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Please Help Diagnose Sick Plant in Budding Cycle


Active member
you're not gonna kill the plant dude, the only way transplanting would kill the plant is if you decided to yank it up by the stalk ripping all the roots for your transplant.

that sir, is not how you transplant. but if you put your hand over the soil and keep a firm grip on the stem, turn the pot upside down and lift, you should remove the dirtball from the pot, which you place into the new dirt and water lightly if you watered before you transplanted, or water well if you didn't water the plant first.

after that you just wait till the pot is *completely* dry before watering again like normal.


She's in a new pot. I posted this thread in the organic soil section as well if you guys want to check it out.

So when I pulled her from the old pot I saw all these little critters crawling and jumping around and I freaked. Turns out they're called springtails and are beneficial to the soil.

I got some shots of the critters and the root ball in the organic sections if anybody wants to take a look.