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9/11... 10 Years

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Game Bred
in light of the debate tonight...

i have to ask.

Why were we attacked on 9/11?

i'll take my answer off the air ;)


weed fiend
I watched Ron Paul respond to a very similar question. He said the idea we were attacked because of our freedoms was and is preposterous. Paul said we were attacked because we had military bases in Saudi Arabia (corroborated by bin laden, himself) and part of the crowd booed. Might have been the biggest boos of the night.

Pretty freakin astonishing. Raul even acknowledged he wasn't pontificating. He was merely reflecting fact. Some in the crowd want their red meat and wouldn't know a fact if it bit em in the ass.


Registered User
I remember Clinton being accused of distracting media attention from his pending impeachment with the cruise missile attack on al qaeda bases after the embassy bombings. His intervention in the Balkans was said to have distracted attention from the Paula Jones whatever.

Imagine if we'd had a president with better dick control or an opposition who wasn't obsessed with getting rid of him at every turn. We could have killed bin laden in the 90s and drastically mitigated the pretext (911) and the idea of preemptive war.

Nothing erodes civil rights like war. McCain is boasting we'll never boondoggle in the Middle East again. IMO, we'll once again address terrorism the old fashioned way, intelligence and special ops. With communism long gone and a more sensible approach to global terror, the machine will whip the next catastrophe into the drug war. All this gear they've purchased and implemented won't sit there and rust when there's assets to seize.


What stands out in discussing the impeachment is that ultimately, it was for lying... and that lie was to cover an extramarital affair, while in office. It's kind of understood that people in positions of power, well, have opportunity to have affairs... at the very least that is safe to say. In fact, we kinda look up to it... think Kennedy. Most all of us can understand the desire, even need, to cover that up as a pres. But, we allowed for an impeachment to go through for this... crazy as crazy can be.

In contrast, we have Bush... and his admin's little lie of biologicals in Iraq... which, that lie got us into the quagmire that we currently find ourselves. We are talking about an impact... unless I'm wrong here... 1.2trillion dollars & over 6000 us soldiers, not even giving any consideration to those over there. This alone, is kinda also crazy... way more so than the Clinton impeachment. Yet this guy, and esp Cheney & all his cronies, sit snugly protected by all those SS men... let alone being up for investigation or review... or impeachment way back when.

I really don't know if it matters... the person that gets elected to office that is. What would a person that newly got elected, assuming it was free & clear of any political debts while campaigning & actually getting into office (good the fuck luck), actually have to do to make effective change to what is already going on? They would have to overcome the objections & manipulations of all of those with shit to protect... and that includes policies that support specific business interests. Presidents here get assassinated over such things. Yet if you are for the flow, you can get away with mass murder.

Pretty soon, shit already, we will not only be using the troops to keep back the uprisings in america, but to directly take out corporate competitors. We might be past any point of return.


Game Bred
sun tzu; said:
It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

this is taught at west point.
had Dr. Paul just quoted it the boos would have been silenced.


Active member
IM SO PISSED, im trying to be reasonable but you cannot refuse that he was asked less than 4 questions,and fed scraps from the rest.

wolf said fair time to all......... he did not spread it evenly.

i let him knwo how much of a diservice he provided.


Active member
The fear of being labeled a "Conspiracy Theorist" is an excellent thought control mechanism, don't you think?

But those who have taken elementary physics will remember that all three buildings (#1,#2 and most importantly #7) can only accelerate earthward (free fall) where no opposing force to gravity exists.

So how and who exactly, I don't know. What I do know is that sudden symmetrical free fall through the area of greatest resistance doesn't occur in nature. It shows that man had a hand in it that cannot be explained by burning jet wreckage.

For those who can't get their head around why, consider the trillions that have changed from public to private hands in the last ten years. That's just for starters.


weed fiend
Yeah, Blitzer cut off Paul defending his statement concerning why we were attacked. Mostly Perry but a few others were repeatedly allowed to counter direct rebuttal. IMO, Paul got direct rebuttal from members of the audience and should have been allowed to finish his comments concerning imperialism and it's long term and serious consequences.

Lots of weird responses from the crowd. When Paul was asked about health insurance, his word 'gamble' suggests he wouldn't have a safety net for emergencies. Blitzer asked if Paul would just allow them to die and the audience roared it's approval. Only problem, I didn't tune in to see what the audience thinks. Paul attempted to suggest that churches would take care of the indigent like his young days before Medicare and Medicaid. Only problem, we had tens of millions of these folks and anything short of paying into a working system is overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. IMO, churches aren't thrilled at the prospects of going back.

Paul's an honorable man and I wish him the best. There's just too few folks ready to try the old way again. Enough people remember the realities and still vote for a system that actually works so they can count on a little assistance when it's most necessary.


Those who would trade in there freedom for there protection deserve neither, those who give up there liberty for more security deserve neither liberty or freedom"
-Benjamin Franklin

enough said, the founding fathers got it right... they wrote the constitution to protect the people from the govement, now i say to myself "what constitution". Hopefully Ron Paul can get shit back on track.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The flag waving Neo-Con war mongering sheep can't quite grasp what imperialism is. Thus the boos at Paul. They wouldn't know true conservative philosophy if it bit them in the ass.

As to the debate about going forward or backward I only submit this. I believe backwards will become more and more attractive as we drive the bus forward closer and closer to the cliff and then finally over it. Markets will force us to move backwards as the current global paradigm fails.


I remember Clinton being accused of distracting media attention from his pending impeachment with the cruise missile attack on al qaeda bases after the embassy bombings. His intervention in the Balkans was said to have distracted attention from the Paula Jones whatever.

Imagine if we'd had a president with better dick control or an opposition who wasn't obsessed with getting rid of him at every turn. We could have killed bin laden in the 90s and drastically mitigated the pretext (911) and the idea of preemptive war.


imagine the public being O.K. with the president saying "yeah, i fucked her guys but i was not on the clock and you don't even want to know about my new humidor ...... next question!"

if we could handle some truth on occasion they might start telling it .......


Game Bred
The fear of being labeled a "Conspiracy Theorist" is an excellent thought control mechanism, don't you think?

a few questions...

do you really believe that bush(the mastermind)is the smartest man alive?

do you really believe our government can keep any secrets?

how(with video evidence to the contrary) do you continue to suggest the building came down in "freefall" the highest member never reached 32.2 ft/s which is only the baseline..

lets do some fun math?
the building was 47 stories...
so lets say the highest member(HM) was 500'.
terminal velocity?

so if the HM had to fall 500' @ baseline it would take 15 seconds.
but wait there is more!
you see 32.2'/second is an expression of acceleration not terminal velocity!
so in 15 seconds the (HM) would reach a speed of 483'/S

nope not at all

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
anybody know who created Drone technology? Our lil Dual Citizen friends that are the Parasites of the United States of America? I mean every credible pilot mentions that hitting those towers with that accuracy was extremely hard...

But when you control drones from Satellites...hitting buildings with precise accuarcy isnt a big deal at all...

9/11 was the biggest crock of shit ever....dont believe anything from the number 1 sponsor of terrorism.... the big ol U.S. Goverment...the Crusades contiunue to this day!

You want a good planet earth? can all the testosterone money hungry losers and replace them with Women and Gay People.... Men have proven time after time...they arent worthy of their job titles


Registered User
a few questions...

do you really believe that bush(the mastermind)is the smartest man alive?

do you really believe our government can keep any secrets?

NO! bush, not the mastermind, the sock puppet... deer in headlights, that's all he's got going on... biggest dupe in all my life's experiences. little kid playin cowboy the entire time he was there.

And, to a degree... but with large organizations, one department often hasn't a clue what the other is doing, and can even be spun such that those small sub-groups believe they are contributing their part to the overall good. Compartmentalization is something the gov is good at. So, if you have a few dozen people that are in key positions to exert influence & make overall strategic decisions, serving a private, small interest... you betcha.

how(with video evidence to the contrary) do you continue to suggest the building came down in "freefall" the highest member never reached 32.2 ft/s which is only the baseline..

lets do some fun math?
the building was 47 stories...
so lets say the highest member(HM) was 500'.
terminal velocity?

so if the HM had to fall 500' @ baseline it would take 15 seconds.
but wait there is more!
you see 32.2'/second is an expression of acceleration not terminal velocity!
so in 15 seconds the (HM) would reach a speed of 483'/S

nope not at all

Take this a step further for me bro... finish off the thought... i'm not there with ya yet. ;-)


Game Bred
Take this a step further for me bro... finish off the thought... i'm not there with ya yet. ;-)
nothing more to say really...
the idea that the building came down in "free fall" is ludicrous.

if it were the case the (HM) would have been falling at ~500fps or half the speed of sound!!!
the entire collapse would have taken about 3.4 seconds..
the real question is what is the terminal velocity of the (HM)
In fluid dynamics an object is moving at its terminal velocity if its speed is constant due to the restraining force exerted by the fluid through which it is moving.

A free-falling object achieves its terminal velocity when the downward force of gravity (Fg) equals the upward force of drag (Fd). This causes the net force on the object to be zero, resulting in an acceleration of zero.[1]

As the object accelerates (usually downwards due to gravity), the drag force acting on the object increases, causing the acceleration to decrease. At a particular speed, the drag force produced will equal the object's weight (mg). At this point the object ceases to accelerate altogether and continues falling at a constant speed called terminal velocity (also called settling velocity). Terminal velocity varies directly with the ratio of weight to drag. More drag means a lower terminal velocity, while increased weight means a higher terminal velocity. An object moving downward with greater than terminal velocity (for example because it was affected by a downward force or it fell from a thinner part of the atmosphere or it changed shape) will slow until it reaches terminal velocity.


You want a good planet earth? can all the testosterone money hungry losers and replace them with Women and Gay People.... Men have proven time after time...they arent worthy of their job titles

Do you mean gay people like Ernst Röhm?

And women like Margaret Thatcher?

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