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General Advice for Young Folks



I'd love to impart some knowledge on an individual willing to learn...
This shit wasn't free and everyone's tuition is different.

One piece of advice...hard head makes a soft ass


Kiss My Ring
be true to yourself.
it's none of your business what others think of you, so don't be bothered by them.
accept criticism sans anger.
revere the sound of one hand clapping.
think organic.
never complain.
acknowledge your weakness'.
you can use two heads at once.
fart with both feet on the ground.

if you're in love, imagine yourself with her mother or grandmother, chances are she will look very similar in a few decades.
i'll add more when I grow up.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Tomorrow is a maybe.

Tomorrow is a maybe.

These ARE the "good old days"!

(think on that)

Aloha, y'all



Enjoy everyday like it is your last , because you never know it might be your last!
It's better to be thought a fool, than opening your mouth & proving your a fool!
Do what you enjoy doing, life is too short to be stuck doing what you hate!
Don't trust anyone!
Count on yourself not your "friends"!!!!!!!!
Wrap a rubber around that rascal!!!!

Useful Idiot

Active member
Show some respect to your elders...when I was growin up we FEARED older people... today certain little punks are feared by the old folks!! There is something wrong with that.Have some respect!! My Momma always said " when you are out in public you speak for our whole family, act like you have some common sense" BTW that was after I got a beatin with the belt. I deserved every whuppin I ever got...seriously. Think what you want, but folks have been tryin to to be their childrens friend instead of being a parent!!
I'm tremendously surprised by the number of great replies this thread has received. You all have said some profound things so far that I hope to fully incorporate.

That said, keep 'em comin'. :bump:


weed fiend
Wear your socks in the rain!:)

Seriously, don't put off anything you can do now for a better time in the future. You'll look back and say, 'damn I wish I'd done that back then.'

You prolly don't have time to do everything you want so channel your best efforts into the things you enjoy most. In addition, save enough effort to address your needs well.

With both bases covered, don't waste time on others... get it all for yourself. Just kidding, man.:D Best wishes.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
here's some advice from a young person to another young person.

-follow your heart
-jobs are not important in life, more important thing is how you treat others
-never have money be the motivation of ideas
-it's not what you do, it's how you do it
-strive for : calm, confident, receptive
-live simple in every aspect


Game Bred
smells like fish,do as you wish
smells like cologne,leave it alone
read the fucking book
when in a fight with multiple attackers pick one and do as much damage as quickly as possible to deter the others
dont shit where you eat
wear a rubber
dont advertise (in relation to drugs)

the above are all tips from my sainted biker trash dad.


Game Bred
open doors,pull out chairs,stand up when a woman enters a room,always offer your chair,coat,umbrella and the front seat.

please and thank you are helpful

all of the above will have you swimming in women.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Get off the internet...you will live without facebook.

Go outside and breath in.

Be good to your mum...be good to everyone.


If there's something you want to do, do it now, there may not be a later
If you have children, be a good father, there is no greater responsibility
Take pride in what you do and do the very best you can at all times, no matter what it is

Keep your powder dry and your pecker hard (sorry, just had to)

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