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CO2 and the family....


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Hey guys i have room flip flop rooms that are not sealed... theres a intake and an exhuast. I have negative pressure but if i leave the door open i do not...

is co2 bad for the family? id be streaming 1500 ppm in constantly... i vent outside... i have a baby im concerned about... but like i said its vented outside unless the door is open.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
dont care about the wasted co2... sucks but i know no other way to do it.,


Active member
Don't use 1,500 ppm, it's bad for your plants. Don't go above 1,200 ppm, ideally you would use ~900-1,100, maxing out at 1,200 ppm. And yes, CO2 is bad for humans once it reaches ~> 10,000 ppm, longer exposure is worse. However, that data is for adults, IIRC, babies may have lower threshold.

You can use ~900 ppm CO2, or 1,000 ppm CO2 and get the same (and better) results than 1,500 ppm, and there's less risk to child. If you're that worried I would setup a good yet inexpensive CO2 monitor in your home, so you can see the ppm your baby may be exposed to. However, often inside a home with people exhaling CO2 exceeds 400-500 ppm anyway.

IMO you have nothing to worry about, but it's good you're considering the issue and not taking any chances with your baby.

Chapter 4 - Carbon Dioxide
by Mary M. Peet and Donald T. Krizek
From: Plant Growth Chamber Handbook
Langhans, R.W. and T.W. Tibbitts (eds.). 1997.
North Central Regional ResPubl. No. 340, Iowa State Agr. & Home Econ. Expt. Stat. Rpt. No. 99, Ames.
(full text) http://www.controlledenvironments.org/Growth_Chamber_Handbook/Plant_Growth_Chamber_Handbook.htm


Active member
Also, why not use a CO2 controller? You can spend < $300 and get a good controller you can mod to turn 'on' when CO2 is < 900 and 'off' when CO2 reaches 1,100 ppm.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I own one 700 co2 controller... i could move it room to room everyday... plans will be in work to get this room 100% but for now im broke.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
What if when i switch exhaust for winter if i blow it into the house.... my guess then ill have problems?


CO2 is toxic in higher concentrations: 1% (10,000 ppm) will make some people feel drowsy.Concentrations of 7% to 10% cause dizziness, headache, visual and hearing dysfunction, and unconsciousness within a few minutes to an hour.

doesn't look like you'll be anywhere near 10,000 ppm unless it builds up in the home.. i dunno. Def should monitor it.


Active member
According to the data and graphic I posted, dizziness and unconsciousness happens at > 60,000 ppm over hours. Nothing much happens under 10,000 ppm, unless exposed for days. However, a baby might have lower tolerance/threshold.
Elevated levels of Co2 are generally not harmful. It can lead to panic attacks, feeleings of closterphobia in some people.

If you got a baby in the house, and you feel the need to ask the question, I think your common sense is telling you it's not good. I wouldn't have my child in an elevated co2 environment, could give a shit about the data!


If you are running flip flop rooms and adding co2 then just stop venting. No need for it. Seal that shit Put ur scrubbers in the rooms and do the damm thing. Mine was side by side tents, floppin, window ac, with ducts going from the vent to each tent. Air cooled lights on a thermstat but would dump the warm air in front of thed ac to be recirculated. Co2 tanks but no controller just timers. Whole house still reeked though even with new bigass scrubbers


I agree with spurr.

Also, sweetypie, I'm sure since he exhausts the room constantly he doesn't have an a/c for his rooms that's why he can't seal them up as you suggested.


Active member
i run a room w/ a dehuey, co2 gen and 2 1ks... and no ac. its not totally sealed, but pretty much... i air cool the lights n thats all the cooling i need.. only run at night when ambient is in 60's or 70's at the most.. room never got above 87 even in summer...in the mtns though. people will tell u u cant do this and that u have to use ac.. but i guess not always the case.. if u sealed her up n just air cooled.. very little co2 would escape the room.. and ud save co2.. test it out.. maybe u can do it too.. just my two cents. good luck