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240w LED Closet grow [1st grow]


Hello all, I started a grow on my balcony and they were not growing that fast so I wanted to bring them into a tent. So I bought an LED (to save on energy costs) a tent and a carbon filter and got growing.

Right now I have it set up where the carbon filter is just running inside the tent. It is sucking air in and redistributing it in the tent. I open the tent every day serval times a day but is this a bad idea? This is my only airflow in the tent. Should I get some ducts and send it out of the tent and just get a fan ? Also I didnt know how to mount it.. it came with one piece of metal but no screws or instructions so wasnt sure what to do. Here is my set up:

and here are my plants
PLEASE HELP! theres a lot of yellowing and other spotting:

This one looks like it got burned by the light maybe?

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I just bought some big bloom which I hope will fix some of these nutrient deficiencies and some tiger bloom for when I start to flower. and I have some azatrol but not sure how much I should use in a small spray bottle.


New member
I too was curious how folks get those fans supported in those tents
i can barely do it in a wooden well structured cabinet

Damn led nice-nice and cool i suppose-shouldnt be burning ur plants


New member
I too was curious how folks get those fans supported in those tents
i can barely do it in a wooden well structured cabinet

Damn led nice-nice and cool i suppose-shouldnt be burning ur plants
and yes get those vents in the tent opened up -vent to attic or garage -but yeah ur plants want fresh air-and will show great growth wehn u give it to them


I'm not very good at this indoor stuff, I'm an outdoor grower. I've been considering getting an LED and starting a small indoor grow, so your thread caught my eye. To me it looks like they have calcium and magnesium deficiency. What kind of soil mix are you using, and did you add dolomite lime to it before starting your plants? The good news is your plants don't look too bad, but deficiencies certainly do slow down growth. It can be quickly fixed!

Your best bet is to get on over to the cannabis infirmary and look for help there.


good luck friend,



it unfortunately has gotten a bit worse. I looked today and a LOT of the girls have yellow bottom leafs. So if it is calcium and magnesium will BigBloom not help?

My soil mixture was half $5 bag of 'moister control' from sta-green and half homemade compost. No perlite no dolomite I shoulda done more research before .. I think im going to transplant soon into bigger pots and better soil (some fox farms) but not for another couple weeks or so. I dont want to do a direct transplant because i didnt pack down the soil enough when starting so i might just do the method of cutting off the bottoms of the old pots and planting them like that and the roots will find their way down


I pruned the bottom leafs that were yellowing cuz they were buggin me...and started doing some low stress training using a metal coat hanger. Dont have my camera right now but I will post pictures later tonight. Thanks for viewing all :]

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz

I'm sure you'll get good results. I have the 180 watt model and plants respond very good to it. I particularly like how you can keep internodes short with the LED.

I use mine about 50% seed starting and 50% growing out an indoor specimen and have had lush healthy growth and solid resinous buds.
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Thanks man,
I can already tell that this light is a beast.

They started out on my balcony from seed and they were stretching really bad. (3 weeks they were like 10 in tall with no node growth) So I just bit the bullet and bought all the stuff I needed for an indoor grow.. and I am really happy I did.

They are really tall and skinny right now. But its only been a few days under the Blackstar and already there has been an explosion of growth at the nodes and the tops just keep shooting out leafs . It's exciting :D


Not as much! Im happy, the tops are really dark healthy looking green .. I feel like they are growing pretty slow tho but thats ok


The LED seems to do a very good job in growth, going to be interesting to see how it works in flowering!


glad you were able to give them some light!

they look nice and i hope to see a wonderful next few weeks of led ganja in your closet haha

have fun and be safe.

Way to go as well!

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