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Calculating amount of fertilizer

Hey guys, I'm hoping next year to be able to make up for this year's season, as a combination of abnormal heat, rain, rippers, and just not sufficient planning I have been royally fucked and ill just say ill be taking a bit of a tolerance break :).

Anyways normally I grow quite small grows and just eye out the amount of fertilizer i use. Next year im planning out things as best as I can, which means planning to be as flexible as often as I've learned, one can't be hard headed and rigid.

I'm planning a bit of a larger grow (compared to own past grows) and not really sure how to go about calculating the amount of ferilizer to use. Since its not just soil that I can do it by pure volume, how do you guys go about calculating your dry ferts (kelp, lime, bone, blood etc.)

Normally the directions are measured spread over 100 ft squared for example. What does this mean? And how could i use it to see how much ill need for my holes.

I know many of you just eye it but ill be a bit strapped for cash, so every cost I could shave is very much needed.

As always thanks for any input:thank you:


in the thick of it
if your last grow went poorly because of rippers, rain and heat....there's not a whole lot you can do for that. I mean you could step up security to stop the rippers, but unless you do a greenhouse or similar those factors are tough to get over.
So how were the plants you had doing? If they were fine and your next grow will be double the size then double what you were doing.
Well they were taken by waves I would say. First, I had no other choice but to leave the state for about two weeks when they were in veg (3-4) ft and even though they had crystals over 70% died, then early flower one of my larger spots were literally rip out of the ground, at that point I was at about 10%, then it rained for about a week (not much i could do here) and im left with a plant and a half.

But next season will hopefully be a lot better so any how tos on calculating how much to buy?