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Anyone tried this before, bed in a tent?


Guest 150314

canadian princess syndrome is created young in a girls life, and bloosoms into an addiction for attention, compliments and most of all unconfidence, insecurity and realiance on the world instead of self sufficiency for well being.

Wow that about sums it up. You are wise, thanks for the words brother.

Guest 150314

the beds starting to fill up.. if they look droopy its because i woke them from the dark cycle to take a picture.

Guest 150314


Guest 150314

Thanks, I just super cropped at the 3rd node .. nothing drastic.


Nice bro, how tall are they now? Seem short but maybe just the angle of pics. Plenty of bud sites though always a nice sight :)

Guest 150314

They are about a foot and a half tall so yes they are pretty short but thats ok, here is a better picture.

Guest 150314

Sorry I meant just super cropped at third node as in I don't do any other training or pruning, not that I did it just then.

Guest 150314

Yeah I probably should have done a few more days veg, I moved some plants into the tent that were not going to finnish in time in my greenhouse.. I was neglecting them and they need some nitrogen excuse the yellowness.

heres the other room about to be flipped


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
lookin good man,the beds filin up nice,w the added ladies from the greenhouse u may be a lil closer to ur goal.gl w it too my friend....the other room thats about to be flipped,what size pots are them in?


Beds looking good bro, I can see a nice yield coming from that.... How have you got the lights set up in that 2nd room? Are they hung like they are in the pic always?

Guest 150314

Thanks guys, those plants are in 1 gallon mesh bottom pots using rockwool flock/fluff as a medium.

The lights in that room are horizontal in reflectors except for one I was experimenting with, I meant to hang them all vertical this run but I decided to spend my time at the lake and beach while it was still nice out. After this crop I will be using that room to veg some giants for a legal greenhouse grow next spring.. really hoping I can make it happen I have a really good location.

Guest 150314

Really digging how low maintenance the bed is. And glad I didn't totally monocrop, lot's of flavors in here.



Senior Member
nice work! yeah i have never understood why people stress using one strain so much, i'm pulling into week 6 on my beds and they are still nice and even, despite having 2 strains and 4 pheno's. my favorite part of bed growing is the sheer simplicity, even without drainage it's amazing how hard it is to over or under fertilize, and how little water and soil it seems to need!

my last run was in 2 gallon grow bags, and i was using 4-6 gallons of water a week to keep them happy with 5 cubic feet of soil, i'm now using around 2 cubic feet of soil in the same space and watering only 2-4 gallons every week! it almost doesn't seem possible but my girls are looking great, i still have the lowest lowest leaves on my clones, no yellowing at all.

keep up the great work man! looking forward to seeing the end game!