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Just when you thought you couldn't hate cops even more.


Active member
even one big cat would be a handful for one guy to take care of.

sounds like he got sloppy with wild animals. (one big cat gets pissed, takes a swipe, the guy goes down, after being surprised the cat remembers all the times he got locked up or threatened with something and takes another swipe and now the guy´s dead and meat´s meat.)

though, all the cages open, it´d have to a be smart cat lol.. so im guessing the guy just went kookoo and let all the animals out and they killed him.

just guessing though, could be a totally different tale and difficult/impossible to form a full picture from that story.

Red Fang

Active member
Cop Apologists here? OK...whatever...

As far as this situation goes, this is just uncalled for! Killing rare animals like tigers and lions for what, to protect a much more common species? I am sorry, even if you believe in human safety over all else, they could have tried harder to find someone with tranquilizers! How long would it have took? One hour maybe? Likely no one would have even got injured in the time it took to get tranquilizer guns! Seriously though, why did not try harder? These regal animals deserved a better chance than this. Some loon has them and lets them go and they deserve this? Big rare cats should NEVER be killed, PERIOD! Those cops should lose their jobs and be heavily fined, thousands per animal, and no one besides zoos should be able to keep wild animals captive!

Red Fang

Active member
sorry! I do think this was totally avoidable and that the perpetrators of this mass murder should be punished, but I did go overboard possibly. If so feel free to edit the last post, I can't bring myself to change it.
Be it obvious or not, there's a reason for everything.

I like to think everything happens as it should. If I knew everything, I'd gladly share why this had to happen this way. Sometimes bad things happen to innocent beings.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Ya that sucks, but those are not domesticated animals. I can't really blame the cops for that one. Blame the selfish dick hole that let them lose then shot himself. If they didn't shoot them Locals would, and that would make things even worse. A bunch of scared citizens firing in neighborhoods.


so is it true that its legal for a person to own lions and tigers in the us? do the owners at least get checked from time to time? and weed is prohibited, whats more dangerous ?


Cop Apologists here? Go fuck yourself you sad sacks of shit! Get a life!

As far as this situation goes, this is just uncalled for! Killing rare animals like tigers and lions for what, to protect a much more common species? I am sorry, even if you believe in human safety over all else, they could have tried harder to find someone with tranquilizers! How long would it have took? One hour maybe? And if some hillbilly gets eaten, no big loss! Seriously though, why did not try harder? These regal animals deserved a better chance than this. Some loon has them and lets them go and they deserve this? Kill pigs not cats!

Nobody is apologizing for cops. Believe me, this decision was made by an elected official somewhere, not a cop.

The only person that deserves the vitriol here is the guy that decided it was a good idea to have these kinds of animals as pets. He already made the right move, so go spit on his grave or something.

People in ohio are hillbillies? All of them? You realize that predators go after smaller prey, like children, right? You're a twat.

It would take more than one person with tranquilizers to get this done. More like hundreds of people with thousands of darts. These animals aren't standing in single file waiting to be captured.

I have no love for the police, don't much care for humans, and I have spent time and money working on endangered species conservation projects, dealing with armed poachers amongst other unpleasantries.

Your kind of attitude and rhetoric does nothing to help. In fact it likely only serves to conjure an irrational treehugger stereotype that actually turns people off of your message.


sorry! I do think this was totally avoidable and that the perpetrators of this mass murder should be punished, but I did go overboard possibly. If so feel free to edit the last post, I can't bring myself to change it.

I was mistaken in my previous post, you're actually a huge twat.



Sad story

for the suicide, and the dead animals

I heard that the tiger is an endangered species and the guy had like 18

I really wonder about the guy

doing a year for weapons
having tons of exotic animals

killing himself

sad story

I don't even feel like debating if it's wrong or right
I don't live too far away from there and wouldn't you be pissed if a fuckin tiger came and mulled someone you loved? Hell they even tried to tranq one and damn thing just ran off. People should keep to pussys and puppies :smoker:


Andinismo Hierbatero
It would take more than one person with tranquilizers to get this done. More like hundreds of people with thousands of darts. These animals aren't standing in single file waiting to be captured.


lol you make it sound like it would be like world war 3 or something, ridiculous.

you just need the right kind of tranquilizers, right dose and only one dart per animal.

maybe on such short notice it would be pretty difficult to pull it off in this specific case; but it is not much more difficult than pulling together the operative to hunt them animals down and kill them with live ammo.

no one wants anyone to get hurt due to a possible animal attack, but at the same time, we do not want to just kill the animals because we suck at planning, strategy and informing the public in the affected area.

close the schools, tell people to stay inside and to report any sightings; it would take longer, but the animals could have been saved for sure, there's no doubt about it, thinking otherwise is simply short-sighted fear-mongering.


Active member
im really saddened that the beutiful animals had to be put down, i blame the owner,no one should have any of these types of animals,i dont even like zoo's except for there service they provide of re-hab for injured animals, thats it.
and my brother said they found the monkey inside one of the lions,so i guess theres just a wolf left.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
This pissed me off initially too, but after listening to it some more the cops didn't have any other choice.

One lady tried to tranq one of the tigers and it just charged her so they had to shoot it. Tranq take 2-6mins to take effect on a large animal. More importantly they only had 1.5hrs before dark when the call came in. They had to contain the situation quickly so they did all they could. This was coming from Jack Hanna the Zoo guy too. He said given time constraints they did what they had to do. He was very upset.

Tragic situation. Fucking bastard this owner was.

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