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GAME's Outdoor Grow 2011 (70+)


Harvest continues on.........

Harvest continues on.........


lowland slvrbck

New member
nice bro .. .. Ballsy taking an entire plant back in tact

good to see people getting nice hauls this year .. .. Planning big for next year too .. Same here bro!

Lets overgrow this planet!


hey man sweet grow!!! What kind of trimmer is that? that you used you may have said it i just didnt catch it. Seems to be doing to great job and i really need to invest in one. Trimming for 2.5 weeks makes life hell with the ol lady


East Coast Grower
Nice update GAME, any reason why you took the whole plant in like that? Must be pretty secure wherever you are. You said you were unsure of some of the strains finishing (safely) in time. I was wondering mostly about the Diesel if you have any input on that.

Enjoy the harvest and stay safe :joint:


Jeffd7766- Yeah, the trimmer is a Pro-Trim brand trimmer. Makes pretty short work of all of the smaller buds of the plants with minimal damage to the trichomes. I hand trim every top still. Yeah, try trimming 55 plants and not even have your old lady know what took place when she comes round, lol.

Strainhunter- Haha, yeah, you are probably right. I was just being lazy when I set it up this summer. The harvest is all in now, thanks for your insight this season.

Rob457- The reason I took a whole plant in you ask. This was having to do with my hand being injured and it was the easiest way taking this into consideration and the tools I had available to me at the time. As far as location and security is concerned........ point A to B was fairly close..... and I haven't personally seen LEO within 15 miles of this area in a solid year, although they obviously have some presence. Regarding some of the strains finishing in time, and specifically the NYCD, this strain did fairly well and did finish in time. The buds were not very thick and the plants were a little short of what I would like to see though. This was general all across the board this season. I had a very early and totally random frost that shocked my plants in Mid Sept and then as soon as they recovered, boom, another early and heavy frost hit them all. So the last few weeks were damn near a waste and I seen little size pack onto the buds although they did still manage to ripen. My recommendation is to have strains that finish by Mid September.




This strain will forever be noteworthy to me. Immediate family was very near and dear to me was very sick with a terminal illness and located in a non-med state....... without ANY pain meds because of interference with other meds. I had harvested a little bit of the small plant that was in my backyard and got some to him before he passed away. At least I know he had some happiness his last days....... RIP Pops, you will never be forgotten........

In the next week I was lost and didn't really care about much of anything, let alone harvesting some plants. But I managed to get out there and even get some lovely photos before they came down.

I haven't seen very many outdoors strains that photograph as well as Krakatoa does. ......... simply a gorgeous strain with very high levels of THC and an aggressive fruity skunkiness that smashes the senses. They were started later and came from behind to be one of the heaviest and frostiest finishers of this season. Highly recommended.



This one has had a haircut already, all the tops and large branches were taken a week earlier........



Good to see you had a great finish to a great year bro. Didn't lose one to rippers eh? Nice job. Bet those spots of yours are gonna have much more plants next year hehehe, I hope so atleast. Keep on keepin on buddy. Peace


Good to see you had a great finish to a great year bro. Didn't lose one to rippers eh? Nice job. Bet those spots of yours are gonna have much more plants next year hehehe, I hope so atleast. Keep on keepin on buddy. Peace

Nope, none lost to rippers. And I have a hunch you might be right about more bush in the bush next year, Peace Bro


Active member
wow,truly beautiful plants bro.great work!i didnt see any mold,how is the humidity in your area?did you get any mold on the krakatoa?shes a beaut!potent?how was your yield?whats you lat and when did you harvest?sorry for all the questions,i just really like the looks of that strain,so much that i just ordered a pack!!!


chongsbuddy- Krakatoa. Yes, she is lovely. I planted and germed relatively later in the season, germed sometime in June I wanna say. But you could go back and find this easily enough. Anyways, I'm at roughly 44 degrees and I harvested Mid October. Yields varied from 3-12 oz, although it could easily be much higher since these were randomly tossed out with little prep work. Very potent and smells and tastes great. Oddly enough, the final product looks kind of commercial when it's anything but. Leaf to bud ratio was a little high, but not too bad. You should be pleased with it I'm sure. Any other questions, feel free to ask !

Thanks shrpshooter !


I haven't seen very many outdoors strains that photograph as well as Krakatoa does. ......... simply a gorgeous strain with very high levels of THC and an aggressive fruity skunkiness that smashes the senses. They were started later and came from behind to be one of the heaviest and frostiest finishers of this season. Highly recommended.



This one has had a haircut already, all the tops and large branches were taken a week earlier........



That is just ridiculous! Well done GAME




badbeans, glad you like buddy.

This will wrap up the grow season of 2011 for me. The last plant was pulled recently. A pathetic plant named Quasar from Buddha Seeds. It was growing in a smartpot and was vegging like a champ and on par to produce a pound. However, it didn't start flowering until September 4th or so. How pathetic. Of course Buddha Seeds doesn't list finishing dates or even genetic makeup. It was a freebie...... but even still, I had my arse on the line for a 2 ounce immature plant. Not cool Buddha Seeds, if you are represented here, I'm putting you on notice....... and if not, then you better get here cuz this is IC freakin' Mag !


badbeans, glad you like buddy.

This will wrap up the grow season of 2011 for me. The last plant was pulled recently. A pathetic plant named Quasar from Buddha Seeds. It was growing in a smartpot and was vegging like a champ and on par to produce a pound. However, it didn't start flowering until September 4th or so. How pathetic. Of course Buddha Seeds doesn't list finishing dates or even genetic makeup. It was a freebie...... but even still, I had my arse on the line for a 2 ounce immature plant. Not cool Buddha Seeds, if you are represented here, I'm putting you on notice....... and if not, then you better get here cuz this is IC freakin' Mag !

I still have one plant out. Not cool! On the breeders pack it say supposed to finish late Sept/early Oct. This thing has two or three weeks to go, maybe it will make it. We had sleet and snow last weekend. I won't be growing it next year. I'll be growing earlier stuff next year for sure.



Yeah, I have found that when the weather is foul and there's frosts and whatnot...... the extra time does little (if anything) for the plant since bud production comes to a halt for the most part. This particular strain also had very weak frost resistance. Every other plant handles a light frost or two with ease....... this one wilted and the leaves died after a slight frost.

Oh well, been a great season and I harvested double digit lbs. Got enough to make my world go round a for a while.