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American marijuana growers could beat this war on drugs



The cartels are fighting their own war on drugs ...drug smuggling routes...and in the process are eliminating over 40k drug cartel personnel - so far...while the Obama administration sits back on their thumbs and laugh as it happens...they even sent in some arms to help the actions do more damage. When the government finally sweeps in , there will be a whole lot less people to fight and take up prison space...you can build over graves...


I used to have smoke dreams of loading a C-130 with tow sacks of seeds and flying along rivers and around big lakes while spreading seeds like Johnny Potseed or something...the wind up high would spread them all over..swamps would soon overgrow and some soils would support cannabis also...


Still Learning
It's not just our appetite for drugs. We're the arms manufacturer of the world and by gawd nobody can take away our right to sell and produce. It's a real shame but the NRA used to be a responsible outfit. I'm a lifelong hunter and followed NRA publications my grandfather received as a lifelong member himself..

Since, the NRA wouldn't get a dime of my money unless I get to throw a boot up Wayne Lapierre's ass. IMO, founders of the NRA would throw a boot up Wayne's ass.

What would YOU have them do, DB? have them ban guns?


Invertebrata Inebriata
"American marijuana growers could beat this war on drugs " They could, if given the chance.


Still Learning
try reading other posts before asking questions

I did, all of them. NRA 'is' the 2nd amendment. Without them, regardless of their actions, there would be more gun restrictions than there are now. I'm missing you point.. or maybe, you're right and I missed some other point posted previously.


weed fiend
I did, all of them.

Then you drew an unsupported conclusion.

NRA 'is' the 2nd amendment.
NRA is a lobbying group.

Without them, regardless of their actions, there would be more gun restrictions than there are now.
I suggested there should be restrictions. I didn't advocate 'zero guns'. The Constitution mandates the peoples' right to keep and bear arms as militia.

You're advocating a living interpretation of the Constitution, one that says militia can be interpreted as the individual.

But that's a slippery slope. If one advocates living as opposed to static constitutional interpretation, the Constitution itself is no longer a static document. This means you can't revert to a literal interpretation when it suits the argument.


Still Learning
Then you drew an unsupported conclusion.

NRA is a lobbying group.

I suggested there should be restrictions. I didn't advocate 'zero guns'. The Constitution mandates the peoples' right to keep and bear arms as militia.

You're advocating a living interpretation of the Constitution, one that says militia can be interpreted as the individual.

But that's a slippery slope. If one advocates living as opposed to static constitutional interpretation, the Constitution itself is no longer a static document. This means you can't revert to a literal interpretation when it suits the argument.

Listen, I'm not argueing.. I just dont split hairs. There is no other 'support' for guns, except the NRA. <Call them what you will. 'Living interpretations', <no opinion, I dono. Militia? What would a militia be if the 'individuals' didnt have have arms to begin with? Throw rocks. HAHA!


weed fiend
Listen, I'm not argueing.. I just dont split hairs.

Don't get snippy with me pal, I gave you a break.

There is no other 'support' for guns, except the NRA.
Article 2 of the Bill of Rights establishes your right to carry guns, not the NRA.

There is no other 'support' for guns, except the NRA.

Call them what you will.
What I call them? Let's give credit where credit is due.

There are several versions of the text of the Second Amendment, each with slight capitalization and punctuation differences, found in the official documents surrounding the adoption of the Bill of Rights.

[5] One version was passed by the Congress,[6] while another is found in the copies distributed to the States[7] and then ratified by them.

As passed by the Congress:
“ A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

” As ratified by the States:
“ A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
'Living interpretations', <no opinion, I dono. Militia? What would a militia be if the 'individuals' didnt have have arms to begin with? Throw rocks. HAHA!
Yeah, you have a living interpretation alright. The founders didn't envision you packing 24/7. They envisioned you having an arsenal, not unlike a national guard armory... to defend your country from tyrannical representation. The difference is it's not tucked underneath your pillow every night.

Yes Virginia, even the founding fathers knew you'd put your eye out. Or worse.

Now, the simple version is -

you equate gun control with us having zero guns. This defies the laws of physics but fits the pro-gun narrative just fine.


Still Learning
Don't get snippy with me pal, I gave you a break.

Article 2 of the Bill of Rights establishes your right to carry guns, not the NRA.


What I call them? Let's give credit where credit is due.

Yeah, you have a living interpretation alright. The founders didn't envision you packing 24/7. They envisioned you having an arsenal, not unlike a national guard armory... to defend your country from tyrannical representation. The difference is it's not tucked underneath your pillow every night.

Yes Virginia, even the founding fathers knew you'd put your eye out. Or worse.

Now, the simple version is -

you equate gun control with us having zero guns. This defies the laws of physics but fits the pro-gun narrative just fine.

Snippy? Your kidding me. Lucky? Kick my ass I'll bet. No need to reply. You're right, I'm wrong, goodbye..

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
come on folks, lets not turn this into a gun thread that will eventually get banned

I really like the topic of this thread, I makes me feel even better about what we do. Maybe one day every city in the usa will be like vancouver and grower prosecution will be unlikely in the event of a bust.

There is a guy on here, I won't mention his name, but he is from vancouver and has had a handful of busts but a single charge was never filed. They just show up, search the place and tear down the grow and his landlord kicks him out of the house. Then as soon as he gets another place, business as usual. Apart from being medically legal, thats the best case senario one could hope for in the event of a bust.

Vancouver has been OVERGROWN!!!!


Active member
i imagine we are well on our way to this dream.

more and more people are growing (its so easy! :) anyone can grow and even with small cfl lights :D)

why would anyone pay for cartel weed if they can grow their own?

why would anyone pay for weed? (well, id pay for tropically grown sativas, but paying for hybrids and indicas, is a joke ;))


Active member
lol paying gold price (something dug at great expense and effort)

for something grown with little to no effort in someone´s basement lol

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
sso, some people , I'd say probably most people, don't have the patience for it. And for someone who wants to grow enough to sustain them and a few of their buddies from harvest to harvest, its takes a good chunk of change to get started and then you have to wait at least 3 months for herb. Like I said, some people just don't have the patience. They would just rather work their 9-5 and just buy a quarter every week.


Registered User
sso, some people , I'd say probably most people, don't have the patience for it. And for someone who wants to grow enough to sustain them and a few of their buddies from harvest to harvest, its takes a good chunk of change to get started and then you have to wait at least 3 months for herb. Like I said, some people just don't have the patience. They would just rather work their 9-5 and just buy a quarter every week.

it also takes some work, some dedication... even if u'r just going personal. some things have to be done at certain times w/o fail... and that's discipline. you need the space, the time, the gear, the know-how & better yet the experience... and access/connects to quality gear to run, as if you start with a bunk plant, no matter how well you do everything else, it's still bunk weed. what if you want a selection or want to keep your pheno's that took the better part of a year to raise & discover & qualify... then u'v got to keep numbers, a second area, more gear, more costs, more time.

oh... and there's the underlying fact that everything related to this is illegal... criminal... jail time. there is that too. and the fact that to keep yourself outta jail & not get ripped from... you kinda have to become somewhat reclusive & paranoid & anitsocial... better like pets... and the computer. other people are just risk vectors to getting u'r ass gang banged.

this is a life choice... and not for the vast majority of people... assuming they could even do it to start. shit, i can think of a lot easier ways to make a living... esp if you have no morals, get a suit. it ain't easy being a gangsta, ya know? ;-)


Still Learning
I've reciently spent time in Clear Lake/Lucerne, CA, via SanFrancisco and realized that growing is 'much' more 'simple' in CA than here in Fla.. Reason being, one can openly discuss, with anyone, cannabis growing and anything related because one is not worried about every ear belonging to a LEO of some sort and LEO is relentless. Reading here in the FORUMS, is very, very informative (I'd be nowhere without them) but having a farmer there to point out potential problems and give first hand advice is an awsome tool. For growing it, Florida is a sorry place to be... hard to trust anyone. Could I live in CA??? It gets COLD in NoCal.


We import drugs and export guns, dollars and violence to Mexico, primarily. Just saying also that if the violence was here in the US, like it was during alcohol prohibition, the govt would be compelled to end their prohibition, as they did in the 20's/30's. Its a free mkt and demand is growing. Get outa the way or get run over!
An interesting question is ........ will a so called free society turn into a totalitarian one in going up against supply and demand, even in a illicit substance? The fact that the govt are denying people what they desire is entirely undemocratic and antethetic to the principles on which this country was founded. And the more resources that are devoted to this, the more totalitarian we become. Is there a cabinet in the govt. that does not have it's greedy mouth glued to the drug money spigot? Perhaps but the corruption is becoming systemic!
Personally, I'm betting on supply and demand ............... it always wins .............. sooner and later. All our govt arrogant meddling does is multiply the cost in dollars, lives, and freedom.
As former president Jimmy Carter once said, the impact (or remedy) from the law ought not to create more damage to the individual (or society) than the "crime" itself. By this standard, we as a society, have gone off the deep end. But thank God for the 2 ADULTS running. I have doubts that even they could turn this Titanic of a policy around. I mean, look how even candidate Obama got rolled on this issue as president.