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fixing my room need advice


IMHO you asked for advice on how to fix the cooling then just went with that you think will work...not from the experience of others on what will work.

Two fans, two filters is twice as likely to have a leak and let smell escape. I'm all for using the equipment you already have but just keep in mind the advice respected members offer is very valuable and will save you from "thinking you solved the problem".

One thing I'm not clear on is your intake, how is this set up?

Its all love.
simply adding a window ac could help you a lot, look for a cheap one on craigslist.

i dont like cooltubes though, they diffuse your light and weaken it, might as well use 2 600watt barebulb if your gonna do that. also maybe consider going vertical? lol
Thing is a cooltube doesnt really let you put you plant much closer to a 1k light, as the intensity of the light will still bleach your buds. i keep plants about 18-22in. from my 1k lights.


in the thick of it
I was having heat issues until I went vertical. I run a 1k bare bulb very close to the ladies...and they love it.


Active member
I'm still unclear about your statements concerning floor space. How many plants are you running? How much of the room are you trying to light with the lights you have? Good luck. -granger
I had an air conditioner the vent produced more heat in the room than the lights. not enough room in driveway to put industrial AC from computers out side.

i started using the chillers and found cooling the air from the lights and using that cool air to cool the room works. i have had that room at 72 deg. not in the summer. i am hoping to put less of a load on my cooling system and be able to better adjust the temp as more lights are added.

i do not have an air intake in the room. since so many have asked how do you do the and maintain light integrity at night?

if i could guarantee no light in when dark i would gladly open an intake. i have an exhaust that i stopped using.

got no problem making this fix to just tell me how to make an intake. not from under the house i can take it from the lower wall. lots of bad things under the house. i can make an 8" hole.

concerning my floor space i only use 1 room for growing and i grow and flower in the same room. 1 grow at a time. as for number i bring up enough plants to fill the floor during flowering and still remain with in the law. that does not mean i can't grow full size supercropped plants tied to a trellis canopy. to make the best use of my space and time. also i'm moving equiment around and eliminating other things taking up floor space so i meant i will have more space to spread out the plants on the floor so they will breath better.

i start with one 600 for starting and growing seedlings. then add another until flowering when we go to 2000. yes this takes awhile and its getting harder to get the starting material.

so since i use the whole room i need to light the whole room. but since it is hard to keep cool with the dual tube and cooling 2 lights with 1 chiller does not work it puts to much heat into the tank and the cooler can't keep up.

i'm interested in this hang vertical thing how do you cool you lights and keep them from heating up the room. i'll bet you use AC.

yes i'm trying to finish fixing my heat problem. it is mostly because all the air i had moving in the old room was defused blowing into walls or ceiling. read back in these posts. i intend to put 2 filters against the back wall 1 in each corner. with a 440 6" blower on each, 2 single cooltubes pointing up the vaulted ceiling each with its own chiller on the end of it. they will be pointing at and blowing thier air into the room at 2 wall mounted fans on the opposite wall blowing that cool air back across the lights and onto the garden area. no more dufused air and the cold air i produce off the end of the light tube will actually be used to cool the room. keeping the room cooler and putting even less stress on the system.

no intake now or exhaust just an open door and circulated air inside the room. no smell leak all air scubbed no smell in house either. i am gathering that i need a fresh air intake on the back wall. need to know how to do that. i have an extra 220 blower i assume i then put it into another filter to contain any out side light.

my cooling system



Speed of Dark
My intake air light trap is manual, when the lights go out I drop the canvas over the hole. Lights on and I pull the canvas back up. I do have to be home at 11:00 and 23:00 every day in the summer. Winter is always dark and cold, no prob.

I grow vertical, when the wattage went past 3000 the ceiling and the floor above were removed. That gave a new 16' ceiling and room to dissipate heat, most are not so lucky.

The budroom ended up with 10 x 400w on top, 3 remote temp senders, and 8 fans, flexiblility runs rampant.


If what I just read is correct, no exhaust or intake. Then you must be referred to this thread.


There lots of info everywhere, search and read. I DEFINITELY don't recommended not using and intake for fresh oxygen and exhaust for hot air and smell. The intake can come from inside your house, exhaust outside.

Tip: exchange the air in your room every two minutes. This means take your LxWxH and multiply by 2. Then get a fan the matches with CFM.

Ex...5x5x7= 175x2= 350, You would need a 350 cfm or stronger.
to all concerned :thank you: very much for the help. :thank you:

I have decided to add a indoor intake on the back corner of the room. i will use a 6" pipe and a blower i have on hand.

i keep my ballasts in the closet and am considering an exhaust pipe there to blow out the ballast heat. thinking about it not committed yet.

i am still designing a black out cover for the intake in my mind. however i believe this to be the missing answer I've been looking for.

this will bring in fresh air from the back of the room instead of using the door as intake and exhaust. i will continue to use the door as the exhaust.

yes I'm also going to separate the lights and make them more efficient to.

:thank you: :thank you: :thank you:
put two or three elbows(with the inside painted black) bending opposite directions this will kill the light going through the pipe. best of luck
Very cool

Very cool

that would make it possible to put in an intake on each side of the room and have it flush with the wall and feed the filters with fresh air and not have 4 blower over producing air flow and dehydrating my plants as i was.

i could use small in-line duct fans outside the room to help blow fresh air into the filters. then all the corner pipes and duct fans would be outside the room. and no light would get in.

so 2 intakes feeding both filters circulating fresh cool air though the room. no more suffocating plants.

very cool that will totally fix the problem.

:thank you:
im pretty high right now so bear with me. ok question a lil lost lights will still be on a scrubber? but still blowing into the lights and not exiting? as far as smell with lights go if you seal the pipe work and hoods and blow air through instead of pull air through you will never have a smell leak. the only time lights leak smell is when you pull air through. by pushing air you just add fresh air to room through any leaks if you pull air it sucks air and smell out of room. i have sealed lights and just let the scrubber run but i have a sealed room. if you do vent it just remember you intake has to double you exhaust to create negative pressure and keep proper exchange rate


I mostly finished my room, I'm only waiting for the 360 cfm in wall fan to arrive. you will notice in the pics the spot on the wall were the fan will go. also i could not fit it all into one pic old camera. hope you like what i did, the 2 boards across the rooms ceiling that also shore the roof, are also used too mount the pre built hoods. the hoods are screwed to boards to make them flat and solid to the mount. the board around the middle of the room on the wall are for attaching the rope trellis for supporting the plants. The boards around the top are for blower cords and CO2 web hose I'm making. the boards on the walls also help keep the foil from coming loose from the walls. there is another board around the bottom of the wall to secure the bottom.

if you look in the one corner you can see the inside pipes for my cooling system. the area behind the pipes will get covered with foil. Notice how each light has a cooler and all wires and hoses are kept high. the CO2 hose can support strings too help support the trellis net and there are hooks in the ceiling. i will cover the fan from the outside during flowering with vinyl as i do the door. when in doubt use a black out curtain and cover the hole.

The entire floor space gets good light now. I'm able to use smaller blowers and keep the room cooler. did a test and with out the intake fan the room was at 75 deg.

i positioned the fan high in the wall so it would help keep the lights cool by blowing the outside air across the lights.




I don't understand why you have scrubbers before the cooltubes? I'd run them without any ducting at all, being the cooltubes don't dump outside the room. Glad things are working better for ya tho!