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I never grew up

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
Growing up according to most people= "marrying the first mediocre broad who didn't embarrass me in front of my mother, becoming sexually bored in 2 years max., get an awful 9-5 but progress to 60-80K a year, and have her queef three kids out of her now-ruined pussy to give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. But I fit in at the gym and at the coffee bar, people think I'm normal. So fuck it. I'm grown up now, right?"

god damn, did u ever describe my life to a Tee!


Active member
In many ways...I've never grown up...it's cool with me.
im not that "old" but i think you will find if you look around and examine the people around you, like the ones in charge of the day to day operations of the country for instance...any country on the planet, you will find few people actually "grow up", but rather just get bigger.


"Damn dude. Well, tell you what, you're missing out. You always hear those news stories that 'our pot is more potent' nowadays? It's true. haha hit me up if you ever wanna feel young again, we'll have to smoke a bowl and catch up."

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
My cousin...she's about 30 too, is married to a cop in Tennessee. She just entered drug rehab for oxycontin and some other pain med. Here I am, the Mom that smokes pot(makes me a better Mom and I'm a damn good Mom)....gets judged for being a 'pothead' by an old high school friend. I wonder how many condolences my cousin will get for her 'struggle' (and yes, it is sad and it's a struggle for her) after she gets out of rehab. Married to a cop, prescription drugs like Oxy are completely acceptable to people like them. I'm sure the people around her will feel so sorry for her and talk about how strong she is for her Son to go to rehab, but me the 'pothead' can be called an irresponsible Mother because I hit a pipe throughout the day. I guess I could be on Prozac or some shit for anxiety, but what kind of Mom gets loaded on pills, then takes care of their kids?

Fuck what people have to say, for real....what the fuck do they know? Sheeple my friend. I'll be blazing when I'm 70 fucking years old, god willing....anyone who wants to judge me can suck a d*ck.
Ran into an old high school friend I used to smoke with occasionally back in the day. After some polite chit chat he says damn you reek man. I had literally just burned one. He says you still burn? I said you don't? He says no I grew up.

Strange how there is this fine line between those people that like to party when their young, and those that accept cannabis as not just fleeting hobby, but as a lifestyle.

I felt like I was being judged, but I will sleep fine tonight.

it usually means they arent grounded enough in there life to smoke n live , some folks cant handle it.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Ran into an old high school friend I used to smoke with occasionally back in the day. After some polite chit chat he says damn you reek man. I had literally just burned one. He says you still burn? I said you don't? He says no I grew up.

Strange how there is this fine line between those people that like to party when their young, and those that accept cannabis as not just fleeting hobby, but as a lifestyle.

I felt like I was being judged, but I will sleep fine tonight.

The day will come when we are no longer looked upon as long haired hippies. I myself have always felt what others thought of me was none of my business,but when you live in a society where there seems to be a lack of accountability for ones actions chaos and or the remnants of it are soon to follow.

I've seen first hand the number of growing grand parents raising their kids kids. To me until we realize as a society that those kids someday will be deciding whats best for are old asses we are doomed for failure. We spend currently three times the amount of money on prisons that we spend on schools that right there should give you an idea of the mess we are in. Of those in these prisons over 60% are there for marijuana offenses. Most good honest tax paying Americans who I bet some being parents who's parents are currently raising their kids so the circle will continue.

When I was 13 years old I had spent a few months in a hospital bed and being the little prick I was I had received no visitors and right then and there I made a deal with myself and my god that given the opportunity I would share a little piece of knowledge I learned in those fateful months spent in the white prison.


A day will come soon enough unfortunately that a little wide eyed little you is gonna come up to you with a situation that might decide your relationship for years to come and remembering those words will help you make the CORRECT decision because you remember what it was like to be him or her in their world not the one you live in now.

A kid laughs on average over 150 times a day an adult 50.

I say if growing old makes me laugh less and a whole lot bitter and or meaner (god forbid) I'd have to say I gotta go now the mini me just got home and we got homework first then Looney Tunes at 3 and 2 new Kick Buttowskis saved on the DVR.

Gotta Love Bein A Kid


I guess I could be on Prozac or some shit for anxiety, but what kind of Mom gets loaded on pills, then takes care of their kids?
hahah this shit is funny. I smoke to get high as well to help with my ADHD-I and I know a lot of people who, if they were to discover that I'm a cannabis user they would be disappointed; yet they probably wouldn't think twice about me taking Rx amphetamines everyday.
damm bro i didn't know you were on here i only said that cause i didn't want to reek. if i would have known you grow to i would have smoked ya out later.im too paranoid to smoke in public. glad to here ya dint have any hard feelings though. lol just playing bro i agree with ya i wouldn't let it bother me if i was to say something would be something about how lots of grown ups smoke doctors lawyers judges, self employed people etc.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
i would have laughed HARD in his face, made him felt dumb, and told him to go hang out with someone his own age....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Did your friend resemble this guy.......

Did your friend resemble this guy.......


another self-righteous prick.......



Approaching Social Security age (ya! ya!...rofllmfao) I would hope that I would still be growin' up tomorrow!

He quit growin' period!


Kronically Ill
Growing up according to most people= "marrying the first mediocre broad who didn't embarrass me in front of my mother, becoming sexually bored in 2 years max., get an awful 9-5 but progress to 60-80K a year, and have her queef three kids out of her now-ruined pussy to give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. But I fit in at the gym and at the coffee bar, people think I'm normal. So fuck it. I'm grown up now, right?"

In a never-ending search for self-justifying being miserable, sad and weak but fitting in, they use non-quantifiable filler words like "stable," "career-oriented," etc.

Forever young ftw.


Couldn't have said that any better, :tiphat:


Active member
the impression i get.

some guy trying to feed his ego, at your expense.

so growing up is giving up weed? ..

well, you could say, that it was "responsible" to give up weed, since being around it attracts danger, possibly to your kids or family.

you could say that selecting sobriety was the grown up thing to do..

but, to the former, if a law is unjust, should i bend knee to it, just because the majority of society is dumb enough to follow it? (no longer the majority actually :))

sober...well, sober is fine and dandy, but marijuana is medicine too.
plus its great making music on it or art. foul and shitty mood? smoke a spliff, figure calmly out why you were stupid before in your anger.

see, it depends, mj wouldnt be very beneficial in some lines of work, but mj would certainly be beneficial when you are resting, relieving stress,

but maybe tea does that best for you, or a cup of brandy.

maybe some sport (try really straining your body, then feel the endorphine glow)

some things are better to do sober. and some not and sometimes not :)

mostly people are just afraid.

fear of dying, fear of losing others, fear of becoming stupid, fear of insanity.

but probably mostly fear of becoming an outcast :)

join the herd, start eating grass, forget about it :) follow the leader, do what you are told :)

this is acceptable, this is not. these people are one of us, these are not.

its just fear.

booze has been part of man for a long time, we know its dangers, the people that are scared of weed, dont know it.

the people that are the most vocal about it, have something to gain, or in some cases, thought they lost someone to the weed.

instead of thinking they lost them to their own intolerance,
"it was all the weed!"

not the fact that ya kicked him out and he a pariah in society simply because he did what he was drawn to.

now hunted by his own society, for the crime of daring to be different,

how different?

a different taste in pleasures.. i prefer a mellow creative high that does not make me stupid, i like getting stupid just fine, but alcohol does shit for my bipolar and is quite more drastic on my body.

i find being sober all the time, boring, plus im more balanced and centered on weed.

and for that i am a criminal?

or i havent grown up? lol

please. its obvious im dealing with a semisentient being here. something that is slave to its emotions (fears)

an egoballoon.

really just a semiadvanced monkey..

see, lots of people arent. you think a monkey invented this computer or made it this good?

thats why governments are falling apart and the rich grabbing all they can.

they can see its ending, but they just are too much of a monkey to see whats ending.

mankind is shedding its final "hairs"

a man like you met, just feel sorry for him, he´s hanging on to the last shreds of the old.

he tried to put you down, to put himself up, cause that was the way of the old, the big monkey gets all the good stuff.

he´s trying to conform, cause he´s afraid of being alone,monkey alone, monkey die soon. monkey need group.

its just fear, once you "grow up" you realise, that most fears are just ridiculous and unreasonable.

and what you should "fear" is actually just logical, easily guarded against and nothing to be feared, even if shit happens, you are a grown man, can take care of it,

taking responsibility, taking care of the kids, the home, the garden.

thats kinda growing up, taking responsibility, but does that preclude fun? expanding my mind? trying different consciousness, feeling pleasure? enjoying the herbal garden around me? lol, the gifts of the green? our silent green partner we absolutely can NOT do without?

and then i kinda cant help but think we are dealing with overgrown babies.

obnoxious and tiresome babies, but still babies.

infants of consciousness? no, then they would be like many animals..

but babies and kids none the less, lost and afraid babies, that raised themselves in darkness towards the light.

no wonder they got a shitload of issues ;) or maybe its just easier for me to view them as babies, rather than hardheaded vicious fools that are having a hard time admitting they´ve been monsters and maybe no wonder.

they thought they were the hero.lol


Active member
even the fuckers that are just in it for the money and power.

kings are hero´s right? and princes? heh.
the dominant monkey male motherfucker is what everyone wants to be? right?
the top dog and shit :)

al pacino in scarface come to mind.

faced with the horrors of the world, he created a monster out of himself, yet at the end, dying, he´s still screaming to the world "im better than you fuckers!"

hehehe.. yet if he might have walked around an unexpected corner, just feet away from him, he might have entered some heaven, yet with his distorted eyes, grasping on to his "truths" he would have been totally oblivious to it and seen only some shit (furniture) and some scared people (of him) but he leaves the scene and they are just totally happy, living their little life and enjoying the simple things in life.

heh. :) funny old world.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Not that it's not a valid point in many cases; it just gnaws away at our credibility when in every single discussion we go "Oh yeah but what about alcohol???"

Yeah but keep in mind, it's usually a counter to when people say "Because it's illegal" when the topic of why people should or shouldn't smoke comes up.

Alcohol used to be illegal too but enough people were willing to break the law to have in thier lives that eventually it became legal. Yet it's proven harmful in so many ways and it's one of the few things that is so addictive that unsupervised withdraw from it can be fatal.

So it's a logical counter that a marijuana smoker would point this out especially given that marijuana is not only significantly less harmful and dangerous but it also is beneficial in certain medical applications.