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American marijuana growers could beat this war on drugs


Active member
Clandestine grow-ops sown by industrial Americans could damage drug cartels more effectively than the US military

The gruesome concomitants of the war on drugs were on display yet again last week in Mexico, where gangs continue to terrorise the public with impunity. The decapitated body of a crime-awareness blogger was found in Nuevo Laredo, the third of such killings to occur in the city over the last month. A bag of rotting human heads outside an elementary school in Acapulco had a note threatening the state governor, who responded with promises of more police and security cameras.

After four decades of bloodstains and milked budgets, only one thing is certain: no matter how hard you fight, the market always wins. It is no longer tenable to describe this war on drugs as a failure. It is, as Winston Churchill once remarked, "an affront to the whole history of mankind". Although former dignitaries have routinely come forth to denounce prohibition, the incumbents and bureaucrats who continue to wage this battle simply refuse to be swayed by data or reason. In the past few months, new fronts have opened up in Russia, Africa and south-east Asia. But nowhere is the incongruity between reality and ideology more acute than in its North American epicentre.

On 17 August William Brownfield, the assistant secretary for the US bureau of international narcotics and law enforcement affairs, showed up in Ciudad Juarez to defend America's drug war. At a press conference, he stated: "We cannot lose, because if we lose we will say to the generations that come after us: 'You are condemned to live in a disgusting and repulsive world.' And that's a conversation I do not want to have with my children or grandchildren in years to come." Such a comment, so clearly dismissive of those Mexicans who are already condemned to the hell that Brownfield alludes to, is indicative of the technological determinism that informs the logic of drug warriors. The idea being that eventually the technology of surveillance will become effective enough to end this war of attrition and enforce global control on the production and distribution of narcotics.

Many assumed that this brand of thought would be curbed when Barack Obama came to power, but the president has proved an invaluable asset to America's narco-industrial complex. Though Obama campaigned on a promise to "fix the problem with medical marijuana" and called for an end to dispensary raids in 2009, those promises have gone the way of Guantánamo Bay. Under his watch, federal authorities have vigorously persecuted medical marijuana suppliers, with raids occurring constantly throughout the country. This week, in a crude turn of events, it was revealed that the Obama administration was directly involved in selling thousands of automatic weapons to cartel members, some of which have been used in the murders of Mexican officials.

If one considers that "the world's largest undefended border" between Canada and the US is now monitored by surveillance drones searching for pot smugglers, it seems like a gloomy inevitability that military force will eventually triumph. But the same technological determinism that deemed those drones a necessity also works in favour of the drug trade.

In Canada, the Tory government is scrambling to pass an unpopular bill that will see marijuana growers receive tougher sentences than those convicted of raping children. This plan to crack down on growers is pure politically clownery. With a minimum of 30,000 grow-ops in British Columbia alone, Canada has been effectively "overgrown": the level of marijuana production is so high that the justice system has an imperceptible effect on the industry. Out of the minority of growers who are discovered by police, only about 30% are arrested, meaning that a maximum of 0.5% of those involved in cultivation face jail time.

The single most crucial element of the sustainability of the drug war is the US trade deficit. Unlike Canada, the US produces fewer drugs than it consumes. The resultant cross-border traffic provides the rationale for the US to impose its policies on any country that supplies the drugs that the American consumer demands. But the current state of the American economy may change this. Unemployment rates in the US are now nearing the same level that British Columbia experienced in the late 1980s; a climate that precipitated the marijuana production boom that continues to this day.

If industrious Americans were to saturate their landscape with clandestine grow-operations, it would substantially damage the profitability of the cartels, which draw somewhere inbetween 25% to 60% of their profit from marijuana. This would eliminate much of the US government's motivation to interfere in the narcotics policies of foreign countries, while forcing the issue of legalisation at home.

For those who would prefer a future with less drones, take comfort in the fact that the market is trending towards this possibility: Americans are growing more pot than ever. If this continues, the decisive battle in the war on drugs will be waged in the backyards, basements, and national parks of America. It will see stealth agriculture pitted against stealth surveillance – the outcome of which will depend on whether or not American ingenuity can defeat its own government's military supremacy


You can do it!


Active member
American marijuana growers could beat this war on drugs

Clandestine grow-ops sown by industrial Americans could damage drug cartels more effectively than the US military

The gruesome concomitants of the war on drugs were on display yet again last week in Mexico, where gangs continue to terrorise the public with impunity. The decapitated body of a crime-awareness blogger was found in Nuevo Laredo, the third of such killings to occur in the city over the last month. A bag of rotting human heads outside an elementary school in Acapulco had a note threatening the state governor, who responded with promises of more police and security cameras.

After four decades of bloodstains and milked budgets, only one thing is certain: no matter how hard you fight, the market always wins. It is no longer tenable to describe this war on drugs as a failure. It is, as Winston Churchill once remarked, "an affront to the whole history of mankind". Although former dignitaries have routinely come forth to denounce prohibition, the incumbents and bureaucrats who continue to wage this battle simply refuse to be swayed by data or reason. In the past few months, new fronts have opened up in Russia, Africa and south-east Asia. But nowhere is the incongruity between reality and ideology more acute than in its North American epicentre.

On 17 August William Brownfield, the assistant secretary for the US bureau of international narcotics and law enforcement affairs, showed up in Ciudad Juarez to defend America's drug war. At a press conference, he stated: "We cannot lose, because if we lose we will say to the generations that come after us: 'You are condemned to live in a disgusting and repulsive world.' And that's a conversation I do not want to have with my children or grandchildren in years to come." Such a comment, so clearly dismissive of those Mexicans who are already condemned to the hell that Brownfield alludes to, is indicative of the technological determinism that informs the logic of drug warriors. The idea being that eventually the technology of surveillance will become effective enough to end this war of attrition and enforce global control on the production and distribution of narcotics.

Many assumed that this brand of thought would be curbed when Barack Obama came to power, but the president has proved an invaluable asset to America's narco-industrial complex. Though Obama campaigned on a promise to "fix the problem with medical marijuana" and called for an end to dispensary raids in 2009, those promises have gone the way of Guantánamo Bay. Under his watch, federal authorities have vigorously persecuted medical marijuana suppliers, with raids occurring constantly throughout the country. This week, in a crude turn of events, it was revealed that the Obama administration was directly involved in selling thousands of automatic weapons to cartel members, some of which have been used in the murders of Mexican officials.

If one considers that "the world's largest undefended border" between Canada and the US is now monitored by surveillance drones searching for pot smugglers, it seems like a gloomy inevitability that military force will eventually triumph. But the same technological determinism that deemed those drones a necessity also works in favour of the drug trade.

In Canada, the Tory government is scrambling to pass an unpopular bill that will see marijuana growers receive tougher sentences than those convicted of raping children. This plan to crack down on growers is pure politically clownery. With a minimum of 30,000 grow-ops in British Columbia alone, Canada has been effectively "overgrown": the level of marijuana production is so high that the justice system has an imperceptible effect on the industry. Out of the minority of growers who are discovered by police, only about 30% are arrested, meaning that a maximum of 0.5% of those involved in cultivation face jail time.

The single most crucial element of the sustainability of the drug war is the US trade deficit. Unlike Canada, the US produces fewer drugs than it consumes. The resultant cross-border traffic provides the rationale for the US to impose its policies on any country that supplies the drugs that the American consumer demands. But the current state of the American economy may change this. Unemployment rates in the US are now nearing the same level that British Columbia experienced in the late 1980s; a climate that precipitated the marijuana production boom that continues to this day.

If industrious Americans were to saturate their landscape with clandestine grow-operations, it would substantially damage the profitability of the cartels, which draw somewhere inbetween 25% to 60% of their profit from marijuana. This would eliminate much of the US government's motivation to interfere in the narcotics policies of foreign countries, while forcing the issue of legalisation at home.

For those who would prefer a future with less drones, take comfort in the fact that the market is trending towards this possibility: Americans are growing more pot than ever. If this continues, the decisive battle in the war on drugs will be waged in the backyards, basements, and national parks of America. It will see stealth agriculture pitted against stealth surveillance – the outcome of which will depend on whether or not American ingenuity can defeat its own government's military supremacy.


The overgrow message is getting out at last.


Americans know their herb, I was smoking some stuff they call "mids" that was stronger than most dutch skunk Ive smoked!


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Very well written article. You can always count on the UK press to tell the US what the real fucking deal is.


There will always be cartels, whether it be the Mexicans or big pharma and US GOV. The face may change but everything else will be the same.


There will always be cartels, whether it be the Mexicans or big pharma and US GOV. The face may change but everything else will be the same.



the shit spoon
OG'ers, a group of mostly anonymous underground activists now gaining media status kinda like Anonymous (and its predecessors)?

About time cuz the gubbmint went after us first.

Maybe the writer of that article's been reading our 'Overgrow The Cartels' posts hehe.

"fuck cartel weed" has been a local phrase for the past couple of years here... some weedguys are hypocrits but even they are 90% domestic high to mid-high, most of that local but like a quarter Cali. Very little mids go around but people have a hard time selling it other than really cheap, then it goes quick because they can sell it on at a decent markup.

While a domestic stealth class war has been waged on the american middle class, the they in turn wage a subconscious war on the cartels.

When they took down OG, they escalated the cultural infection as all these former OGers scattered with their idealogy to every little pot website out there, and that is bleeding over into the "potular" culture.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Americans know their herb, I was smoking some stuff they call "mids" that was stronger than most dutch skunk Ive smoked!

never been there but I've been told this by several regulars, small sized buds are offered & sold, very likely before hitting the sales counter bigger buds are busted up and tumbled to knock off the available kief.

they used to have jewelers magnifiers (loops) on the counter so customers could examine the trichomes, because the buds are now tumbled 1st the magnifiers have disappeared from the counters.

whatever kief is left in the middle of your nuggets is the high you'll get.

When in the 'Dam ask around to find the best and spend for the hash.......



The war on drugs has become just another parasite on the American people already overburdened. It has too many dependents now to be out of work if won. I don't feel it will end any time soon. There will be a war on us one way or another anyway, so long as we continue to be our masters keepers.


Active member
Very well written article. You can always count on the UK press to tell the US what the real fucking deal is.

To be fair the http://www.guardian.co.uk/ isn't exactly representative of the british press as a whole as it's owned by a charitable trust so isn't motivated by profit. Intersting to note the website is read by more Americans than British, it's also free and has a great free android app too.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
good article, america is starting to fulfill its potential to be a huge producer - my friend went to Barbados recently and was shocked to find that the 'best' weed being bigged up by the dealers was 'American Hydro'



violence is an incentive to repealing prohibition

if all growers become peaceful citizens.. eh lol


Still Learning
yeah right, try blowin' that smoke up someone else's ass.......

Unbiased media, anywhere!, wouldnt that be refreshing! We just enjoy hearing the worlds view, because it is different than we hear from our 'unbiased' media outlets... choose your poison.


weed fiend
yeah right, try blowin' that smoke up someone else's ass.......

The Guardian is run by a trust endowed by the founders so that no outside interests influence their news.

Besides, it's just commentary backed by facts. Even if it's a little brutal. Mexican cartels have more to thank than an operation that sought to identify the gun trail from US manufacturer through US dealer, through US transportation, through US security and into Mexico.

This would have been a modern day French Connection. But instead of dope coming from se asia, it's guns coming out of the US. Our borders are just as bribed and corrupt from Mexican drug money as NYPD was bribed with heroin money.

Why doesn't law enforcement stop guns going into Mexico? DEA wants the dope here so they can confiscate assets of dealers.

And we can't forget the NRA. What started as a group of sportsmen is now guns-r-us at all costs. The freedom to manufacture and carry guns ought to carry the responsibility of seeing they don't fall into the wrong hands.

rant off


What is happenning in Mexico is a goddamn outrage! criminal! disgusting!
America's demand for drugs and the prohibition that our govt puts on its citizen is fueling the killings there. That violence really belongs here in the US and it will come if there is justice in this world------- sooner or later.


weed fiend
It's not just our appetite for drugs. We're the arms manufacturer of the world and by gawd nobody can take away our right to sell and produce. It's a real shame but the NRA used to be a responsible outfit. I'm a lifelong hunter and followed NRA publications my grandfather received as a lifelong member himself..

Since, the NRA wouldn't get a dime of my money unless I get to throw a boot up Wayne Lapierre's ass. IMO, founders of the NRA would throw a boot up Wayne's ass.

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