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Newbie questions on indoor veggie garden...



I'd like to see how well I can do a veggie garden indoors this winter.

I have never done this before and don't really know where to begin or what is possible and I have some questions if anyone cares to help out. Any recommended reading suggestions are very welcome.

Is this very different from growing my herbal medicine?

I found with growing cannabis that a vertical scrog with my 600 hps worked best. Is this something that can be done with veggies? If so which ones can this be done with?

I am trying to consider different mediums to work with. Is hydro a good option, or is coco better?

Finally, if you could recommend some veggies that are your favorites to grow indoors that you think I must try please let me know. I'm very open to suggestions right now, as the only thing I know right now is that I want to do this.

Thanks this is going to be fun!


Tomatos.leaf lettuce, peppers all grow well indoors..Damnest thing is tomatos grow with a lot of the same needs as our Cannabis...goodluck


Hey thanks Paladin. Yeah I was thinking the tomatoes would be similar, and thought scrog might be a nice option for them. How do/did you grow'em and what kind?


Mostly it has been pullin plants into a grow room because of the weather here.I put a several roma tomatoes in once and finished them all nicely..quite often my veg room starts all of my new herbs.chives.tyme etc.. Tomatoes was always code when talkin to grow stores etc.. alot of the same principles apply...


in the thick of it
as stated above....tomatoes, lettuce, peppers and if you've got a trellis, cucumbers will do well too. Basil and cilantro do just fine too. We ran peppers in waterfarms, tomatoes in flood & drain and the herbs in hempy buckets for a couple of years with pretty good success. Floramato worked very well as a one part nutrient for the veggies. You can totally do it!


Soul Feeder
Hot peppers for sure bro :yes:
Once you discover how many varieties and different flavours there are you'll be addicted :)
Also basil and other herbs for cooking are worth, very easy to grow indoors and require less light so you can use every corner of the room.

Happy growing



Speed of Dark
Last year put in a few sweet peppers, wow, they grow fine indoors.

This year have jalapeno, cayenne, cucumber, lettuce. The cucumber has been renamed the pickle plant.
All these are in a 12/12 room and the peppers and lettuce are doing fine, but the cucumber popped right away and is growing lemon pickles instead of lemon cucumbers. A couple trays of lettuce are on the same light cycle in the LED room, who know's? it could work.


  • Peppers, pickles, and lettuce.jpg
    Peppers, pickles, and lettuce.jpg
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  • Peppers and lettuce.jpg
    Peppers and lettuce.jpg
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  • LED lettuce.jpg
    LED lettuce.jpg
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  • Pickle plant.jpg
    Pickle plant.jpg
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  • Large lettuce.jpg
    Large lettuce.jpg
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ICMag Donor
Thirty five days from seed in 12/12 , just setting first truss and ready to plant outdoors , tobacco does very well too.



New member
Well, I recommend not to purchase expensive containers. Many veggies need 6 to 7 hours of sunlight a day. Specially Tomatoes. If you live in such area where there is scarcity of lights then you have buy direct grow light.


New member
You no need to worry about the scarcity of light as you can have indoor grow lights which often works effectively. They consumes less power and also provide the best lighting that your plants requires exactly. There are different types of grow lights available you can choose any of your choice and it gives you a good result.


electric here is too expensive to grow veggies indoors.i wish
I think this is true almost anywhere. With LEDs maybe. I almost said I wouldn't bother and then I remembered I too will be doing this in the winter, T5s or custom built LEDs.
HIDs are for ganja. haha. If you do this they will be the best fruits and veggies you will ever consume.Promise



New member
I put a several roma tomato vegetables in once and completed them all perfectly..quite often my veg space begins all of my new herbs.chives.tyme etc.. Tomatoes was always value when talkin to develop shops etc..

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