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Palestinians make formal statehood bid at U.N.

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Andinismo Hierbatero
palestinian coat of arms:


any resemblance?


they said it is the eagle of saladin, what a way to dodge.


Afghanistan never really existed.
I could care less about this debate, really, but what does this mean?! lol I just did a very quick google search and can see that it became independent from Britain's influence in 1919.


America uses and Eagle, Russia uses an Eagle, are you fucking nuts?

You have no justification or explanation on how a state can declare they do not and will not control an area, but it is still part of their country.

clown shoes.


I could care less about this debate, really, but what does this mean?! lol I just did a very quick google search and can see that it became independent from Britain's influence in 1919.

It means its a backwater, its a landmass without control.
No one has ever controlled the land area of Afghanistan. (Plenty have had NO control, such as the british, soviets, etc.)

Afghanistan doesnt say HERE is our boarder with Iran.
Iran says, this is as far as were going to go into your backwater shit hole.
Soviets and the Pakistanis did the same.

Oklahoma is the same, Texas took this land, Kansas this land, all that was left was 'backwater' 'indian territory'.

The Pashtuns are 'indians', people 'the civilized world' see as 'backwards'.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Afghanistan never really existed. Do you thing Afghanistan imposes its boarders, or has its boarders imposed on it by Iran, the Soviet satellites, Pakistan? Its a backwater, just like palistine.

Its an area of land with people on it. i fail to see your point.

NOTHING YOU SAY has any bearing on this. I would have more respect for the argument 'The jews won, get over it'.

The Jewish in modern day Israel have always won all the wars, all of which Israel never started, which makes it even cooler.

why do you think it is called IDF? Israel Defence Force

a few months ago, a buddy of mine got thrown a molotov while he was doing reserve duty in the boarder with the west bank; he caught on fire a little bit, all his buddies ran to him to tell him: hey man, remember to keep it cool, if you shoot the idiot who threw the molotov, you go to jail.

and lets not start on Pakistan... Gandhi was strongly opposed to the creation of Pakistan btw.

now this one really is the last attempt to educate you.

over and out.

h^2 O

Gee I didn't think this thread would be so political and heated...

To the twits comparing the Palstinians to the Third Reich - are you serious? It's more like the other way around: random angry PAlestinian attacks oppressive Isreali unit or territory with a grenade, Isreali rolls into the GHETTO they created for the Palestinians and takes out 100 people as revenge. Women, children.

To deny the Palestinians a free state of their own would be against pretty much every bit of morality I can put together. Isreali has created GHETTOS for these people to live in...constantly patrolling them like Warsaw in the 40's. Until they get their free state of their own Isreali will see them as vermin and keep eradicating them and isolating them until there ARE NO Palestinians.



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