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Active member
I hope nobody was fooled by that bullshit, stupid, lying (misleading), insulting apology. They are doing absolutely nothing different than they planned but are actually making it worse, oh wait, they'll have some games now. Screw that. I don't play games anyway.

There will now be two separate web sites. One for ordering DVDs and one for streaming, there will be NO sharing of information between them, all ratings will not transfer. $8 for DVDs and a separate $8 for streaming, which is totally nuts because they have way more on DVD than streaming.

I am canceling that sucky streaming and just get DVDs for now and as soon as their competitors are better, I'll happily go there.

Bankrupt the competition (Blockbuster), raise prices, lessen service, and bullshit. The American way, right? BULLSHIT. FUCK-EM. Why not? They're fucking us. That apology was just fucking stupid. :moon:


I canceled last month. The new releases take too long to be available and there is barely anything good available on streaming. This was before they decided to raise the price so for me it was the final straw.


They tried to raise the price on me 6 months ago and I opted out. A $1 increase, but their service was already declining...

Here we are 6 months later, 2 more price increases, and now splitting up streaming and DVD by mail?? Haha torrents ftw :tiphat:


Graham Purwatt

yeah netflix is sucking for sure anymore.i left last month when they split the services.they rarely have anything worth watching on the streaming service though it did cause me to watch more movies that i normally would've missed. but now that sony and starz have pulled their movies there is nothing left except "quality" flicks like "hobo with a shotgun" and "thankskilling". i'd rather give my money to the cable company for some hbo or cinemax. i'd almost be lured to the qwikster service for the video game rentals but if its going to be like netflix dvd service was you can bet your ass anything you want sent to you will be unavailable for a good long time


I was a member for years but after the price hike fuck them. i dropped my subscript to streaming only but think Im just going to drop it completely because I've watched everything there is to watch and they dont add new shit. Getting movies by mail was getting too slow anyways which is only going to get worse soon with the USPS cutting down to 5 day deliveries.

It fills my heart with joy to watch their members leave and their stocks fall, it's nice to see consumers having an impact against greedy corporations.

Redbox is cool but where Im at to use the redbox I have to stand behind 30 smelly poor people in line before I can rent something.

h^2 O

Hey "Thankskilling" was awesome! Lol yeah they have some lame shit. Here's my instant -

Saw VI
Interview with the Vampire
Night of the Demons
2001: A Space Odyssey
Ted Bundy
30 Rock
Monkey Shines
Black Robe
Becoming Human: Nova
Lost King of the Maya: Nova
The Evil Dead
National Geographic: Dawn of the Maya
National Geographic: Jamestown
Return to Everest/Surviving Everest
Star Trek
Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire
The Spy Factory: Nova
The Pest
My Name Is Earl
Samurai: The Last Warrior
The Thing
Nothing But Trouble
National Geographic: Inside the Vatican
Inside American Power: The Pentagon
The Wood
Carlito's Way
The Story of India
Empires: The Medici
Valhalla Rising
Blade Runner: Theatrical Cut
The Tudors
Discovery Atlas: Uncovering Earth
Blade 2
Solitary Confinement
National Geographic: Aryan Brotherhood
NASA Unauthorized
Stonehenge Decoded
King Tut's Final Secrets
Tears of the Sun
The Return of the Living Dead
Red Dragon
The Fly
The Exorcist
Revenge of the Nerds
The Dark Crystal
Toy Story 3
Stargate SG-1
The Hunt for Red October
Apollo 13
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Ancient Aliens
The Universe
Day of the Dead
The Lost Boys: Special Edition
The Howling
Prince of Darkness
Return of the Living Dead 3
They Live
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
Jackass 2.5


Active member
i quit netflix long ago. i was getting them in the mail. just fine first month then only one dvd a week made it.i found through trial and error if you break one and report it soon your mail has all 3 dvds.i broke quite a few LOL then i said fuck it and cancelled


even if you stream

if you have a 40-60gb limit your gonna get charged if you see more then your share


shits fucking rediculous.

not only is internet data going up, despite massive advances in speed and capability, but now this.

ill be cancelling my DVD service and keeping it to xbox. lame.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I'm opposite of most of you guys. I was getting my DVDs but I was never getting around to watching them. So I'd hold onto the same DVD for like 2 months and then send it back and get something else. When they upped the price a few months back I switched to streaming only. There's lots of stuff on streaming that I am interested in. Mostly documentaries that I never saw on the shelves in Blockbuster back in the day.

I think $8 a month to have instant access to thousands of titles beats the crap out of $10 a month to watch HBO (or Cinemax or whatever) which shows the same 4 movies over and over and over and over.


Active member
I have not had netflix since 04'
I ripped about 600 movies in two years.
The mail would come around noon and I would have my three ripped and back to the same carrier in forty minutes.
Averaged 9-12 discs a week. I knew what post boxes got picked up the latest...it became sort of an obsession.
Back then you sometimes would get new releases days before they came out in stores.
I found that because I returned them so quickly and unharmed they would send me things first.
Those were the days.
I feel that if a movie is worth watching it is worth owning so I buy a lot now cheap at the wallmarket.


Active member
I get this distinct impression they don't know what the hell they're doing. Like, "Okay, now we have screwed the competition, we have marketed out the ass, got all this business,...now what do we do?" No definitive, workable plan.

They say that mailing is too expensive and want to get away from that and concentrate on streaming. But BIG problems. DUH! Streaming is hugely expensive.They have to pay the movie companies royalties every time their movie is steamed. There are bandwidth limits movies just chew through.

Maybe in 5 years that won't be a problem. But the computer industry plans on everything on your computer going on-line, saving all your data on a server somewhere. That's competition for that bandwidth. The computer companies will win.

You can expect huge price increases (not me though) and limits to streaming, but I expect Netfucks to go belly up long before any of that will happen. They're certainly headed that way now, stupid fucks.


Geez...perhaps just not subscribe to their service.

I have been very happy with netflix and the entertainment it has provided me monthly for under the price of 2 value meals.

How is netflix fucking you again? Making you pay separately for a dvd service and for a streaming service? Why not either just enjoy the service they offer or do something else?

- -

fab, a movie worth watching is worth owning? That sounds silly to me. How would you know if a movie is worth watching and/or owning if you havnt seen it yet? I am a movie fan, but just dont see the purpose of owning movies. How many times do you intend to watch it? I surely wouldnt want to be purchasing movies only to find that its not worth watching..let alone owning.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
yeah, not sure the rants here.

for a couple bucks, I don't have to go to the store to buy or rent a movie. I click and watch, pull out some food and have a good time. watch some older movies haven't seen in a long time and laugh

people need to stop complaining and enjoy life. money money money all the time. want netflix money? walk or ride your bike for a day every week. un-screw some light bulbs, hang dry your clothes, buy one less pack of cigarettes, eat soup or something cheap once a week, tone down the cell phone plan, turn down the hot water heater... ...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I also enjoy there streaming. All the shows that I never seen before and there all comercial free.


Tropical Outcast
Netflix? DVD's? TV??????????

I rather go fishing!
(diving, boating etc.)
(where I live I don't even have a TV!)


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