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haxi's Hybrid flo-gro/soil 400w run


Active member
High everybody :wave:
I've already done two successful outdoor harvests and one indoor, I'm smoking my own weed since 2 years now.
It is with excitement that I start this journal, my first hydro run :jump:
So, This is my second run indoors.
I'm excited to be a part of the hydro forum ! :D

This is an hybrid hydro/soil grow, because I'm going to run that flo-gro setup, and on the sides of it, put 2 females of Tikimix (regular) in 6L Airpots.

My setup:
- Hps 400w sylvania growlux
- Dimmable 400/600w lumatek ballast (dope!)
- 350m3/h RVK extractor
- Cooltube V4 Borosilicate
- 25cm air blower
- Mist Maker

- Complete Flo-gro 500 system
- Air pump for the bubbler in the flogro tank (running 18/6)
- Almost complete Ionic fertilizers (formulex, Grow, bloom, boost, greenfuse root/grow/bloom) + pH UP/DOWN
- Maybe some Massive Bloom if needed, dunno yet :)

- LightMix (biobizz)
- 6L Airpots
- BioGrow fertilizers (Grow, bloom, topmax, alg-a-mic)
- Probably Massive bloom for them ;)
- I don't realy know what size of pots I'll use.

Strains Hydro (unfortunately all from seeds!):
- 1 Lemon Skunk Feminised (GHS)
- 1 Afghan Kush Special feminised (world of seeds)
- 1 Burmese Kush feminised (TH Seeds)
- 1 Chronic feminised (Serious seeds)

Stains soil (all from seeds):
- 4 Tikimix regulars (Tikiseeds, highly recommended!) (Hopefully I get 2 females ;) )

05 SEPT: Seeds put to sink in water (after 2 days of fridge), and put between paper towels. 100% Germination, as usual. I put the germs in little rockwoolcubes (stayed in 5.5 ph water for 24 hours)
09 SEPT: The clay pebbles go into the flogro. I let the pump run without the plants during 24hours. (Tap water+ 1ml/L Greenfuse root + 2ml/L Formulex. Ph=5.5, EC=0.7)
11 SEPT: I put the rockwool cubes in the clay pebbles. pH=6.0 EC=0.7.

Water pump run 15min on 3hours off for now. I'll increase gradually the watering when the roots will be more developped.

I will maintain this grow journal with photos and detailled infos, at least once a week.

Here are the pics, I know that you guys don't realy care about seedlings and that everybody want to see bud porn (I do), but you'll have to be a little patient (I do too! ;) )

I'm not a pr0, and I'm looking forward to any input in this thread!

:ying: Feel free to post :) ! :ying:

Smoke your own!
Peace :rasta: !


Active member
High ! :)
Thanks CannabisDog for passing by :wave: !

Things are slowly starting, but they grow great. Everybody is going fine under the hps400w.

I changed the water, 1ml/L Greenfuse root and 2/3ml/L of Formulex (Ionic).

EC=0.6 I think I should increase it a little, right?

Pics are from sunday.

Afghan kush

Burmese kush


I dunno what's hapenning to the lemon skunk, she's realy little, but roots are growing, so I hope she'll recover asap...

At night

I don't realy know when I should start to put my Ionic Grow fertilizer..

I'm kind of new to all this hydro stuff, but I read many things here and there. :bump:
Help is greatly appreciated! :thank you:

Peace :rasta: ! :tiphat:
The .6 EC is fine I keep mine between .6 and .9 all through veg. I don't up it till flowering. I find it is far better to keep the EC on the lower end then the higher end. If they are going well and no signs of burn better to start put. They look like there doing great!


Active member
High here :comfort: !
Little update... Things are going great here! I dunno what to say... oh! they tripled in size in 5 days. AMAZING! :)
I <3 hydroponic :jump:
@CannabisDog: Thanks man :) Looks like you're the only one watching... ^^
The lemon skunk still have its genetic problem, realy slow grow and non-healthy plant, dunno if I should remove it now or wait 3 month to smoke 1 or 2 grams of lemonskunk ;)

The tikimix are comming along great, they will be repoted soon. (3.5Liters pots for the moment)

I forgot to precise, for this run I'll use a simple LST method , a kind of supercropping. I love it! ;)

Maybe, maybe... a little scrog. I dunno yet. I want the best homogeneous canopy...

I'll keep you updated ;)

pH today = 6.1 (I'll decrease it asap)
EC=0.9 (it's very stable since I changed my solution :) )
The water pump is now running 15minON/15minOFF.

Burmese kush, maybe a little too much watered, but... it's hydro you know ;)

Chronic, super healthy plant

The afghan kush, nice but little leaf problem

Little leaf prob

The Lemon skunk... Bad genetic.. NO thanks greenhouseseeds!

I like my simple hydro system! Little MasterView

The tikimix soon repoted!

I wish you a good grow dudes :)

Peace :rasta:


Active member
Just a quick update... Nobody's watching anyway ... ;)
I LST'ed all the plants. They look fucking nice!

This is the chronic... Branching realy realy great! (Weird, cos I find everywhere that she should not be topped)

Overall view

I'll post a complete update soon.

EC= 0.9 (very stable!)

As you can see, this run I'm testing Air Pots, my revendor said so much things about it so I wanted to try. I repotted 2 tikimix in it, and the last will be repotted soon!

Peace! :rasta:


Just a quick update... Nobody's watching anyway ... ;)
I LST'ed all the plants. They look fucking nice!...

Peace! :rasta:

Indeed they do. This looks like a bit of a side by side grow. Watch out soil coz hydro's gonna piss all over you lol

Sorry I'm a bit late for the show...:lurk:


Active member
Heyo ! :tiphat:
Thanks grassott and easy420dude for passing by :jump:

So here is a new photo update.. SALAD PORN! §§ :bump:

I've been feeding with approx 3ml/L of ionic Grow and 1ml/L of Greenfuse grow.
EC= 1.0 or 1.1 Gotta increase it soon!

Well, LST is doing realy great, I just tie down the main branch, and now I try to keep the new secondary branches under the light.
I love hydro :dance013:.
Looks like the soil plants are totaly not growing compared to the hydro ones.. :D

Here we start, with a bud from my last indoor crop, this shit is curing and it's tha bomb :) (Strain called Cybere). It is covered with orange pistils, I love it!

The bad news... The lemon skunk is still lagging around but growing, and she's surrounded by the others plants :D


Friday, 3 days after ....... !

Tikimix in 3L pot

The two tikimix in air pots (6L)

Root porn, so white! they look happy.

If you like it, please comment :thank you:

Happy growing!
Peace :rasta: !


Active member
Looks good so far bro!! what strain is the one in the back right corner of your hydro setup coz it seems to be pumping out the vegetation now man. Peace


Active member
Looks good so far bro!! what strain is the one in the back right corner of your hydro setup coz it seems to be pumping out the vegetation now man. Peace

This is the chronic! It's realy realy branching a lot, I love that! :dance013:
Thanks for passing by dude!

Peace :rasta:


Active member
Hi :)
Today salad/roots porn update!

Been changing the water, I fed with:
4ml/L Ionic grow
1ml/L Green fuse grow
<1ml/L Greenfuse root stimulator ( is it usefull at this stage?)

I "opened" the plants tying down the main secondary branches.
They love it!

I hope they grow quick and I will put in flower soon :)

I hope you enjoy as much as I am :D

Peace :rasta: !


Active member
Hey guys ! :wave:
Nobody's interested in my grow... :(
But I keep posting, maybe flowering will be more popular ;)

So here we are !
PH= 6.2 (always between 5.5 and 6.2)
EC= 1.1 ( I give a 1.5EC solution the plants but they suck nutrients realy quick! )

Everything is growing greatly, as you can see the hydro plants are the double of the soil ones, but I love them

The tikimix in airpot 6L

Tikimix in 3L5 pot


Burmese kush

Lemon skunk.. There is two "main" branches... Hoping for 2 big buds!

Afghan kush special

Some root porn

Global view

Flowering begins tomorrow ! I'm realy waiting for big buds in 60 days ;)

Peace ! :rasta:


Active member
UpDate one week of flowering.

All plants are females! I just threw away one tikimix male ;) (offered it for a birthday ;) )

Tikimix (2 plants)

Afghan kush spécial

The burmese kush and her 3D leaves

Chronic (serious)


I'm defoliating a little bit, so some lower bud sites gets light.

PH still around 6.0 and EC=1.6

Don't forget to comment :)

Peace :rasta:


Active member
Hi there!
Update at 27 Days from switching to 12/12.
They stretched as fuck, too many, that's a fucking shame, but I'm controling it now more or less, bending branches down.

Global... All the place is filled up.

Afghan kush supposed indica, finaly it's a sativa, big stretch (fuck!).

Burmese kush

Burmese again, smells great already ! (hoping for a lemon smell pheno)




Tikimix 1 <3

Tikimix 1 :)

Please comment!

Peace :rasta:


Active member
Hi there!
Update at 35days of 12/12.

Hope you guys like it, and I hope you guys comment my thread out ! ;)

Tikimix <3

Tikimix 1 lovely



Afghan kush



Active member
well well well

well well well

Hi there :) It's a shame I nearly didn't get any comments on this thread but you know how it is...

Here are some shots of the chronic from serious seeds harvested at 62 days of 12/12. Maybe you guys like it :wave:

:dance013: Peace :wave:

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