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help me control the funk..


hi.. temps are finally gettin a little cooler and soon ill start my grow op. im only able to grow in winter because of where my cab is located. im looking for sum help with ventilation and odor control. i have a single cab the i run autos in, and last year it got a lil stinky. my cab measures 22" wide 16" deep and 53" tall, i have a 150 watt hps with another 106 watts of cfl's. for ventilation im using a 100 cfm axial fan, i'd like to upgrade to either a 4" GrowBright High Velocity Inline Fan or the 4" ActiveAir inline fan with a carbon scrubber.

i guess my question is, are these fans sufficient for what im trying to accomplish? there rated for 170 cfm. is that enough cfms to pull or push through a carbon scrubber?

also, can anyone recommend a good, fairly priced filter? or should i make my own, sumthing like this https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=31679

here is a pic of my cab...

thinkin this would be the way to install the fan and filter, would this be a problem? sorry for the sideways drawing.. lol.



for sum reason the pics i uploaded dont show up when i click on them.. takes me to the insert photo page??

here is a better sketch of my plans. come on guys, help me out. i want to have this done within a week or two and i kno nothing about carbon filters or inline fans.


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thank u ozark... those are good prices, the same fan is $110 bux on the site i was lookin at. i can get both filter and fan for like 40 bucks more then just the fan from htgsupply. sweet!!! have you orderd from them before? there legit?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Your pics show for me.

Fans and filters need to be "matched" While I'd assume package deals are matched, I'd still double check. Assure the CFM rating of the filter is greater than the fan's. If the fan does more cfm than the filter, air can pas unscrubbed. At the least, filter life will be greatly reduced


Your pics show for me.

Fans and filters need to be "matched" While I'd assume package deals are matched, I'd still double check. Assure the CFM rating of the filter is greater than the fan's. If the fan does more cfm than the filter, air can pas unscrubbed. At the least, filter life will be greatly reduced

thanx. i did not kno filters and fans needed to be matched. so a fan rated at 165 cfm will work fine with a filter rated at 200 cfm correct?
if so think im goin to place an order this weekend.

also, the plan i have to set this up... will it work? would that be the correct way to install it?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
You got it. Pulling, as you intend, is better than pushing. However, pushing will work for those who have no space in the cab.

You're doin' fine.


thank you for sending me in the right direction guys...

doc, i'd like to get a 6" for future proofing. i just dont see my grow getting bigger any time soon though, and i think it would be overkill for the space i have. i am glad to hear u have this set up and it works for you. hope i have the same results.


Active member
As far as capacity of fan and filter... you've got less than 12 cu. ft. That would purge all the air in your cab about 12 times per minute, mas o menos. That gives you the luxury of buying a speed controller so you can cut the fan down, and still have multiple air exchanges per minute, while cutting fan noise dramatically. Saves a little energy and lengthens filter life, too.

If heat is a problem, more air exchanges are better. You'll have to play with it and monitor temp to find the sweet spot.

Also, you need to consider intake size. Rule of thumb is twice the intake space as exhaust. Six inch intake would do it for a 4 in. exhaust fan. [4" fan - πr², π=3.14, 2²=4=12.56 sq. inches. 6" exhaust fan- 3²=9 x 3.14=28.56 sq. inches]

Good luck. -ranger


great info granger.. i already have speed control, had been using it on my axial fan. ideally, how many air exchanges a min do we want in a cab this size?

as far as intake, i have four 2in holes on the bottom of the cab. that should be fine, right? thanx for takin the time to break the numbers down and explainin intakes.. as soon as i receive the goods ill post sum updates..


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Nope. Math doesn't work that way. Four 1" holes and one 4" hole are two different things, two different areas. Eight 1" holes are half the size of a 4" hole, not twice the size.

When it doubt, do the arithmetic. A=∏r²

With a 4" exhaust (12.56 si) you'll want eight 2" holes (3.14x8= 25.12si). Easiest way to double the exhaust is with 3 holes of equal size. Whatever you use to cut the exhaust at the top, use it twice at the bottom.


Active member
What FreezerBoy said... [he found a better pi symbol, ∏, than mine, π, which looks like an "n."

Also, on the speed controller. I originally used dimmer switches from LowesDepot. Then I read that they were unsafe for fans such as centrifugal, even though the ones I was using had the amperage capacity necessary. So I replaced them with the bit pricier speed controllers from the grow shop. Being able to sleep at night is always a plus. You can't be too careful with what Popeye refers to as lektriciky.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
It will certainly stress the fan. Make it break? Suppose it depends on fan quality. Another consideration is heat removal. Choking the cab could see temps climb to harmful levels.


ok.. so i got my fan and filter earlier this week. i got the combo that was recommended by ozark. i plan on putting in my cab this weekend. just wanted sum input, is there anything i need to consider or know before i start cutting into my cab?? im worried bout noise. fan seems a little loud, any tips on how to mount this bad boy?

also, thinkin bout gettin an 8x8 dark room louver for intake n ditching my pvc intakes. that should be sufficient right?