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The Annunaki Aliens!!


Active member
Does anyone else up in here believe in this?


I've been studying and doing hell loads of research lately.... the results are breathtaking atleast...

Started doing the research after seeing a UFO while doing some pullups at the bars....

Youtube is just full of shit. So is google.


Active member
I've noticed that Icmag has taken a paranormal slant as of late. I kinda like it.

I wonder what this forum will look like in december of 2012?


Youtube is just full of shit.
...and also a lot of shit! I'm pretty sure you'll find Elmanito here really into this stuff. Some say the Anunnaki are coming back for their gold and other things from this planet. I guess if you believe we're here because of the Anunnaki then they 'own' us...lol.

h^2 O

:) Yeah I sure have. I'll watch it though, nothing else to do. I'll make comments as I watch, so there may be posts before mine when this posts
1) the orbit of this planet "Nibiro" - it's like Pluto's, and there would be no Sun for 90% of it's orbit around it. This would not sustain life. There would be no light for photosynthesis and no atmosphere. And it would be absolute zero most of the time.
2)He IS right about Genesis being taken from Sumerian texts.
3)If they came here 450,000 years ago then why is cuneiform and Chinese the oldest texts we have, dating to no more than 10,000 years ago?
4)The picture of the solar system with the Sun in the center, and saying that Europeans only figured it out 300 years ago - didn't the Mayans and other mesoamerican civilizations figure that out like 4,000 years ago?
5) Using the size of the deity as proof that he's alien - almost all cultures throughout history portray their gods as giant. Think of the statue of Zeuss at Olympia.
6)The "new planet found right where they said Nibiru would be" - that's the so-called 10th planet they found, which turned out to be one of many, almost like Pluto, which ended up taking Pluto off the list of planets
7) Atlantis - guy is saying it's bigger than Rome, etc. - so where is it? And why can't we find it? We have scanned EVERY inch of the globe from space.
8) lol Chariots of the Gods. A good read, but pseudo-science.
Entertaining video


You should check out the tv series Ancient Aliens, it's one of the best shows on tv. You can watch old episodes on netflix or hulu I think.

Or you could read the book "Chariot Of The Gods" which AA is based on, you can read it for free on scribd.com. If you havent seen AA, it is a show that shows the correlation between ancient civilizations and aliens. Even if it is all bullshit it is still pretty cool to see all the old architecture made by ancient people.


just posted in the my friend is schizo/crazy thread

I feel it's a sister thread :)


If some are into this stuff got a friend who runs the site My Curious Brain and some neat stuff on there. Pretty sure he's got some Anunnaki stuff covered. He told me about the Gobekli Tepe site which was built in 10,000 BC or so in Turkey. Some are saying this is where the story of the Garden of Eden comes from. Anyway still stuff to be discovered on the planet.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Dudesome....join the Path of Enlightenment group. There's some discussion threads on aliens over there. Must have an open mind and respect for others, that's the only criteria:) I think you'd really like it!

Ancient Aliens is the shit!


Cautiously Optimistic



haha first time i saw the show I thought that dude was trying a little too hard to copy Einstein's hair-do. But einsteins hair was just messy. it actually looks like this guy GELS his hair into place like that.

makes him lose credibility IMO

Max Headroom

Well-known member
the whole subject of UFOs is utterly filled with all kinds of disinformation. very very hard to get a handle on.

two valuable starting points are the works of John A. Keel (operation trojan horse, our haunted planet, disneyland of the gods, the mothman prophecies) and the two books by Richard Dolan (UFO's and the National Security State Vol. 1+2)


weed fiend
haha first time i saw the show I thought that dude was trying a little too hard to copy Einstein's hair-do. But einsteins hair was just messy. it actually looks like this guy GELS his hair into place like that.

makes him lose credibility IMO

That idiot's on dope.