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Cost coming down for LED lighing?

I tuned into a radio show on CBC the other day and it was basicly about LED replacing CFLS and how it is much cheaper for them to build using High output LED.
Now This makes sense, Just look at the light bulb section at any big store, Led are most defiantly making there way into the market.

My Question is;
How long will it take for the price to come down enuff that We as consumers will see a drop? I would reallllly love to go LED for veg.
I have a Great spot "hidden closet" but No where for heat to go if I did HID, LED seems like the best option.

WHEN THE PRICE COMES DOWN. Or maybe it has and I am out of the loop. :scripture:


Speed of Dark
I picked up 3 green LED globes at Lowes about 2 years ago. They were $22.19 each for 2 watt 110 volt lights. Lowes does not carry them anymore, I found them on the internet for $25.00 adverised as budroom lights. Recent studies advise not using them, now I have extra.
But the price went up in the last 2 years, it is supposed to go down. I use 22 watt 4' LED T8's in my reading room, $99.99 2 years ago, the only less expensive LED tube's today are also less wattage. This is not counting liquidation sales, etc. just regular stores' sale prices.

The trend I am seeing is not going to get LED prices to my affordable range in the near future.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
No, as the tech has advanced, the costs of the newer units have stayed the same or risen. Another 5 or so years, then we have very nice lights that do no need the latest improvement. Even then, the companies will push the latest stuff, to justify a high price.


Honestly I dont think its a matter of the LEDs. They are everywhere and cheap as hell. Problem is while you can srew a Lighbulb into your rooms socket, switch on the light and you are finished with an LED you have to have a driver and a heat sink. Those make things a lot more pita...

Since light bulbs are the past, new energy saving bulbs are more common today and they have drawbacks too. But more and more people are using new ways of lighting everything. Hardly any new car comes without LED lighting, prices for standard bulbs are allmost down to where those cfls are.

But on the other hand why would you throw out your cfls for lighting your living room? LEDs dont really bring you any benefit...
Hahah, Well i guess everyone gets to have there own opinion!

Remember how fast CFLS made there way into the market?
CFLS have mercury in them, They are horrible on the environment, Cost money to depose of and are not really that functional. + there is something out there that is 10 fold what the CFL is.

North America Is trying to go as green as fast as possible. LED lighting for the home, Work, Plants, Cars everything is coming and it is coming soon.

How many of the three replies have researched what we are talking about recently?
I honestly think in the next few years, North A will start to produce them, and the more they are getting made and sold, the cheaper they are.
Kind of like LED and Plasma TV's... Price dropped like 40% in 2 years.

Anyway I came to ask a question and now im trying to spew the facts hah.


Speed of Dark
You read minds poorly, unless your 'recent' comment is just covering the last few hours.

I get a neg for doing my research in a timely manner? I gave you a positive because it is good to know what you are, I can keep this in mind when you opinionate in the future.
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follow your heart
ICMag Donor
well I figure, LED and them on a dimmer, save alot of money.. especially in high energy rate areas.. or you think of it as making your grow-room more efficient..

I believe I did a breakdown chart on cost of the lamps and usable lifespan ,and the other side of CFL or worse, incandescent .. but not sure where I placed that info

I buy them as I have money to buy them now.. I don't want to wait 4 years for the costs to go down when my costs for electric can go down now, and offset my electric for my rooms. I have a large house buy most people's definition, and I run a sealed room, veg tent, and another veg room, and clone side. I switched out all my bulbs to LED, and alot of my rooms have LED minus the 250 MH, and my electric bill in a high rate area for a month is $130, and I work at home, so I'm home basically all day. that's savings !!

the best way to save is to be conscious in the first place.. get your hot water heater on a timer, use the sunlight more, don't turn on lights until dark, run your stuff on off-peak hours if possible... take out a light in each room, use dimmers on big rooms that have many lights.... the bigger your house / lighting the more room to save.. cut your veg rooms by an hour or more, don't use AC unless you feel the need but then your not gonna acclimate to your temps, run LED's in your veg rooms.... there is so many ways to save it's not even funny.

Neo 420

Active member
LED in a nutshell

average consumer use (reading lights, hall lights, etc): Buy now is great!!
vegflower cannibus use: Buy in 4 to 5 years if tech and demand constantly rises upward otherwise garbage.....


Speed of Dark

These are 4' LED underlights in a tray of indica. At this time the price is about the same as when I bought them.

The price of the phosphors used in fluorescent lighting just got scarce as china quit production of 95% of the world supply.
That hopefully will finally stimulate a price drop on LED products as the various companies try to dominate the void created.

And a note for SirTOKESalot. You asked I answered. You then implied I answered ignorantly and gave me a negative rating because you didn't like the store I used as an example, the tubes above are not from Lowe's, and you are a pissy little dick.
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Costs are comming down, that's for sure!

It is however not the costs per unit or per light, it is the quality of the units that is going up and by that the costs per quality. Compare a 1000€ unit few years ago to what you get for that kind of money now. If the emitted light doubled per light you'll get twice the light fo your money.

I'm sure this trend will continue and it is a good thing!


Speed of Dark
I wasn't looking at them like that. But you sure enough right.

I paid the same for my 36 watt LED driving lights as the +2 years older ones cost, but the light appeared whiter and the beam was noticebly tighter and went further (whiter, brighter, and tighter. Why isn't that in their ad?).

It seems to be same same for grow panels, wider frequency spread, shaped footprint, more light per watt, and all for the same astronomically high price we've always had. But closer to being worth it.
Still, I only buy LED when no other alternative exists, non LED underlights have not been practical, the LED tubes are the third attempt at underlights and the only ones not to cause heat problems, so I paid.

But if the fluorescent's go up in price, volume production of LED's will drop the per each price. Yeah right, billionaires have their money 'cause they guess this stuff correctly. Not very many of them out there.