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Sickly clone from a healthy plant, .. Again?!

silver hawaiian

Active member
Hello all

I recently got a cutting of a mystery gal (which I'm coming to suspect to be Blue Dragon, because of these same issues in the past), .. The mom from which it was cut was healthy.

The cut was a bit stubborn to root for me, taking closer to 20 days than 10 or 15. As she began to finally root (aerocloner), the new growth up top began to yellow.

I've since put her in a pot, with a mix of ~ 60% Dr. Earth, 20% ProMix HP, 15% EWC, and 5% recycled organic soil amended w/ Rainbow Mix.


She doesn't appear to be doing much improving. You'll see a necrotic spot on a leaf or two - and not necessarily from the end-of-the-leaf-INWARD. Almost seems to be a splotch right in the the middle of the finger.

I'm suspecting she may be a Blue Dragon, because the BD cut I had (which I suspect is this, again) just would not root for me. It'd take hold in the cube, and then go through this funky yellowing-necrotic-leaf deal, and I could never get 'er straightened out..

Anyway, I'm hopeful some of you knowledgeable folks will creep out of the woodwork and lend a hand. :) It's what y'all do so well!

:thank you: :tiphat:


Well i'll creep out just to bump this for some of our smarter members see it..looks overwatered but is not lookin at the soil..lock out??


Active member
The cut was a bit stubborn to root for me, taking closer to 20 days than 10 or 15.
Here is your problem I think. Just try to heal it up, try some root boosters to enchance root grow.From my personal experience with clones i can say - never pick up clones that rooted more than 15 or 20 days (of course, if strain is hard cloning, u cant do anything with it)...
Maybe he got infection (i see necrosis on leafs), tmv or something... But def doesnt look like TMV infection. ;] Keep it up!!


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Had the same symptoms a while back.
Turned out the soil was too hot for clones.
I tried to recycle some used coco by rinsing it.
Messed up the new roots.

Put a couple in starter soil and a couple in plain coco.
They did jus' fine.
So, might be the rainbow mix, it don't take much to fry new roots.

Try washing the soil off and popping them back in your cloner.

Aloha and good luck.

silver hawaiian

Active member
GF-Z, Weezard

Thanks for weighing in! What baffles me is that this sickly yellow look began after about 12-15 days in the cloner, .. I was actually anxious to get it out of the cloner and into some dirt, hoping that might get it on the mend.


silver hawaiian

Active member

Didn't mean to leave you out! I must've not scrolled all the way up.. Thanks for the bump! I'm too ashamed to do it on my own.. :)

I'm with you - as I was posting this photo today, I thought it looked a bit overwatered too. But, I'm also with you - per the dirt, it doesn't look to be..



im not a soil expert but this looks like damaged roots.
maybe soil too tight.
maybe too wet/too few oxygen.
maybe u damaged roots when pot in.
maybe to hot so the fresh little roots got burned (in this case its game over imo).
maybe ph is fucked (but I dont think that...).
maybe rh too low so the roots couldnt take all the water that evaporated thru leafes (game over at this stage too).


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I think it can be saved, if it's really worth it to ya.

First I'll try and explain what I think happened to the clone.
It took too long to root because the mother is (or was) lacking nitrogen.
During the period of time it took to grow roots, it used up all the available nutrients it had stored in the leaves.

Now if it's worth it to you to save it, you can use a drop of Superthrive in a spray bottle and foliar feed once a day. I personally would use molasses mixed at 1tsp to a quart of water and 2 Tbs of hydrogen peroxide, but some folks prefer labeled products.

I would also suggest that you add about 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide per quart the next time you water. It'll help clean the roots of any fungus or algae as well as making the roots happy.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and tear down and clean your aero-cloner real good. In my experience, when plants take that long to root there is algae in the system, which explains the unhealthy appearance of your roots.
Last edited:

silver hawaiian

Active member

SO glad to see you here! Your insight is frickin' priceless.

I use the SuperThrive in every drop of water I give, but not on the foliar. Great thought.

I have to admit, I've not incorporate H2O2 into my garden regimen yet, but it looks like I'll be starting here. :good:

Thanks so much! :tiphat: :tiphat:


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Glad to help. I don't know how I overlooked it for so long but it just never showed up on new posts when I was online.
Anyhow I think it was our buddy Paladin420 who watched until I was online and bumped it up for ya.

im not a soil expert but this looks like damaged roots.
maybe soil too tight.
maybe too wet/too few oxygen.
maybe u damaged roots when pot in.
maybe to hot so the fresh little roots got burned (in this case its game over imo).
maybe ph is fucked (but I dont think that...).
maybe rh too low so the roots couldnt take all the water that evaporated thru leafes (game over at this stage too).

But I like this fucker here! He says it straight out that he doesn't have a clue what's going on and then throws in a floater just before he tells ya the boat's sinkin.

silver hawaiian

Active member
I love it - it's like paladin420 was my advocate, and again, Stress_ was the answer-man. :good: Thanks for that guys! :thank you:

On a side note, good call on cleaning the aerocloner out. The day I took this sickly gal out of the cloner, I broke it down, gave it a scrubbin', let it run for about 30 minutes with a ~ 20% bleach/water mix.

It's now got fresh rosemary cuts in it - let's see how those do. :)


Active member
I noticed a few white dots on the leaf of a different plant in the lower left corner of the photo. I'm trying not to get too involved in the infirmary, there are much more experienced minds to give advice, but you may want to check your garden for bugs/mites.

Also a question probably best for Stress_test but on the hydrogenperoxide. Is that the 3% household h2o2?

silver hawaiian

Active member

Nice avatar ;)

Good eye on that! I'm guessing it's just specks [something], and not critters. I'll take a closer look when I get home today, but if it is in fact critters, it'll be the first I'm seein' of 'em too. :thank you:


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I noticed a few white dots on the leaf of a different plant in the lower left corner of the photo. I'm trying not to get too involved in the infirmary, there are much more experienced minds to give advice, but you may want to check your garden for bugs/mites.

Also a question probably best for Stress_test but on the hydrogenperoxide. Is that the 3% household h2o2?

Yes I meant the regular household 3%.

I've heard of people spraying it straight from the bottle but I've never been willing to sacrifice a plant and check it for sure. But at the levels I posted you are safe for sure.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Thanks again, Stress_, for the input. I hit 'em with their first Superthrive foliar yesterday. Maybe it's in my head and I'm crazy (likely), but it seems to've taken a turn for the greener already. Haven't yet watered with the H2O2 - that'll be today. Update to follow.

:thank you:


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Do you use an air-stone in the reservoir of the cloner?
If so you will want to toss it and get a new one. They are nearly impossible to clean thoroughly and are cheap.

Also: When you get ready to cut another clone from the momma, hit me up and I'll walk you thru a process that will work better for ya.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Thanks Stress_!

No airstone in the clonerbucket - I rely on the churning from the pump/sprayers to keep things movin', ..

This was a bit of an oddball situation - the cut actually came from a buddy's house, .. He was doing some housekeeping, said "Whatever you want, take cuttings, I'm getting ready to ditch these and start fresh." So, this got the cut-and-wrap-in-a-wet-paper-towel-for-the-ride-home treatment. ;)

:thank you:

silver hawaiian

Active member
Update 10.20

Update 10.20

Hey all - especially paladin420 and Stress_test!

Here's an update, as of yesterday. This is after 1x foliar with 1 drop of Superthrive/quart, and a watering of 1/4 C 3% H2O2:Quart of H2O.


I've since been hitting it 1x/day with a foliar of Superthrive/MaxiCrop 1-0-4, mostly because I had some other gals in need of some K.



Thanks again, all! You guys are so frickin' helpful! I'll keep things updated here as they progress.


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