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Its not marihuana, its cannabis, get it right


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
So, we all grow weed.

Buy do you grow marijuana?

The correct answer is no.

Understand that every time you use the word "marijuana", you are accepting the mentality of racism, hate, and fear that resulted in the prohibition of our beloved plant.

Marijuana was the name given to a faceless foreign threat, specifically to make the plant a foreign and faceless threat. The spanish word was used specifically to incite racist fears to pass corporate legislation. The spanish word was used so people wouldn't really know what was being outlawed.

Had you proposed the same ban on hemp,a crop nearly every farmer was growing, that would probably get you tarred, feathered, and strapped to a rail.

Negro is the spanish word for black. It is used openly as a descriptive. In todays america, that word has so many deep historical connotations of hate that it is no longer used in todays american society.

The same should be true for the word marijuana. While it is accurate to say you are merely using the spanish name, in american society, the word was turned to evil uses by evil men. It means that that word has now become an embodiment of codified racism, fueled by, and targeted against, american citizens.

Every time you use the word, you are tacitly agreeing with this policy.

Quit enforcing the indoctrination, and you'll succeed in countering that indoctrination.

Using this tainted word poisons the stream of knowledge you are trying to create.

The plants name is Cannabis.

Get it right.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
To be clear, I feel that the words bud and weed are acceptable. They are merely facts of the plant, not an automatic capitulation to hate.

Be honest and sincere, and we will triumph over lies and hate.


Had you proposed the same ban on hemp,a crop nearly every farmer was growing, that would probably get you tarred, feathered, and strapped to a rail.
wtf ?!? hemp got forbidden, whether you call it hemp marjuana weed or whatever. just dont make sense to me...


its a word, referring to a plant, that has no conscious thought.

I doubt it'd be offended at us calling it marijuana.

though I do understand and appreciate the sentiment...I just don't think it matters, really.



the shit spoon
Okay, if we dont come up with a suitable female pseudonym for cannabis, I'm gunna have to veto this whole thing.

Sienna Bliss?

Karen Bates?

Savannah's Tits?


Active member
mexicans called it marihuana, which is a fine name, just because idiots used it differently one time and still do, doesnt mean i support their actions when i use that mexican slang.

in fact, if i stopped using marihuana, id be supporting their racism.

it was not the assmonkey´s and fucktards that came up with the name after all, just twisted it for their own ends.

well, im not twisted and i dont need to give a fuck about the thought processes of dead idiots.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Nite Tiger is 100% correct, it's cannabis NOT marijuana.

Read through any study and if the word marijuana is used in place of cannabis then you're reading a govt funded study which will likely include all sorts of bad press about weed. Any studies referring to weed as cannabis has a high probability of being written by impartial scientists & will read that way.......


3rd-Eye Jedi
if the word was created at a time where there was no bias then why remove it because someone else gave it a negative connotation

the truth needs to simply be propagated until its meaning is corrected, prohibition like some other societal injustices can be changed

it starts with people knowing the truth, not a one sided perceived truth, but the universal truth about marijuana and marijuana's medicinal synergy with mankind

i guess its kinda like a person who has taught prejudice against homosexuality seeing a same sex couple walking down the street

in his inner mind the first word he thinks is a derogatory word, but then he has to remind himself its no longer cool to voice that bias, which may lead him to consider what his bias is all about in the first place

since most bias is taught or learned, in this case the bias behind the word marijuana, why not assert the truth


marijuana is not a drug akin to the pharmaceuticals and legal social elixirs (booze and cigarettes)

it is a medicine, one which by the evidence of the receptors in our brain, has evolved to have a beneficial relationship with human beings and can be used in medicine as a foundation for most healing needs


I grew up smoking cannabis from Mexico (except the occasional Thai stick or other exotics).

Why the hell shouldn't it be called "marijuana"- the people growing it probably knew that name...!

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I get sick of the word 'pot'. The news media beats that word to death.

Big Pot Bust... (film at eleven)


Preaching to the choir, as it were.

To the folks who would have none of it,no matter what, it could be called "Jesus Christ" and they could give a rat's ass.

We have enough pretentiousness as it is.


I can't believe how all of those Jazz Musicians got all of them kids hooked on those Reefers. What is the world coming to.:)


3rd-Eye Jedi
lets be honest its not man or plant

its the women who get nuts when they smoke it and start all the trouble

:: runs for cover