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Hey cancer, you can go fuck yourself!


Active member
Congrats on the fight and win...Only the strong survive and you are proof!! Keep on fighting..and enjoying the life, that is now again yours...

A friend of mine is having excellent results with his fight using Hash Oil...Most impressive...



Active member
ICMag Donor


Congrats on your status but i would never do chemo -to much damage to healthy cells -

wath the video on u tube

RUN FROM THE CURE make some oil now for future maintance peace congratulations


Active member
Well, apparently im cancer free!

This last Dec (2010) I went to the doctor for a bad cough (Im in my late 20's, i never go to the Dr; Im 10ft tall and bulletproof). He told me to go get a chest X ray. i went to an outpatient center, went to the groceries, and took a nap.
When i woke up, i had two voicemails from my Dr, and after i returned the call, i was told to check into the emergency room.

Yadi, Yadi, Yada, they took almost a liter of fluid off my lungs (green colored; needle though the back to enter lung), and i have stage 3 Hodgkin's lymphoma.

(The dark spots show high metabolic activity [using radioactive glucose]. The brain burns a lot of glucose [sugar], and my kidneys are clearing it out of my system into my bladder [not pictured]. So everything other than my brain, my kidneys, and my arm where the injection occured is bad news)

Got chemo all this year, (ABVD), until the B put me in the hospital for 5 NIGHTS. Then they dropped the B. I spent 4/20 in the hospital:violin: Just short of 6 months of chemo.

Fast forward 8 months to this week and my scans are clean. I still have a small mass in my chest, and doc says it will probably always be there (i cant visually see it). I'll get another scan three months from now, and if i can go 2 years from first diagnoses without it coming back, the odds of a return are just slightly higher than the general public's. So Dec 2012 (the end of the mayan calendar) is my date too.

Hey good for you man ..

I survived a diagnosis of advanced AML (leukemia) ... it was a tough road, but I'm always happy to welcome another to the survivors club. I'm lookin' back over 15 years now...



Active member
Congrats on your status but i would never do chemo -to much damage to healthy cells -

wath the video on u tube

RUN FROM THE CURE make some oil now for future maintance peace congratulations

haha ... well, if your diagnosis was lymphoma or leukemia you'd be dead in short order without a big ass, long term jolt of chemo dude. Don't believe every piece of new age crap-o-rama that you read....

Graham Purwatt

congratulations, and i wish you well for the future scans bro


Congrats on your status but i would never do chemo -to much damage to healthy cells -

wath the video on u tube

RUN FROM THE CURE make some oil now for future maintance peace congratulations

ya, in theory, this is correct. Fuck chemo, it opens the door to many secondary cancers down the road; its the last thing i want to put in my body.

However, in practice, i probably would be dead or close to in right now, had i forgone chemo.

Life is not black or white, good or bad; its very very grey...


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Putting "new-age crapola" to the test.

Putting "new-age crapola" to the test.

"Life is not black or white, good or bad; its very very grey... "

And sometimes it's "partly sunny"

I'm about to test the hemp-oil claims for lack of other recourse.

My medical problems can be quantified with a simple, annual, PSA test.

Prostate cancer can be very slow-growing.
A blessing, and a curse once it has gone metastatic.
(Radiation and chemo are more effective on rapidly dividing cells.)

So, working on the premise, "it can't hurt", I'll gunk-up my teeth for a year with hemp-oil, and get back to the boards next January with results of the blood test.

Wish us luck.


My medical problems can be quantified with a simple, annual, PSA test.

Prostate cancer can be very slow-growing.
A blessing, and a curse once it has gone metastatic.
(Radiation and chemo are more effective on rapidly dividing cells.)


The Milken Institute's " Cap Cure " has done soooooo much to bring the best minds in science together with money and technology to advance a cure for prostate cancer - and have saved countless lives

Google " Cap Cure " ... and connect

All the very best



If anyone needed an argument for MJ as medicine; it actually helped me put on 15lb during chemo (that, and the realization that life is too short to skip dessert). Now i want to lose or re-arrange some of this weight.

MJ was really the only way i could eat the first 4 days after chemo. It didnt really get me 'high' either, it just helped me feel less miserable. I was getting treatment once every two weeks, and the ability to get 'high' only happened 5-6 days after treatment.


I shredded many of my hospital/doctor/radiologist/hospitalist/infectious disease consultant/etc bills, and fed them to my worms..

I figured it poetic..

I turn 29 this month.. what a long strange trip its been...


Congrats on the B-day......We just lost 1 younger than you...so enjoy an extra puff or two



Got my first scan after NOT taking chemo... and its clean!

Still havent talked to the oncologist, but i read the radioligist report, and it says no metabolic activity, one mass may have shrunk, and the other may have slightly increased, but the variance may be due to imagining techniques.

I no longer feel bad from the chemo (although i do take naps almost everyday) and my hair 95% back to previous.

I plan on turning my body into a machine. Ive always wanted to be in great shape, ive been in good shape a bunch of times, but never really pushed myself or adjusted with diet.

Im pretty sure i could get apretty tight-fuel-burning and immuno-boosted body with just a little dedication. Im not talking meat-head, or marathon runner, somewhere in between.

Im not sure it will help, but id like to shrink or eradicate the left over masses, and i figure its not gonna hurt.

Right in the middle of probably my biggest harvest ever. Great news, but i LOATH transplanting, and now have to fill a substantial void.

Only have one of these, it was my first run; Blush by BOG


Active member
Man, that sounds like a brutal journey. Cancer destroyed! Nice job and good luck turning your body into a machine!

Walking close to the edge of life and death imparts an amazing "nothing to lose" mental strength, though. My experience with this is not from cancer, but the gift of a few more years when you thought your number was up can really focus the mind.


congrats to you and best wishes for the rest of life ;) my grandma had cancer too, she cured herself by the being strong and positive thinking. Your mind may make a loty of good things when chemo dont help.


good to hear all is well shroomDr. You're very brave.

Did you smoke or vape the cannabis after or during chemo?

Do you ever question if smoking cannabis could cause cancer? Cigarettes? Family history, or just one of those random things in life?

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