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certain houses and drying


Active member
Me and a few mates where discussing this yesterday

so the point is

when i give a friend a few branches of freshly cut weed from MY plants from my home , and they dry it at their place, it alwasy dries quicker but more unifrom and it always tastes better.(remember this is weed i grew myself)

At my place a few days it dries , then it rains and things just wont dry decently , so you get dry moist dry all the time.So at my place the weed always seems less smooth

So that led us to believe that it matters a lot where you dry it.

They live in a city with lots of concrete , their RH is always stable and lower then mine , they get like 40-60%

I live in a spot with lots of plants , grass, trees and litle concrete
Me at my house with the weather of the past months , have 60-80% RH and when it is dry a few days it goes down to 50-60%+ But when it rains it goes up to 80% again real quick

So could it be that my house just really sucks for drying herb?(cuz of the constantly fluctuating rh?)


I've noticed this also, I think it is either because as a grower, we get so used to the plant smells that we just don't notice as it dries. OR the high humidity, I live in an area with 70-90% humidity for half of the year, makes drying a little difficult.


Active member
Could be...

Do u ventilate the space u dry in? If you don't it helps alot with the rh in a drying space.

Also try running dehumidifiers in the drying space jus don't let it get too hot.

I always chop at base hang upside down on line in a room with oscillating fans going and a fan/scrubber exhausting the room. I also use dehumidifiers which can speed drying up alot during damp weather. Like make a 2 week dry turn into a 5-7 day one.


Active member
hey thx 4 the replies

i acutally use a drybox , a homebox tent with carbon scrubber and extraction fan , but it doesnt help with this RH

I have used dehumidifiers also once , but i think that makes the weed a bit harsh

If i where to cure no prob ;, but i only cure like 1/3 as i prefer weed that has dried to a good point without curing for in the vape


Active member
Id try a dehuey again if I were you but I could see it being a bit overkill in a homebox tent. The problem with the dehueys is the heat they put off. It can make the dry space too warm. But if you can control the heat like keep it under 70ish and keep the rh around 40-50 it makes for a great even dry.


Active member
If I don't use dehueys my dry room gets so humid 70-80rh when it's packed with plants drying on the lines even with extraction fans going. I live on the coast and it's almost always high humidity outside so the dehueys are a must or everything just takes forever to dry.