and is dying out. Its a winning message, and not just barely winning -- its a blowout.

And even more encouraging they seem to be touching on the root cause of so many evils in this country:


...which is enabled by this pseudoconsitutional nonsense called Corporate Personhood.

The next focus of the movement should be a constitutional amendment that simply says A Corporation Is Not A Person.

Its so obvious and common sense its crazy we need an amendment. Its a fact nothing will ever be fixed until we get such an amendment, as any attempt to set things right will be twisted and undermined by corporate swill-money.

Ralph Nader was right back in the 90's... 'its gunna get worse before it can get better'. And everything he talked about 15 years ago (or longer) has come true. The man is a sage.

OWS may reincarnate but it won't go away until the underlying need is eliminated. They are gaining the support of Independents, you know that amorphous confused mass of ambiguous voters that the Dems and GOP fight over every election?

These parties spend billions of dollars alongside their private-sector propaganda machines, and the OWS won the Independents without spending a dime.

That's fucking mega-significant and to underestimate is foolish..


Active member
re: how this will all end

I suspect that if this becomes too big of a hassle for 'them' to deal with, the movement will be infiltrated with moles (probalby already is) for the purpose of killing it with violence, etc, to turn the public opinion. Imo, 'they' LET this happen, if not encourage it.


Andinismo Hierbatero
bombadil I may have misundertood, but is this your basic gist:

You are basically saying that people are the reason they are poor, and that it is everyonese own fault that they are in a fucked situation financially?

not accusing, just wanting to verify. keep it green people



yes and no; for example; when it comes to people being in a bad financial position due to their own bad financial choices, yes, it is their fault; accumulating debt out of your own free-will because you want to bite more than you can chew, is your own fault; not the goverment's, not the fault of some evil rich guy plotting against you; this much is a fact.

now, some of the current economic policies, as well as social policies, do in fact hinder individuals in some ways to provide creative and possitive input into the social system to create wealth; well, that and people's own lack of inspiration.

so imo, it is a two-way street; but the individual has the ultimate say in the end; whether the indivual chooses to submit to owe money to someone else, or whether the individual is able to manage to live by the day without over-worrying about the very things that prompts the individual to trap himself into debt.


the shit spoon
re: oncoming Winter

OWS is worried about it.. Good thing is they have some supporters showing up now that have resources.

Russell Simmons for one. He checked it out fell in love with them.

But if the cold becomes too much, I love the idea of coopting the NYE Times Square celebration into a giant "we are 99%" rally. Hours of dedicated mass media exposure! And an intimidating show of force. If they pull that off they can dominate the media cycle for a week, and remain a major prescence in the cycle throughout the first quarter.

I think Willie Nelson should come and sing a song for them! Maybe bring his buddy Toots and they can duet Worried Man... perfect song for the times.

god bless Willie Nelson



Active member
Lost me at the last sentence. I said it a while back. Buffet's not the idea of your average swindler. But let him say his taxes should be raised and all bet are off.
But noooooooo...

Hmm. i think i might be missing something in the discussion as i haven't read the whole thread. My point was that buffet is a BIG swindler. This is why when he claims his taxes should be raised, i laugh. He can say whatever he wants, and it really doesnt cost him anything. If anything, his claims of 'i should be paying more taxes' is just a PR move. chum for the sheeple as you will.

That being said, i do agree with the fact that the tax structure allows teh super rich to pay little to no taxes at all.


Active member
OWS isn't going anywhere. The poor are rapidly getting poorer. If we think the distribution of wealth is unfair now, just wait. We haven't seen anything yet.

Couldn't agree with you more gramps.

During any crash cycle, people always think 'OMG ITS GOTTEN SO BAD, HOW IT COULD IT POSSIBLY GET WORSE'. It can get much much worse.


the shit spoon
bombadil man sorry but I swear you don't even know what you're saying sometimes.

especially that last post... i guess thank you for stating the obvious.

btw rich doesnt mean someone is bad, but human nature being what it is, many are horrible people, yes. Speaking from experience. Money=Power, and so their individual shitty nature is amplified.


Active member
Many of the people who ended up with adjustable rate mortgages would have also qualified for normal fixed rate 30yr mortgages but were not informed of that option because the banks incentivised arms by providing bigger bonuses for them. This is just one instance of people being taken advantage of and their ignorance I can not blame totally on them but a failing education system that fails because people don't want to pay for it, don't want to be taxed. And, a predatory lending system who fucks with the largest most important purchase of people's lives.


the shit spoon
Too many poor people?!?! No problem!

Just kill them off with wars, poisoned water, poisoned air, tainted food, etc. Sell clean water, sell clean air -- profits!

Cancer is good for the economy, creates jobs and generates profits.

Plus you make extra profits on the front-end by giving people cancer with unscrubbed smokestacks etc.

All good for the Corpersons. Chew up those humans and spit them out.


Andinismo Hierbatero
bombadil man sorry but I swear you don't even know what you're saying sometimes.

especially that last post... i guess thank you for stating the obvious.

btw rich doesnt mean someone is bad, but human nature being what it is, many are horrible people, yes. Speaking from experience. Money=Power, and so their individual shitty nature is amplified.

idk man, I've seen a ton of good done by people with a ton of money.

and yes, as you say, money can corrupt people, and it does in many ways... but not always...

but if we go your logic, if the so-called 99% of people protesting because they want more money=power, this will mean the more corrupted people there will be.


anyway, I have already lived through one bullshit revolution, the so-called uprising of the "people", and it was simply the uprising of the idiots without a clue and whose only demand was that they wanted to receive all sorts of benefit without having to put in any work. does the name hugo chavez rings a bell?

the only real "revolution" is to make things happen on your own; and for that you need to work a lot, maintain inspiration and grow a big pair of balls; 'cause the rest is just more of the same old bullshit.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
spastics, why do you have this vision of the rich being bad people who want everyone in the world to be piss poor?
I don't think "rich" people are "bad." I'm a proponent of capitalism and free trade. That system is proven to generate the most wealth for it's citizens. That's a good thing. Wealth creation is a good thing. Capitalism exists in the United States only in name. In practice it is at best crony capitalism or at worst a fascist dictatorship. I lean towards the latter.

This isn't about rich vs poor. This is about a politically disenfranchised population taking the power back. It's about a global population of youth realizing the current system has made them impoverished debt serfs with bleak employment prospects. Rich people aren't bad. Power sick oligarchs who have bought off the political system is bad. Neo-feudalism is bad.

resentment gets you nowhere; plus a doom and gloom vision of the future, does not help at all.
Being blind to economic and political reality doesn't help anyone at all.


Andinismo Hierbatero
. This is about a politically disenfranchised population taking the power back. It's about a global population of youth realizing the current system has made them impoverished debt serfs with bleak employment prospects. Rich people aren't bad. Power sick oligarchs who have bought off the political system is bad. Neo-feudalism is bad.

is this a quote from one of chavez's speeches from '99?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
anyway, I have already lived through one bullshit revolution, the so-called uprising of the "people", and it was simply the uprising of the idiots without a clue and whose only demand was that they wanted to receive all sorts of benefit without having to put in any work. does the name hugo chavez rings a bell?
There is a lot of that going on in OWS too. Certainly don't disagree there.
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