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my insane "friend"


h^2 O

Does anyone else have any experience like this?

So my friend since high school and me keep in touch - we text back and forth everyday, just like "hey I took a big shit" or "check out this movie online." Over the past few years he became increasingly weird - spending hours on end in chat rooms talking about the end of the world and conspiracy theories, etc. Mind you this is a guy in his 30's. Doesn't work, doesn't go outside except to the corner store. Talks about some spiritual chick he met online and how he's going to meet her in 6 months or something. So the texts and emails increase and become weirder - every day getting 10 emails with links to youtube videos about all kinds of conspiracy stuff. Along with the videos is always a long comment about how he "just figured everything out"...like he had an epiphamy about how the world is run by reptile aliens and you just have to watch this video that explains it all. EVERY DAY this shit went on.
It became clear at one point that - holy shit - he's serious! He had created this whole world in his head about reptile alien overlords out to get us, and how politicians and famous people are all aliens out to get us. And he's DEAD serious.
About a year ago I gave him my facebook and email passwords to check up on things for me while I was away. A few months later he emails me like "you stupid shit you gave me your email and facebook passwords and forgot about it" and proceeds to discuss with me an email that he must have really dug for - thousands of emails in there, must have spent hours. The thing is, I didn't "forget" I gave him my passwords - I trusted him as a friend. Apparently he doesn't have any experience with trust or real friendship.
So I promptly changed my passwords, and now he's cut off communication with me. I actually think it's a God-send, no more schizo emails about alien conspiracies and other crap.
So we're not talking anymore, hopefully we never will...but I have to think what's wrong with him. He got rid of his TV, and just stays in his room on his little netbook 24/7 going on chat sites about conspiracy and aliens and that's really it.
Ever have someone in your life like this? What do you think is wrong with him?

edit: he QUIT smoking weed about a year ago. The weirdness increased after he stopped smoking. Now he thinks cannabis is evil or something.



I have actually had a friend who pulled the exact same stunt as your "friend".. That is to say, he never broke my trust or anything but I kept recieving wierd mails and texts from him.. They were always about the end of the world and really freaky conspiracy therories..
He is a dude who has done incredible amounts of hallucinogens, mdma e.t.c. but also stopped some time prior to his freak-out period.

Anywho, I did'nt answer any of his freaky mails or texts, but I know a lot of my other friends told him directly that they thought it was B.S.. So after 6 months or so, he actually "gave up" what he believed in. I think he realized that even though such a conspiracy could be true, WTF was he going to do about it? Better to live in this world, instead of a world consisting on "if's"..

So are you planning on not talking to him ever again? If you think he used to be a cool guy, maybe you should hit him up every 6 months or so to check out if he has returned back to normal. Just a suggestion, take it or leave it :)


Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor

Sounds like pretty classic schizophrenia to me, at the right age for onset and everything...

I think you should re-establish contact and encourage him to seek help. The snooping is hard to excuse, but if he really has this, then its a manifestation of his disease. Much like leaving an alcoholic the key to the liquor cabinet, you left him access to your facebook, and were they not sick or addicted then they wouldn't have touched it.

I don't imagine they will be very receptive, but prolly worth the chance that hearing it from someone they've known so long might be the push they need to seek medical attention.

h^2 O


Sounds like pretty classic schizophrenia to me, at the right age for onset and everything...

I think you should re-establish contact and encourage him to seek help. The snooping is hard to excuse, but if he really has this, then its a manifestation of his disease. Much like leaving an alcoholic the key to the liquor cabinet, you left him access to your facebook, and were they not sick or addicted then they wouldn't have touched it.

I don't imagine they will be very receptive, but prolly worth the chance that hearing it from someone they've known so long might be the push they need to seek medical attention.

yeah man I'm thinking the same thing...fixed ideas that are unfounded, a false reality, paranoia.
If I were to talk to him about it he would explode - is very anti-social, short-tempered, fixed in his own ways.
I really do think he has schizophrenia. It's like he doesn't trust anyone at all, most of all family.
I think the only way to get him help would be to talk to his family and get them to bring him for an involuntary psychological evaluation.
Maybe I can send him a link to a webpage about schizophrenia anonymously.

edit: oh my God I looked at the link you put up - that is HIM to a T
"People with schizophrenia have an altered perception of reality, often a significant loss of contact with reality. They may see or hear things that don’t exist, speak in strange or confusing ways, believe that others are trying to harm them, or feel like they’re being constantly watched."
Yup, that's him. And he's not getting any help, just sitting in his room on his netbook looking for chats or videos that support his fantasy world
I really think cannabis was helping him, because after he stopped he just began spending 24 hours sessions online in 2012 forums and stuff. Yeah I might get in touch with his family.


Does anyone else have any experience like this?

So my friend since high school and me keep in touch - we text back and forth everyday, just like "hey I took a big shit" or "check out this movie online." Over the past few years he became increasingly weird - spending hours on end in chat rooms talking about the end of the world and conspiracy theories, etc. Mind you this is a guy in his 30's. Doesn't work, doesn't go outside except to the corner store. Talks about some spiritual chick he met online and how he's going to meet her in 6 months or something. So the texts and emails increase and become weirder - every day getting 10 emails with links to youtube videos about all kinds of conspiracy stuff. Along with the videos is always a long comment about how he "just figured everything out"...like he had an epiphamy about how the world is run by reptile aliens and you just have to watch this video that explains it all. EVERY DAY this shit went on.
It became clear at one point that - holy shit - he's serious! He had created this whole world in his head about reptile alien overlords out to get us, and how politicians and famous people are all aliens out to get us. And he's DEAD serious.
About a year ago I gave him my facebook and email passwords to check up on things for me while I was away. A few months later he emails me like "you stupid shit you gave me your email and facebook passwords and forgot about it" and proceeds to discuss with me an email that he must have really dug for - thousands of emails in there, must have spent hours. The thing is, I didn't "forget" I gave him my passwords - I trusted him as a friend. Apparently he doesn't have any experience with trust or real friendship.
So I promptly changed my passwords, and now he's cut off communication with me. I actually think it's a God-send, no more schizo emails about alien conspiracies and other crap.
So we're not talking anymore, hopefully we never will...but I have to think what's wrong with him. He got rid of his TV, and just stays in his room on his little netbook 24/7 going on chat sites about conspiracy and aliens and that's really it.
Ever have someone in your life like this? What do you think is wrong with him?

edit: he QUIT smoking weed about a year ago. The weirdness increased after he stopped smoking. Now he thinks cannabis is evil or something.

I wish you would have contacted me directly. Instead you chose to air out our laundry on a public forum. Some friend.

You do realize that the TV series V was actually a documentary series right?

See if I ever send you emails or texts again. Don't say I didn't warn you when the lizard aliens take over the planet, and enslave you. They like to use humans for salt block licks. They strap you on to a tread mill, and if you slow down they stick you with a cattle prod. Then once you start sweating they proceed to lick you. They then lick you until you collapse, and die. Then they dehydrate your body, and make jerky out of you. They use our finger nails, toe nails, and teeth as aphrodisiac's. They crush them into a powder, and lick them off of each other. You had fair warning. I thought we were friends. :)

h^2 O

hahaha no, not you Ozarks. He wouldn't be on a cannabis forum anyway, thinks it's "a waste of money" now.
Almost forgot - recently he'd said he'd "figured out" that Dec. 21 2012 is actually OCtober of this year, and that the world is going to end. So he bought pounds and pounds of food to store in his room. I didn't ask why he bought food if we'll all be dead. It's possible he thinks "only chosen ones" in his words, will survive. Very strange dude. Don't let him near chicks at a party, that's for sure. I don't think he's gotten laid since high school. Actually, he said he ate a hooker's butthole out a few months ago - not joking. I'm tempted to call and ask what kind of disease has incubated on his face or mouth.


i threw out my tv too. your friend is on to something just needs to stop buying into all the fear propaganda. you people sayin he's probably a skitzo... enjoy "reality"
yea man sounds like he is past left field. i have a friend thats big on the conspiracy theory stuff but no lizards and stuff just government stuff chem trail Denver airport etc


Active member
Some people I believe are better off continually smoking and maintaining a regimen of it.

Tell him also the people who want to control him are levels above him, and are merely mocking him with ideas of aliens and reptoid overlords to secure him, just like Goldstein in 1984 they try and make an enemy, then draw you in with a person with the same "ideals." That's where they get you, and you need love.

Tell him if he is captured, they WILL make him love them. So tell him the fighting against pot and not trusting people is okay, but that's what these people want is to separate us.

Let him know, that you know crazy shit is happening and you can do is live and be free. Cannabis was here on earth for a long time, it's a plant that can be trusted if you don't smoke until your lungs fall out or you don't think you are trusted with the "light" and lucifer's threat of being a God when you do.


Re: my insane "friend"

I bet he would find the answer to life in a nice Lucy trip!

Make him a baller tin foil hat!

Seriously that sucks you're losing your friend...

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
The problem is that most people with mental disorders think that they are normal; and this is a concern especially if they are hearing voices that tell them to slit your throat.

I've known some people with mental disorders and they are not fun to be around; especially when they don't take their medicine; and by the way this is a very common problem.

I would just stay clear of him.



well I dunno about schizophrenia but...

there is a lot of shit out there about lizard conspiracies lol

he just got into all of it maybe

insane in the membrane

insane in the brain

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