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canna coco = 4.4ec and ph 5.0???


i just tested the run-off, how can this be? what should i do? already planted my clones in 1L pots :(


before panic, calibrate the EC meter. do an other few readings. if it still is the same EC and PH - start flushing next watering.

imho for flushing make sure your nutrient solution is not above 0.6 0.7 EC and ph at 5.9.

withing a few days it should be back in order.

the is no problem taking a few days to level it back, it actually is less stressfull than an enormous flush at once.

if you are veggin your plants there is propably time to fix the salt level before flowering.


Active member
In all of their literature, Canna says that measuring the EC and PH of runoff from the coco provides meaningless data. I can tell you I have used canna coco out of the bag many times and never had an issue with it burning my plants, and I too have noticed the very high ec of runoff. I think this might have to do with the buffering solution they use in the coco.


canna might say that :) but its general practise in comercial hydro grows in coco that flush to waste, to keep a EC of the flush water at about 0.3 EC more than what is fed.

a lot of the tomatoes and peppers europe is eating comes from where i live and a lot of it is grown in coco.

canna is a producer of grow products, but its the agronomical engineers that find the best solution of diverse growing environments. i trust their science.


Gonzo, hit up the Canna website and check out the CannaTalk issue on water.

Lots of great info in the CannaTalk that explains how Canna Coco, along with their nutrient line, work together and how they should be used together. A few Canna tips can go a long way. You'll get a lot of helpful hints and tips from users on here but the Canna research team has already perfected the method. Check their site out. Follow their guidelines and it will give you a better idea of problems you might have in the future. If you follow their science, you probably won't have many problems. They have some awesome tips for correcting problems also.

For now, I'd get another meter and go from there.
That'd be the first piece of equipment to check out. Could save you a lot of time and hassle.

Water to drain at least 20% to flush salts. This is a must.
Canna was designed to be used with tap water. Their products have/create Cal/Mag.

I see a lot of people make up their own rules about those two things.


definetly some of the info from canna is usefull, but most of it is nothing new really. they really dont differ too much in most things, but one has to take in thought the simple fact TAP water is VERY different from one place to an other. this is where the local agronomical engineers come in.

afaik extra calmag is only necesary in high light intesity situacions when u use canna coco and nutes. this is true.

cannas coco is pretty much the same as any other good coco but a bit over priced since holland is a more expensive country for industrial production than spain.

the dutch have long ago lost the leader positions in agriculture and horticulture. mainlly due to lack of agronomical engineers, and little sun light forcing to work with artificial lightning.

what im trying to say is i dont blindly trust cannas method as the only way, since its greatly limiting the reallity. any given condition is different, most common difference is the tap water with varying levels of most minerals depending on source and a lot more.

for example the tapwater in most of coastal spain is desalified SEA water (most in the world with 750 plants producing 400,000,000 m3 cubic m of water). its very rich in minerals and even with an EC of merelly 0.6 after the process its a bit strong to use directly with best results for indoor growing of weed.

:) i got friends who moved to spain from north of europe and they got greatly surprised by the fact how much the tap water affected the outcome, and he could not grow as he allways had done back home.

so modifications are necesary.

i do spend a lot of time reading agronomical reports... it is interesting...


edit - i took away a sentence that seemd easy to interpret wrong


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I just had a problem with new canna coco as well... i didnt test the ec of it but the run off at 6.2 was 5.2ish..... i had to flush everything to get it back to correct numbers... not fun... wont buy canna again.... bcuzz is far better anyways....


Well-known member
I wouldnt worry about it. as stated coco is hard to read and misleading.
I clone in canna coco and chunky perlite adding mild bloom nutes too, never burns roots in 7 days. fucked up my bcuzz coco the first time flushing it cuz I tried to read it.


i never flush the the coco in the start, imho that is not necesary. never did it with canna and never done it with the coco i use now, but i ALLWAYS water to waste a good amount each watering, and this is what makes things roll on like it should as i see it.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Hmmmm just had the same readings when i checked the runoff in my catch trays . but i'm using coco hempy buckets & have read that as long as the medium never dries out ... i should have no problems with salt build up cuz the salt doesn't have a chance to crystalize .I do feed till runoff ... not much but i do have to drain the water from my catch trays each time i feed mainly so my humidity levels don't raise .
my readings were 4.3 ec & 5.0 ph also . my plants are showing no signs of problems at all though . as a matter of fact i was just boasting in another thread that these plants i'm doing in my first coco grow are the best i've seen yet & i still say that . so i'm not sure what to think here . i stand by the credo that if it ain't broke don't fix it ....but dunno .
any comments on my situation of coco hempys & the high runoff levels ?


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
gonzo .... its been a couple weeks sence you posted this thread . have you seen any problems with the plants or did you do something different to change the runoff levels ? just curious what you did & the outcome of it .


I don't really know how many times this has to be repeated to coco growers. Quit testing the runoff. It's meaningless.

Take some coco from the root zone. Soak that in a pretested water solution. Swish around for awhile...and even let it sit for awhile if you like. Then test! That is true results. Not runoff!


sorry guys i forgot about this thread. It turns out that the bucket I had been pouring the run off into was the same bucket I had poured some excess canna A & B into!! I then measured the pH and EC of this water which produced this result.

all is good!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Take some coco from the root zone. Soak that in a pretested water solution. Swish around for awhile...and even let it sit for awhile if you like. Then test! That is true results. Not runoff!

gonna try it that way lowman , hopefully its within specs like it should .

sorry guys i forgot about this thread. It turns out that the bucket I had been pouring the run off into was the same bucket I had poured some excess canna A & B into!! I then measured the pH and EC of this water which produced this result.

all is good!

lol yup stoner mistakes . BTDT :)