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FBI spy device

Red Fang

Active member
I can only guess that a certain youtube video I posted to this thread was automatically redirecting visitors to youtube. If you notice from other threads it appears that youtube embeded posts appear in here and you can view the video from within ICMAG. That was not the case with the video I attempted to post and I apologize for that. I edited the post as soon as I discovered the issue to link to the page so that visitors have a choice to view the video or not. Again I apologize for this but it seems youtube has worked some sort of a deal that these embed codes are redirected or something? I'm not exactly sure, either way any future visitors should be safe. Again I apologize and was only trying to encourage and benefit the community to petition the US to legalize this industry.
thanks dude


Active member
i only talking about normally things over phones-thats secure.Few or "some" cell phones can tapped what people says even if it closed..have read about those on the net.

FBI : ) I bust flowers.They should instead enjoy them.


Active member
That's why I stay small and unimportant. The other side of the coin is that big tech isn't going to be used to hunt the millions of little fleas like me. Each arrest exposes the technology as the OP was pointing out. I'm just not worth it.


Active member
there have been NUMEROUS times where i had felt as if my phone was tapped and people just chalked me off as being crazy and paranoid when i brought it to their attention.....

who's the crazy and paranoid one now MOTHER FUCKERS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I'd still call you just a bit paranoid. If you were tapped then it's likely you had been slipping up and if you were slipping up and they were taking the time to tap your phone and listen to your calls you'd likely be caught by now.


Active member
Safety First

Safety First


If any of you are old enough to remember lugging around $100 of quarters and moving from payphone to payphone you can make the leap concerning cellphones in a similarly safe fashion.

I used to call Colombia....$9.90 for 3 minutes....haha.

As FirstTracks said, when you are in places you do not want others to know, turn off your phone and take out the battery. Using a lead-lined bag (like for protecting real photographic film, another "old-school" item) is perhaps unnecessary unless you have the CIA or NSA after you.

Instead of lugging around hundreds of dollars in quarters, buy 3 or 4 pre-paid cell phones from different convenience stores in different towns. Prioritize them and have a system for their use. For extremely important calls, like when you are expecting "Santa" to arrive, use the phone once and destroy it.

I remember seeing women in Miami back in 1982 with 4 or 5 pages attached to their fashionable belts, almost like bandoleros. Color coded I suspect for every specific task/tasker/location/etc...

If you're truly so high on the LEO watch list that a Stingray goes into play, you probably need an attorney already.

Play safe.


battery out of phone +lead lined bag/lead lined box


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
There was a follow up to this article on the Wall Street Journal I forgot to post. You also need a membership to access it though so probably won't be useful for everyone. I believe I remember it said that the government lost in court or was losing. Maybe someone can pull it up for us. I quit technology other than a laptop which I really need to get rid of also so forgot about this thread.


Active member
i hear you 40 i get paranoid off this shit as well...my main concern is cell phone networking. where some friend of mine may be tapped (unknown to him)..then he calls my phone and i get tapped, and then all the numbers i call get tapped. they get big networks of phone numbers then take down everybody and call it conspiracy even though most of the people arent even aware of what the other is specifically doing..

im not too worried about the stingray devices...i would spot a cop van in a heart beat in my area. if you start seeing that thing around time to throw the phones and go under..

on that note...i want to ditch my phones now lol....my clean phone is so handy, but i worry they can use the GPS shit to know where im at 24/7. but its so damn convenient being able to check traffic before hitting the freeway, check for local stores when you need something, handle bullshit family matters and other non grow related shit....gotta find a way to balance the conveniance with the security and paranoia..

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
Funny, how people dump on the post office.

But being patient and writing letters would be a low tech way of avoiding taps (obviously not the sting ray, however).

i don't get why people don't just switch to things like cryptoheaven or bitwise for sensitive, long range, communications. cell phones signals are so easy to tap/surveil/trace it amazes me that people still use them for sensitive communications. currently, ALL of my sensitive, and most of my non-sensitive, communications are encrypted with either gpg email or bitwise. hell, at least make em work to spy on you. recently, i'm really leaning towards crypoheaven. i would encrypt everything if i could get all of my associates on board.:laughing:
It doesn't look like encryption is going to help you much. If you were not scared before then read this article. I would post it but it is five pages long and not bullshit internet sized pages either.

yeah, if the nsa is after you, you got trouble. i don't remember any weed offendors getting busted by the nsa. enlightening article though. breaking encryption still costs em money though. everybody should begin encrypting all their comm!
It doesn't look like encryption is going to help you much. If you were not scared before then read this article. I would post it but it is five pages long and not bullshit internet sized pages either.

"There is still one technology preventing untrammeled government access to private digital data: strong encryption. Anyone—from terrorists and weapons dealers to corporations, financial institutions, and ordinary email senders—can use it to seal their messages, plans, photos, and documents in hardened data shells. For years, one of the hardest shells has been the Advanced Encryption Standard, one of several algorithms used by much of the world to encrypt data. Available in three different strengths—128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits—it’s incorporated in most commercial email programs and web browsers and is considered so strong that the NSA has even approved its use for top-secret US government communications. Most experts say that a so-called brute-force computer attack on the algorithm—trying one combination after another to unlock the encryption—would likely take longer than the age of the universe. For a 128-bit cipher, the number of trial-and-error attempts would be 340 undecillion (1036).":moon:


We are Farmers
The article implies that the NSA is able to break 256 bit encryption but yes at least they have to spend the time and effort to crack it. I agree if the NSA is after you you already have problems but my gut fear is that there are not really that many terrorist for them to chase so they have to justify the shiny machine somehow and it is a lot cheaper to fight a war on your own people.


Active member
yeah, if the nsa is after you, you got trouble. i don't remember any weed offendors getting busted by the nsa. enlightening article though. breaking encryption still costs em money though. everybody should begin encrypting all their comm!
I didn't read the whole of that particular article but I've read a few on the subject. That installation is 1/6 of a cubic mile. That's just under 100 billion cubic feet! I think I remember seeing that there would only be 200 employees, somebody slap me upside the head if I'm wrong.

Now, think about the computing power in a little iphone. That's commonly available technology, wonder how much computing power could be packed into that thing if you were a high tech government contractor with a black budget. Then think about how many of those could be stuffed into those four big buildings.

They'll be collecting, correlating and analyzing just about every bit of electronic communication in this country and in most of the world. I suspect that breaking 256 bit encryption will be childs play for that monster.

True, it's unlikely they're going to use it to hassle your average little weed grower. But this is just one aspect of the future of universal surveillance. And other agencies hook up with NSA for the info they want.

Makes me just a tiny bit paranoid. Now, where'd I put the tinfoil?