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Peaceful Civil Disobedience With A Trash Can


Game Bred
If you really want to play a joke on some people look into lsd and dmso.

That is the proven method for clandestinely spinning one's adversaries.

Like was said they would shoot you for sure if you set about improvising explosive devices while they're bursting through the door in kill mode.


dmso makes you taste rotten oysters for days!!!!


Game Bred
i have fogged out a room before with my rainbow.(supposed to be a vacuum cleaner but is the worlds most powerful water bong!!)


throw in a screen about 6" deep into the metal wand intake..
flip on the unit to run as an "air purifier" (thats one of their selling points)
in case of raid have your "standby" man click this on the intake for 2 seconds.

you will burn an oz of very dry material in about 2 seconds.
made a 12X12 room to smoked out to sit in...
no arson charges

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i have fogged out a room before with my rainbow.(supposed to be a vacuum cleaner but is the worlds most powerful water bong!!)


throw in a screen about 6" deep into the metal wand intake..
flip on the unit to run as an "air purifier" (thats one of their selling points)
in case of raid have your "standby" man click this on the intake for 2 seconds.

you will burn an oz of very dry material in about 2 seconds.
made a 12X12 room to smoked out to sit in...
no arson charges

i was with adam a few years back and he turned a leaf blower into a bong. and dumped a 1/2pound of weed and a 1oz of bubble into it and turned it loose on the crowd. i have video somewhere of people running out of the building because the smoke was so intense...:laughing::laughing::laughing:


Freedom Fighter
^ I highly doubt that. not burning anything down or causing damage to anything other than the paint on the trash can, and some cops ego.

Do it in a Franklin stove if you are so worried. they can't bust you for arson for using a Franklin stove. you are supposed to burn stuff in there.

your focusing on the very small amount of flame, it is about the large amount of potent smoke. maybe you should change your tag from freedom fighter to fire fighter. lol

My bad...didn't realize you were TRYING to be ridiculous...carry on--:wave:


Active member
probably are gonna get shot in public for "attempting to poison" "public servants" (what a joke that name is)

:)so might as well get alot of lsd as well and hang bottles of it allover where they would break in.

(imagine getting a whole bottle of lsd smashed into your face :))

imagine 100 cops stoned as fuck, knowing that in 30 minutes (or less, its a whole bottle)
they coming up on the most intense acidride since the 60´s..

i see lots of pissed pants (particularily if you announced this over some broadcastsystem (just what was in those bottles)

then use all the confusion when they´ll start to run around like headless screaming chickens (remember the cop and the brownie?)

to get the fuck out of there.


Game Bred
so you've experienced a topical stoning..

do tell.

this has to be interesting..

not that interesting...
we use it with the horses. mix with lineament like absorbine for stretched tendons and whatnot.

fuck around and get it full strength and taste bad oysters for a week!

all my stonings/dosings have been intentional.
and there are so many there is no time to "sneak" one in ;)


not that interesting...
we use it with the horses. mix with lineament like absorbine for stretched tendons and whatnot.

fuck around and get it full strength and taste bad oysters for a week!

all my stonings/dosings have been intentional.
and there are so many there is no time to "sneak" one in ;)

Had no idea there were legitimate uses for dmso. I've only ever heard of it being used to get lsd into people through the skin.

Trying to handle an unexpected trip is one thing, doing it with an inescapable and likely untraceable rancid oyster taste would be gnarly.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
My bad...didn't realize you were TRYING to be ridiculous...carry on--:wave:

your either not well read, or a poser. what is so ridiculous about getting a bunch of cops high as civil disobedience to show them it is harmless? If it was legal it would be called protest, and if they listened to the 50 percent of Americans that think pot should be re legalized civil disobedience would not be necessary. READ Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau then go read Martin Luther King who used this tactic to accomplish the civil rights movement.
then call me ridiculous, and if you do, I will still suggest you change your tag, because you are a poser

i have fogged out a room before with my rainbow.(supposed to be a vacuum cleaner but is the worlds most powerful water bong!!)


throw in a screen about 6" deep into the metal wand intake..
flip on the unit to run as an "air purifier" (thats one of their selling points)
in case of raid have your "standby" man click this on the intake for 2 seconds.

you will burn an oz of very dry material in about 2 seconds.
made a 12X12 room to smoked out to sit in...
no arson charges

now we are talking. this is a device that could work, and not get you shot, like a road flare could. if new york pigs mistook an apple for a grenade than dumb cali cops can mistake a road flare for cartoon shaped dynamite


Freedom Fighter
your either not well read, or a poser. what is so ridiculous about getting a bunch of cops high as civil disobedience to show them it is harmless? If it was legal it would be called protest, and if they listened to the 50 percent of Americans that think pot should be re legalized civil disobedience would not be necessary. READ Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau then go read Martin Luther King who used this tactic to accomplish the civil rights movement.
then call me ridiculous, and if you do, I will still suggest you change your tag, because you are a poser

Ok, let me break this down for you...since you seem daft enough to be serious--
Have you ever been in a raid?? Cuz I've been the subject of several--
When they come in, they are ready to shoot a motherfucker...and then they have some foolio pouring flammable liquid and striking a fucking flare--
If you don't get shot, you will be charged with igniting an incendiary device...so then what?? You tell the Judge, "No Sir, I was just trying to get them high...so they can see it is harmless!!"
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Really dude, you call me a fucking Poser...for stating the truth??
You need to get a grip on reality...because the kind of shit you are suggesting is highly illegal...and anything but peaceful-- :wave:


...the reality: someone would get hurt...probably pretty badly. It wouldn't be the cops. This kind of talk is just not realistic. It certainly would not be viewed as civil. Very bad idea.


My master plan is to simultaneously get all government officials enlightened with our beloved cannabis. Its come down to vaporization in the ventilation systems of Gov' buildings and some oils in the food supply. hehe

This made my day to read! Absolutely hilarious it would be to walk out the back while all the raiding fools are stoned silly.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
...the reality: someone would get hurt...probably pretty badly. It wouldn't be the cops. This kind of talk is just not realistic. It certainly would not be viewed as civil. Very bad idea.

ya this is why I decided the guys with the vaporization idea had the right idea and that it should be changed to that. It is not that the concept is bad it just needed tweaking to help maintain a peaceful approach. anytime a little fire is involved the human sheep herd freaks out. A vaporizer is safe and non shocking, because all you do is plug it in. The cops will be in there lond enough collecting shit for them to get high enough to realize it is not harmful, which is the point.

further editing will be done.

In a state of tranquillity, wealth, and luxury, our descendants would forget the arts of war* and the noble activity and zeal which made their ancestors invincible. Every art of corruption would be employed to loosen the bond of union which renders our resistance formidable. When the spirit of liberty, which now animates our hearts and gives success to our arms*, is extinct, our numbers will accelerate our ruin and render us easier victims to tyranny. If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom—go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!

-Benjamin Franklin
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Ok, let me break this down for you...since you seem daft enough to be serious--
Have you ever been in a raid?? Cuz I've been the subject of several--
When they come in, they are ready to shoot a motherfucker...and then they have some foolio pouring flammable liquid and striking a fucking flare--
If you don't get shot, you will be charged with igniting an incendiary device...so then what?? You tell the Judge, "No Sir, I was just trying to get them high...so they can see it is harmless!!"
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Really dude, you call me a fucking Poser...for stating the truth??
You need to get a grip on reality...because the kind of shit you are suggesting is highly illegal...and anything but peaceful-- :wave:

I have made a complete rendition designed with safety in mind. Although very bitchy your, criticism was considered and I decided to change my proposal. Please read the Thread starting post which has now been edited to make my idea semi sane. After thinking of it from a trigger happy pig perspective, I figure you and Pab are right. :D Please come up with some better ideas for civil disobedience that we have not tried.

Let me share with you what is ridiculous.

We have already tried protests and smoke ins. we have tried overgrowing. we have even tried voting, yet they still arrest cancer patients. 15 states, and DC have decriminalized for mmj. the federal government has had 15 years to catch up, and they refuse to even make it a schedule two drug.

If you have been in several raids then you know that the fact that you would even get raided for mmj is ridiculous. when the federal government changes the tax code to put you out of business that is ridiculous. When the ATF takes away your second amendment rights that is ridiculous. when the federal DOJ writes you threatening letters to shut down or you are going to jail that is fucked.

So when is it time to step up the game a little, while remaining peaceful. It is obviously something that would be acted out in a situation where you would not get shot. If there are already officers in the building no one is stupid enough to fidget around with that shit. use common sense. no one is suggesting some crazy gorillia action. while I totally see your point on the original idea, the rendition is fairly subtle, and no one would even know what was going on because the idea has morphed to VAPOR, and not smoke. It would just smell like pot in the pot shop. They would not see the vapor, and over time as they are working the effects will set in. They will fail their next random drug test hopefully too, if they don't figure out they were baked. They might just think they are having an unusually good day.

The point is spark further national debate, and to prove to the people that are enforcing it that they are wasting their time. Anyone who tries a little pot realizes it is pretty harmless.
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I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
A far less dangerous approach, with the same end, would be to set up a grow operation of ceremonial sage plants. Have a legal agreement already signed for the sale of the crop and don't be so sneaky about it. But don't ever let anybody close enough to really tell what it is.

100 sage plants = a huge musty, pungent odor
and they won't even use K9's before they bust, but even if they do they will think they dogs are wrong because they can smell it themselves.

But you and everything else had better be absolutely 100% squeaky clean.


Tell them that weed will make their dicks bigger and watch the line form...no need to catch an additional case over getting someone high :laughing:

Gotta love the enthusiasm though :tiphat:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ROFL. You maybe right. Small dicks are why they are cops in the first place. they have to compensate with power and a gun.


Active member
"If you don't do this CS gas training...you're a pussy!"

*puts 25 gram hash block on hot-ass thick frying pan*


^ROFL. You maybe right. Small dicks are why they are cops in the first place. they have to compensate with power and a gun.
I drive a 1997 Honda Civic in Texas, lack a concealed carry permit and have zero authority over anyone. Infer what you will about my dick.