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THC and CBD content of Hash, versus BHO, versus QWISO

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
To my discredit, I saved the post I need somewhere safe where I can't find it, so I'm going to wing this one.

The post that I lost compared the THC content of both hash and BHO from a split sample of the same plant and found that BHO had a slightly higher THC content and the hash had a higher CBD content.

That stirred memories of a discussion that I had with another extractor, about whether THC and CBD ratios and levels were affected by the solvent used.

Would the person posting the comparison on the hash versus BHO debate thread, please repost on this thread?

Has anyone else compared like samples extracted from hash and BHO?

Has anyone compared a BHO and QWISO from the same split sample?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor

Anyone out there with any numbers to share for a comparison?


Ill dig up my numbers later. WHere the other thread go ? Get to heated , hahah

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Ill dig up my numbers later. WHere the other thread go ? Get to heated , hahah

Thanks bro!
Actually, as it was my thread, when it failed to present new informative information and took on a negative aura, I asked that it be removed to cut down clutter and disharmony.

I posted hoping that you would repost, because even though I saved your post, I can't find it! What can I say? Duh..............................


% CBN -%CBD -%THC-9

BHO 3.6 - 1.9- 63.6

Bubble 3.4- 2.3- 58.8

Material came from the same plant


pure dynamite
interesting. so, a little more CBN and THC in the BHO, and a bit more CBD in the Bubble Hash.
any ideea why?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
interesting. so, a little more CBN and THC in the BHO, and a bit more CBD in the Bubble Hash.
any ideea why?

Good question brother EG, and the reason for my starting this thread!

Alas, my oral handshake scheme to resolve that question through shared research with a lab recently fell through, so I will be working on Plan B until we score some more equipment or a new research partner.

Plan B involves asking for information on forums frequented by folks whom know that sort of information and try to piece it together at least anecdotally.

My thoughts at this point are that since the BHO should be at least the 7.6% difference more concentrated than bubble hash, so you would expect the THC to be higher as well as the 6% higher CBN.

Depending on the BHO processing, the CBN could be higher yet, at the expense of the THC.

The 17% difference in CBD is the one that got my attention!!!

Another oil extractor relayed to me orally and I forgot the numbers, but he says his GC analysis of BHO and QWET extraction, showed that QWET extracted more CBD's.

C420's numbers refreshed that question. Does anyone on this forum have an analysis of BHO and QWET or QWISO oils they will share, comparing the big three cannabinoids?

Any of ya'll organic and biochemistry savants know why the difference in things like polarity between the two solvents, might cause them to differentiate between the cannabinoids?

PS: Another variable is BHO soak time, even if it is less efficient as a solvent, would a longer soak time over ride that difference, by dissolving the CBD available?

Brother Jump! Do you have any numbers comparing your long soak BHO to a QWET or do any of his ardent followers have that information that you will share?
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was this just one run? If so, any chance you could increase the runs under the same conditions and get post the results?


Thinking back , one other thing I had forgotten

The BHO was made with quality upper nugs , the Bubble was made from sugar trim from the same buds .

Ill try to do get some more tests in the future using the exact same material for BHO , bubble and qwiso.....


interesting. so, a little more CBN and THC in the BHO, and a bit more CBD in the Bubble Hash.
any ideea why?
Im no scientist, but its very simple to think like this: Ever tried cleaning sticky resin mess with water? Ever try cleaning sticky resin mess with Iso? Imo iso can just get more goodness off of the same amount of plant matter, then water could, sure you could agitate more but more green would come through as well.

Its safe to say that USUALLY qwiso / bho will have a higher THC percentage, however like always there are exceptions. From my experience well made water extract ranges from around 54% to 69%, and qwiso / bho well made are around 67% - 79%.

However there are always some super rare extracts that test much higher then others, I have heard of bubble(waterextract) testing around 70% and that to me is incredible, I have heard also of qwiso/bho testing in the 90% !!! Im sure many of you have heard of the legendary 99.6 % thc extract lol.


Active member
Just some anecdotal information in this link, scroll down to 6/9/11 for the tested results of hash from different micron bubble bags:


The information is rough, but it seems to indicate that CBD and CBN's peak at the same micron size, while THC peaks at a smaller diameter.
Could be as simple as unripe THC laden glands are smaller than older larger more oxidized heads, but..

There are three types of trichomes, wouldn't logic dictate a different purpose/product for each? My guess would be that the capitate and sessile trichomes account for the cannabinoid production, while the tiny bulbous trichomes handle terpenoid capacities. Differences in CBD/CBN conservation in the two concentrate methods might be related to the thickness/composition of the trichome jacket, or variations in the inherent dissolubility of the various cannabinoids.


New member
well as far as I understand you dont want CBN in your weeds or hash...
its degenerated THC in harvested weed that has been dried out or exposed to sunlight It is unwanted because it raises anxious feelings and depression, a weak body feeling and burnedout/hangover on the next day after smoking in the night...

I think it is also mentioned in Jorge Cervantes Medical Bible ...

... CBD is the way to go for relaxation and medical treatment, THC is the part responsible for sensation and trippy highs... I think I'd go for bubble hash then ... its better quality smoke ... :)
Some more interesting test results from a testing facility that seem to indicate that BHO might selectively concentrate THC at a higher rate than it does for CBD. Check the results for the Cannatonic...


hard to say unless all the samples tested were from the same plant. depending on how the plant was grown, the thc/cbd/cbn ratio will vary dramatically.

interestingly, cbn for all was 0, which says to me they were not grown for agression, anxiety, ptsd, sleep.

cbn has medical value.


Active member
Yes, CBN has suffered over the years from bad press and fairytales. Recent research has shed more light on the medical values inherent in this molecule. I've played with it a bit, cbn is the most potent and long-lasting ingredient in the cannabis cocktail.

Information that was posted separately about those test results seemed to indicate the same plant (clone) was associated with both of those tests, although anecdotal, i thought the numbers intriguing...

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
mr wolf,
did you see this study on potency testing? it suggests that the labs today can't convincingly measure to the decimal point. interesting read anyways.

How Accurate is Potency Testing? – Gieringer & Hazekamp

No, and thanks for the link!

I too have questions in that arena, especially as we are getting set up to do our own testing.

I wonder not just cannabinoid potency, but everything else that is present.
Three years later and I wonder if this dialogue is avoided altogether because it asks, "Can the average person tell the difference between 60 and 70 % or worse does BHO hinder cannabinoid symbiosis?". Some might argue alcohol to be the logical vehicle for entourage, assuming Ayurvedic practitioners overlook the heterodoxy of cannabis preparation as relates Madya or Bhang.