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That Backyard Boogy Video Grow



Haha ahh I see why they call it devils weed now ;) never had bud totally drive my loins but right on! I may have to try and find a sample of this devil weed and have some fun!


09/14/11 - I wish we had Smell Vision...

09/14/11 - I wish we had Smell Vision...

Grow has been deleted because the mods are a bunch of hypocrites!


looks nice dude, progressing pretty good it seems! everything going according to how you would like? I bet it does smell, do you have any problems or potential problems with neighbors?


looks nice dude, progressing pretty good it seems! everything going according to how you would like? I bet it does smell, do you have any problems or potential problems with neighbors?

No problems with the neighbors...yet, hope it stays that way. Most of the people around me are pretty laid back but I don't actively associate with any of them.

One old lady neighbor likes to come in the yard and help herself to my tomatoes. I encouraged her to do this before I started growing in the yard. This year I have locks on the gates and a very elaborate security system, just told her I was concerned about burglars. Now I just put a sack of them on her porch once a week.

Thanks for looking in!


yah, I keep my yard locked now too.. I have a small yard with neighbors pretty close but I don't think my plants will be too noticeable unless someone is really making an effort to poke their head over the fence more than they should be. But then again my biggest is only like 2 1/2 ft tall, not bigguns like you got there :)

Nice tho that you keep the old lady hooked up with the tomatoes...