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I need my Prescription meds


Guest 48988

Terve hei moi !! .. Now to my mother tounge.

I've been visited by your feds before (and i know your reading this you ****s, i'm not growing/smoking/importing so fuck off).

Im confused about the situation with ordering my legal non controlled meds. Heart (clopigdogrel)and ED (tadalafil) meds....

Im right in saying that it's 100% illegal???? Of course i have been precribed these things in my former country. And having a prescription faxed to me would be no problem. But i just read "imported drugs have to come from the same country that the precription was issued in".

Is this serious??? What if i dont know where my meds will be shipped from .. aka onlinepharmacy.

I just want to take control of my own health and well being.. i know what i need, and i know where to get it cheap.

Would it be high risk to just go ahead and order them??
Am i on a hot list for my previous contact with your feds?
What is the likely punishment if i get caught?

Thanks in advance


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
importation of any controlled substance is Illegal. You can not use a online Pharm if they are in another country that is also illegal. When I was first got hurt I tried the Online thing 95% of all the meds I ordered where confiscated and I got a letter from customs. A lot of the meds you get from other country's are in fact fake and there is nothing you can do about it.

Go to a US doc and get a prescription.


I'd recommend asking the about it from a doctor or drug store. Not sure if you have to be a finnish citizen but people can get their prescription meds for free here.

Guest 48988

A letter i can handle. I just dont want my door smashed in again and guns pointed at me (for 7 grams of weed i may add)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
cannabis is Illegal in most country's. If you had some mailed to you thats a big risk. Even in the states that have mmj its still Illegal federally. Next time have them mail you some hash or oil it's much easier to hide

Guest 48988

Thanks for the heads up. Ive decided against this. Your BIG BROTHER is much bigger than mine.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the heads up. Ive decided against this. Your BIG BROTHER is much bigger than mine.

yeah.... our BIG BROTHER is a fucking bitch and personally i cut him off a long time ago...... he just wont cut me off though...

Guest 48988

So i got everything I needed today from a private doctor. I also got 100 valium + 100 temazepam (for the princely sum of 10 euros). He handed them out like sweets.. Bonkers. He agreed that if he could prescribe cannabis, he would. And that it would be better treatment for my attention deficit disorder than any benzo's.
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There are people willing to help you - just try to find your personal caretaker and get rid of that shit.

Guest 48988

Im unsure as to what you are really trying to say prowler.....Are you saying i need to find "my man".. Im not paying 20euros a gram from a helsinki bagman.

Are you saying I need to get off the benzo's? Aswell as heart problems I have ADD (atention deficit) and HFA (higher functioing autism). Ive been self medicating with cannabis for 20 years now and i managed to lead a semi normal life... but growing in finland isnt an option for me. Im not having your tulli/feds pointing guns at me again simply becuase im ill and my wonderful life giving plant is illegal here.

So all I have now is a state sponsored addiction. I dont see what chioce i have. I live on the 5th floor, and im super glad that i have a wire mesh in place to stop me jumping off and solving my problem once and for all. It should be my human right to use whatever drug improves my quality of life.

But all that said. I love my wife, I love my children, I love YOUR/MY country.. yes Finland is my home now... and im not leaving.

Guest 48988

And i have no freinds here... IM not the kind of guy who goes to bars. Im not hte kind of guy who will sidle up to someone and say "will you be my freind".. im very isolated.

Guest 48988

Sorry if I come across as a moaning git.. its not my intention. I just need to talk sometimes .. and finland forum on ICMAG seems the perfect place for me to do so.

Guest 48988

Well im an hour north of helsinki. Ive spent a few years living in netherlands where €6 a gram would get you good bud with great bag appeal. I need 3 grams a day to stabalize me.. So a €60 euro a day medical treatment is not something I can sustain. Benzo's are offering me some respite though.. even if they are affecting my balance and imparing my judgement.


Well-known member
If you only knew how to pull off a decent outdoor grow somewhere out in the bush.

But that would all depend on the condition of your health ofcourse. Gets hard if you happen to live in a wheelchair or something.

How bad is it uncle hairy? Are you able to get out and spend some time in the woods?

Quote unclehairy: What is the likely punishment if i get caught? end quote.

Answer: Not much if anything at all, but it' ll depend on some factors like; if you are a repeat offender, on probation, but most of all, if there is commerce involved.

With some Doctors and some "higher" police officers it is actually possible to talk and open up your situation so you could try to find a reasonable solution to your case.

You just got to do it.

Just know the difference between how cops behave while on a raid, and when they are just doing their public office duty.

Lots of it comes down how you behave when handling them.

Not that they are my best friends, but where I am atm there at least have been made some progress trough mutual respect and understanding.

Long time standing project ;) :D

Guest 48988

OUtdorr season is what.. 8 months away? IM fully mobile... My heart has been stented so im like superman (artificial of course). I am a very skilled indoor grower.. but I dare not get involved in anything like that here. Agencies in Finland like to keep databases.. I know im on a hot list.
I know your feds are reading this... and I know they know who i am just by the information I have given in this thread. To be fair though.... after the gun pointing shit..... they did treat me like a bit of a celebrity. And one tulli guy admitted he hated his job...and people like me shoulld just be left alone. (one stupid fuck left his gun on my kitchen counter, i concidered going out in a blaze of glory... but hell ive never fired a gun before. I suspect i wouldh ave been dead before i got within 2 feet of it). But leaving a loaded gun in full view of my kids? What the fuck??????

Cannabis stabalizes me, it means i can function. Without it.. the world is too loud, its too bright... I absorb too much information and it means things like going to a supermarket are very distressing for me. I cant fill in forms.... I cant focus.... I cant do simple things like tidy my house becuase i cant make sense of how things should be presented in any kind of orderly fashion. BUt..... im great at spotting shop lifters!!!

Guest 48988

My third eye was opened by lsd many years ago.... I can read peples faces/emotions. Although I cant do it in finland..... your all too... closed/emotionless. Yes.. im bonkers... but im a lot of fun to know :)

Is it ok to post my cell number here? Or even msn/yahoo/icq.... I could really do with some freinds.


Well-known member
The "voices in our heads" as I d'like to describe your symptoms are there to RESIST the things we are not naturally willing to comply with.
Everyone is as they are and when beeing ordered to do things without our consent our heads will rebell.
Requesting will lead to peace, Ordering will lead to violence of some kind. In your case, the violence happens in your head.

To answer your question: HELL NO !

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