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PC Micro Grow Help


I have an old PC Tower I've half way converted in to a grow box .. The actual grow space in 11 inches tall by 6 inces deep by 8 inches wide .. Lights consist of 2-55 watt CFLS 3900 lumens each (Got them on sale for 7 bucks a piece )...

I need help with what fan i should get to actually cool the grow area . I've made my own dark room louver for air intake and just want one fan to exhaust the entire grow space .. Im aware the dark room louvers will restrict the amount of air the fan is trying to pull through it and then exhausting into a micro carbon scrubber there are no light leaks or anything so the fan will create a very good pull of intake through the louvers ..

So should i go with a 75 cfm pc fan ,110 cfm pc fan , or a 133 cfm pc fan .. Im not that worried about the noise. Also the room tempature it will be in will between 65-70

Thanks guys and gals I'll be starting a thread soon just trying to work everything out


Recovering UO addict.
I'd check the amps of each one and compare it to their cfm claims. the power of the fan is gonna be directly related to the cfm...go overkill and get a speed controller, then you can just adjust it.


Crotchety Cabaholic
You can always dial down the 133 cfm fan via dc voltage regulation.
I'd go big and control with a rheostat.


Thanks guys I'm getting the 133 CFM with a speed controller .. Hope to post up my Thread soon of this grow either gonna do Iced GrapeFruit or one of the Freebie Packs I've obtained

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