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Khaleel's Organic Soil Safari--BubbaKush x DC, TW x KillerChem, Viper x TW


Lookin good, Khaleel. I've subbed. I look forward to learning a thing or two!
that Bubba x dc looks dee-lish

hiya limegreen, as my friend Tonatiuh likes to say, i am a "forever newb" -- I learn something on each grow, so welcome aboard the learning train let's see what we can figure out :smoke: and you betcha that bubba x dc is pretty... what was the word... latheethe :greenstars:

tona: hey bro, yeah i've never seen water do this either. lol but i am digging it. much easier, especially with the huge ass containers. i only have to water ten containers instead of fifty. good stuff. veg is still some work getting them in one gal containers until they hit a foot or so tall (usually a couple weeks is plenty). anyway the cherry and the killer chem turned out tastier and stinkier than i've ever had them turn out. about 3 oz for the cherry, little over 2 for the killer chem. of course they barely went 8 weeks, cuz of the usual low cash flow and voracious self-habit :smoke: so i'm betting weight would go up. this viper harvest i have drying looks to be closer to a qp, and the next viper tub already looks much fatter than that (see below) with just a few more days. you are right man, the last week or two makes a huge dif in weight. looking forward to seeing what i get off the two bubba tubs. good stuff.

verdant: hiya friend :wave: thanks for the kudos and post, i don't recall topping her late but i'm pretty sure if FIM almost everyone at least once during early veg to get the auxin (hormone) goin.. i trim up the bottom too, helps things out. yeah this pheno is pretty bub-dominant. that would be awesome if yours turns out male, best of luck be sure to stop back in and let me know! later g

ok guys, here are the rest of the pics. the remaining viper tub is about 8.5 weeks, the bubba x dc tubs are the same. enjoy!
























Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks khaleel, yeah the bubba is my new best friend :) , hoping to get something very similar in seed form and those pics of yours have got me pretty excited. i'll do the bubba x DC cross again with fresher pollen this time round and probably cross it with cherry bomb too, but yeah if the lone bubba x DC is male and i get to back-cross that will be a result.
i'll keep you posted ;)



i am trying to imagine the smell of the bubba x dc crossed with cherry bomb.... like a hippie chick holding a stick of chocolate incense, licking a handful of over-sized cherries... mm good luck brother, definately keep me posted :pimp3:

alright guys, waking up early to start the harvest. i got the Godfather (I), Tombstone, Resivoir Dogs, Platoon, and Rushmore. should be long enough to make it through all the tubs. it's harvest time!!! :woohoo:

pics to come


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Best of luck with the trimming hand cramps bruz ;) :bigeye:
LOL hehehehe sorry mate had to say it seeing how much herbz you have to chop :yoinks:
Sounds like your setup with some damn good movies to keep ya motivated :good:
Can't wait for the harvest pics :D
:smoke out:


Best of luck with the trimming hand cramps bruz ;) :bigeye:

you called it brother, what, have you done this once or twice yourself? :smoke: haha thanks for the kudos and post, it was a pretty good harvest indeed. :yes: these were my very first tub mix, so of course i made a few mistakes... mostly just put them right into the mix instead of doing veg for a few weeks THEN putting them in the mix. (the veg mix i ended up figuring out is just pro-mix, wormcastings, and a bit of FFOF or Happy Frog.) so they burned through some of the nutrients (probably a lot) for the four weeks it took them to get legs with the hot bloom mix.. all in all, still a great harvest--the stuff burns white as snow--and the ones coming up look perfect. i'll probably start a new thread to run the seedlings i have going, maybe something new will get me up and running more posts lol

ok gonna have some sushi, chill with the special lady-friend and watch Platoon. she's never seen it before. i can't believe it. Allias is the soldier I always tried to be like... too bad there are more guys out there trying to be Barnes, but hey that is the way she goes. It's the way of the road. (oops, wrong thread on that last one @nameless hahaha) pics to come tomorrow, as tonight i plan to spark a viper blunt and lay ze proverbial pipe :pimp3: later bishes


hahaha i hear you....
the day after trimming is finished is always a great day for me... i like to spoil myself with a nice meal and some serious couch maintenance. so hows this new lady friend eh?

Tarus Bulbar

Lookn forward to some finished product pics Khaleel
What a great classic movie to chill too!!
Before I was married, my wife had NEVER watched Scarface
I think she lasted about 25 mins before falling asleep LOL


scrappydoo: thanks brotha :smoke:

nameless: ha couch maintenance, i like that :yes: sorry, i don't kiss and tell :pimp3: thanks for post g

greenadian: seriously wtf :nono: lmao how do these people go through life and never see scarface or platoon... not to mention then fall asleep through it (most girls probably would lol)

ok guys, enjoy pics!

viper x trainwreck













its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
i kno u cant be out of smoke already :jawdrop: whyd they have to come down early brotha?
how long did they go anyways homie?....what happened,needed space for the next group to go in?
they woulda got way fatter in 2 weeks imho.
other then tht ,keep on pimpin maing.


i kno u cant be out of smoke already :jawdrop: whyd they have to come down early brotha?
how long did they go anyways homie?....what happened,needed space for the next group to go in?
they woulda got way fatter in 2 weeks imho.
other then tht ,keep on pimpin maing.

in the back of my head i was like "T is not going to be happy about this" seriously lol good stuff. you are like an obi won kenobi hologram sitting on my shoulder, "let it go ten weeks, Luuuuuke". :D unfortunately, on the other shoulder lies my monthly bills, and the fact that my power was due to be shut off tomorrow. finally got october's mortgage payment paid last week, ten days late, with the previous early harvest. i only got to keep a half ounce. which i smoked. at the moment, i have less than 1/8 ounce of viper in my jar. that's IT! lol who would think with a garden this lush i'm still poking along... i'm not workin right now, and 3/4 pound a month ain't that much when you got bills to pay (i'm sure you hear me brotha, i'm more speaking in general terms rather than at you :smoke:) yup, for at least a couple more harvests i live "paycheck to paycheck" -- even got a debt at the check casher place as we speak (motherfuckers). BUT like i said, a couple more harvests and all will be well. in fact maybe just one more, since my car is about to be paid off. i've been doing the beat the check to the bank scraping by thing for fifteen years.. and only when i decided to do this full time have i been able to make headway. almost there, my friend. and once i am, i will have no excuse to let that shit go the full time. plus this time it was more about timing with the weather... you see, i use the dirt in landscaping projects around my house. wanted to plant some tulips and daffodils alongside the house in back, so i used the dirt from the tubs then put thin layer of chipped marble over it to keep the squirrels out (and hide the perlite floating to the top :smoke:). shit is supposed to freeze any day (if not tonight), so by chopping yesterday i was able to take care of all that nonsense. the viper went a little over 8 weeks, the bubba went a day short of eight weeks. will still be potent enough, but i missed out on some weight and a longer lasting stonier high. que cera. laters p :pimp3:

i always appreciate your input, Tona, many thanks for the post :friends:


and i awoke to dried nuggage. was a nice wake and bake. :smoke:













gotta cure/burp yet this morning, then all done. ended up with six and a half oz. bubba kush x dc (2 tubs), and a little over three oz. viper x tw (1 tub). so pretty decent haul, i was surprised but the bubba actually turned out just behind the viper in production. the nugs on the bubba are rock hard, so even the smaller ones add up quick. i'm diggin it. :cool:

in the bloom room i have the individual cat litter containers coming up, i think about four viper trainwrecks (the ones that were in the tubs with the bubbas but then had to be pulled out cuz they were so small lol) ready in another two and a half weeks, another viper tub that is looking pretty cool (same timeframe), a couple bubba cat litter containers, and a couple killer chem the same. so another harvest up in a few weeks.

i was thinking about the whole new thread thing, and the hell with that. i'm already set up, i'll stay where i'm at for a while. :yes:


ok, yesterday was a motherfucker of a day in terms of work. i picked up supplies for the new batch of veggies to tub and flip, redid the exhaust in the bloom room with six inch duct instead of four, bought a new timer for the lights (had an electrician friend wire a 240 outlet so i'm runnin the 1000's on about half the amps as before (fuck yeah!) and don't have extension cords comin in from random circuits throughout the house lol... what else, yeah mixed up and transplanted the veggers and put them in the bloom room. watered everyone... oh and took clones from the viper, bubba, and killer chem, as well as most of the seedlings. four of the seedlings are really lagging behind. they were smaller to begin with and then were under the T5's rather than the 250 hps or 400 mh. for now i'm going to keep them chilling under the T5's until i can get the other ten or fifteen sexed. so for now just have to wait until the clones root, then get them in 1 gal bags under the lights.







TW x Killer Chem


Bubba Kush x Deep Chunk


Viper x Trainwreck




and the seedlings, for those that didn't hear before, i'm not sure what i have with these little ones. i found a stash of seeds. have to be either Viper x TW, Cherry Haze x TW, Bubba Kush x DC, G-13 x DC, and a small possibility some Skunk Haze #5. if i had to guess, the four i had seperated out are probably one of the DC crosses, and the others are the trainrweck crosses. we'll be able to tell as they go.






Tarus Bulbar

Lookn great in there Khaleel!!
How do u like using the Plastic tubs? Are they able to dry out between waterings?
Cheers Bro!


silverhawaiian: thanks bro!! lol

sTrA: thanks man, that cloner is nothing more than a rubbermaid tote, two air stones (bubble curtain rods) in the bottom, an air pump, and a submersible ten gallon aquarium heater (the pump, stones, and heater all from Petco for cheap). float the Sunleaves Float and Grow cloner raft thingy on top and that is it. beans pop like 100%, and clones are pretty quick to take up roots. good stuff.

greedandian: thanks my friend :wave: the tubs are interesting, i'm sure many people would have problems trying to figure out the watering cycle... you def have to be sure they dry out. i just go in the room and ask the plants to tell me which ones need water. if i'm a little uncertain on hearing them correctly, i life a corner of the tub. if it's heavy at all i don't water. method works for me :D though i'm not sure if others could use it. (what, not everyone hears responses from plants when they ask questions lmao)

ahh, things are coming along nicely. finally i'm in a groove with the tubs. :yes: i have the remaining individual containers just starting the flush, gonna let em go for long as needed this time (knock on wood). money situation is in order, and though i may have to take one of em down sooner than later for some smoke (the killer chem is looking so fucking frosty lol) the rest are looking like they will be able to go 9 or 10 weeks. about to flip the babies too and see what we have in terms of boys/girls :gaga:

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