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Almost halfway through flower, problems arisin'


New member
Hey all,

So, this is a micro cab scrog grow with 2 plants. One is California Hash Plant, the other is Sweet Deep Grapefruit.

They have 156 watts of CFL lighting in ~1.5sq ft. area, and they went to 12/12 on August 17th. Growing in FF OF. These ladies started from seed, and didn't get ferts till about 5 weeks in since the OF has good nutes to start. Now they get ferts, 'Thrive Bloom', as directed. It's marked as a Bloom Builder, 7-28-4. Says to use once a month, they've gotten 2 feedings, about 3 weeks apart (last feeding was a week ago).

Anyway, The CHP started showing these leaf spots about a week or two before the SDG did, which just started showing them in the last two days. I've looked all over the leaves and see no sign of bugs/pests of any kind... and the bud development is still progressing nicely. Here are some pics from about 10-14 days ago, and some from today.

Any diagnoses/suggestions? Just need these babies to keep rockin' for about another 3 weeks, they're both marked as 45-50ish day flowers so they should be about halfway. Really want them to stay alive and produce some nice buds!

Any help is appreciated, thanks so much!

First 2 pics are from a while ago, second 3 pics are recent.



(also a few leaves in the second pic have like 1mm of burnt tips from an incident w/ my fan turning off for a day while the cab was sealed up and got hot up top)




Anyway, any and all suggestions are appreciated. I've been a member here for almost 5 years, ready to start becoming a more active member of the community. :)


There are FOUR lights!
Some of it looks like heat stress. Also, burnt tips and dark green might be


New member
in terms of temps, by the way, (apart from the 1 incident of the fan turning off for a day) they rest at 68F in dark, 81F with lights on...

also considered overnuted, think they should just get H20 rest of the way out?

(also, even though they're a little sick, must say it's nice seeing that trich development really start blowing up on the CHP! supposed to be pretty heavy, hopefully the leaves/trimmings will provide a little bit of nice quality hash!)


those dead patches look like classic ph lockout, what is the ph?


New member
no good ph tester available, just strips (need to invest in a good electronic unit, any suggestions?) testing the runoff when watering is semi-accurate, yeah? if so, i'll report back tomorrow AM.


test water going in, and coming out, and note the differences.


There are FOUR lights!
IT might be 81 in your cab, but if too close to the light, you leaf temps
might be super high. Especially with the dark green.


New member
so you still thinkin' it looks like a temp issue kcar? i can up the airflow a little and get a temp probe up high and see if that helps... also will take a ph reading soon.


There are FOUR lights!
Sorry, didn't realize until now that your under CFL's. Probably PH related, then.


New member
so, i've discovered a few things. firstly, about 4 weeks ago the plants moved to a new home, and unrealized until now, it's a place w/ hard water (and a water softener installed). so, would that make sense to explain what's going on here? sodium causing nute lockouts? also, i believe they had water spilled on their leaves once or twice while under full light - so that could have caused some spill burning perhaps...

bottled water flush on the way, then it's time to figure out what to do for watering these last few weeks. and, no more food for them now, but after flushing the soil (w/ 2x as much water as the container size, yes?) will nutes need to be added?

hopefully on the way to keeping these ladies alive...

also, in the last few days, plant 1 has gotten worse, and plant 2 has gotten just a tiny bit worse (it's seemed a little heartier since the beginning). also got some more ventilation going and temps very stable and in range.


i recommend three times the volume of pot.... wait to add the last until full drain out, then hit them with 1/2 strength of ferts with the last of the water. i used to solve the hard water issue by adjusting ph using muratic acid, BUT be extremely careful with that shit, it will ruin your lungs from the fumes and kill your plants if used too much. use only drops at a time, wait twenty minutes and measure ph. muratic acid will prevent ph bounce!


New member
well, as an update, lost the first plant. condition in a matter of days drastically worsened. second one is on the rebound though and lookin' good, so at least this cycle wasn't a total waste. was able to get her spread out a little better and she's looking very promising for the last couple weeks of her grow.

harvested plant 1, got the saveable parts in a ziplock bag in the freezer, probably going to make some QWISO with it to reclaim what got produced so far. oh well, live and learn! next time need to get my ph issues figured out from the getgo.


sorry to hear about you loss... but at least you were able to save the other and you now know that the ph problem exists! hope for good yield off the saved one my friend!


cannabis fox is right also, back off on the booster. if you use it, drop your regular nutes to 1/4 strength and use half of what the bottle says to use on the booster. dont use any booster until 5 weeks in flower as well. i actually dont use boosters until 2-3 weeks before i start flushing and stop adding other nutes when i do!