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White paint for sealing a grow room


Active member
I'm looking for white paint to seal a grow room so moisture doesn't leak through the walls, ceiling and floor. Anyone know anything good available in the UK?


the shit spoon
Just needs to be Flat White color.... NOT the glossy.

Buy least toxic stuff you can find I guess... price shouldn't be an issue for your grow.


Active member

Yes flat white, and I believe indoor latex. There may be specialty paints for waterproofing, but you can research that on the web, and I'd start with the tutorials on the lowe's, home depot, Sears sites. -granger


the shit spoon
If you want to hide your heat signature there is reflective paint for roofs... dunno how well it reflects light though.. maybe good..


Sorcerer's Apprentice
For sealing against moisture look for a mold/mildew resistant paint. Not sure about UK but in US you can get "bathroom/kitchen" paint. It's not flat white, but it will do a better job of resisting moisture than a flat white would.


weed fiend
In the US it's called Kilz. It's kills bacteria and prevents spotting and bleed through. Kilz is oil-base and is the best. Kilz 2 is water-base but still works.

I like flat ceiling white for the finish coat. Some painters say wall paint is more durable so go figure. Whatever flat base that has the least color added. Yes, even white paint has color added to reduce florescence.


Active member
In the US it's called Kilz. It's kills bacteria and prevents spotting and bleed through. Kilz is oil-base and is the best. Kilz 2 is water-base but still works.

I like flat ceiling white for the finish coat. Some painters say wall paint is more durable so go figure. Whatever flat base that has the least color added. Yes, even white paint has color added to reduce florescence.

I used kilz oil primer for years...I switched to Zinsser bulls eye 123 primer sealer a while back and so far has held up great. I picked it up because of the advertised mold & mildew resistant film it supposedly has.


weed fiend
That's good to know cause Kilz ain't cheap. A couple of buddies painted a room for their dad and the oldest wanted to save a dime and paint directly over cigarette tar accumulation. It bled through several layers of topcoat so they still had to Kilz it, lol.
yep they nailed it with the 123 and kilz.they also make a block sealer if it block or hydrostop or sealoflex( just not sure how reflective the last two are). then ya can always top coat but flat white is the best color.


Active member
If you are sealing because of moisture issues, paint won't stop it. Like if the basement is damp from water wicking through the cement, you need something like Drylock.

Personally considering how insignificant the amount of light reflecting back off the walls is, I go for a gloss white. I can wipe it off, seals better, resists mold better. There's just not a lot of usable light that comes off the walls. People sure spend a ton of cash on specialty coatings and plastics, though.


vta and all others tank you.i will try bullseye then kilzs then a flate white paint for kitchen n bath.luckly i got all this for new home already.see how this works.even my bitches sat thank you all. grow big or stay small lol


Active member
Flat white is harder to wash, because it is rough. That's what makes it have a "flat" finish. Gloss white is much smoother and harder. Better from a utility standpoint
Try to find some elastomeric paint. It will seal against moisture, resist mold/mildew and is 80% reflective. In the States you can get it for ~$20/gal, not sure about the UK.

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