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Mahayana test grow with Stagger...

vStagger Leev

turns out it's 3 ladies :) Very happy about this! THey will be going into flower in the next 2 weeks, I just have to finish building my new 4k room ;) Peace and much love, STagger

vStagger Leev

Oh yah! Pic's are comming, i'm in the middle of moving and building a new 4000W grow... so things have been a bit busy, but they will come in the next few days here! Peace and love, Stagger


ICMag Donor
Looking lush so far SL, are you going to leave them in the one gallon pots? A bit late to up-pot, no? :)

vStagger Leev

Negative... I'll be tossing these lovely ladies into 3 gal pot's this afternoon, and veg them under HPS for the next 1.5 weeks or so ;) Then... it's go time! :woohoo: I'll post some new photo's of my ladies, and the new grow today :) Peace and much love! Stagger

vStagger Leev

Sorry for lack of updates, been busy. But I put them in 7 gal air pot's so they have plenty of room to thrive! Here's a couple photo's of the mahayan's in there new roomy home ;) My 3 ladies are loving life, and will grow beautifuly in this environment. Peace and much love to Karma Genetics. Stagger

And a few shot's of my new 4000W room ;) :yay:

Still some work to do in their, but it's functioning perfectly right now :woohoo:


Active member
Re: Mahayana test grow with Stagger...

Yeah, saw karma had a write up in HT...so fucking cool...i really want to try happy brother. Cant wait for some flower pics..great job stagger. Also, you may wanr to try germination in coco plugs..super easy...and a great way to avoid mistakes.


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vStagger Leev

thanks for the tips on the coco plugs man ;) I'll give that a try next germ.

heres the 3 ladies a few days away from going into flower. Nice and healthy, the one I've got my eye on the most is the real short squat lady with big fat kushy kushy leaves, she looks amazing! Thanks for the love all! Stagger:ying:



Thats official :) Very nice grow m8! Hope to follow along and all the best to you and your green works! Cheers!

vStagger Leev

Day 1 12/12

Day 1 12/12

Hello friends and family of Karma genetics ;) These are my 3 lovely Mahayana ladies going into their 1st day of flower! :yay: I've got one very very kushy pheno, another one that's growing like an indica but has the node stretching of a sativa, and one that has kushy leaves, but is growing sativaish. Really excited to see what all 3 pheno's bring to the table.

I took 5 clones of each yesterday just to make sure I dont lose an epic pheno if there's one in their. My eye is on the one that looks very FAT and indica like... I can just feel the goodness coming off of this plant, really quite amazing! ANyway, here's my 3 ladies on the first day of 12/12. Peace and much love all, Stagger:ying:

The one I REALLY like ;):laughing:



ICMag Donor
Super lush growth and vigor SL! Those girls should yield big time!

Props to Karma for another winner!!

vStagger Leev

Yahhhhhhhh buddy!! i'm really aniticipating htis grow.... i'm like freakin out inside i've got so many new plants growing that I've never smoked.... really really exciting times ;) Thanks for all the love and support friends! Stagger :tiphat:

vStagger Leev

1 week flower

1 week flower

these ladies are really going bananas right now! :woohoo: these 3 are some of my most anticipated in my garden right now. Now that they are flowering all 3 pheno's are exibiting trait's I admire in a ganja plant. I took clones of all 3 the other day and only 1 of my #3 pheno is surviviing, but the other 2 I have 4 healthy of each ;) Stoked, to run these as clones next round after I get a real feel for these genetics. Peace and much love all, and much :respect: and love to Kg Stagger



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Those girls are going to be huge in 7 gallon pots! Looking lovely, Stagger...cannot wait to compare flower shots with ya!:) Mahayana!