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....WAKE & BAKE....


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I almost forgot about ICMag. I should be frequenting more often now that I have internet in my own place now. What's up soulfly?

Got up, rolled a doobie and have been stuck in my chair. Going to think about frying some chicken for a bit longer...

Hope everyone is doing well.


Happy labor day fellow bakers! Waiting on my coffee to brew, deciding what to watch on netflix. Might go bug hunting this afternoon, I got an amazing monarch specimen the other day, about the size of my palm. Hope you all have a relaxing day, I think it might be a good morning to vape.
Good morning everyone and Happy Labor Day as budbasket said!

Just took two respectable bong hits and I'm fucking wasted high this morning!


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
top of the morning bakers that are waked! decided to take it easy last night - smoked myself semi-retarded yesterday so I ended up at home watching TV.

Anyone else watch Border Wars on Nat Geo? Last night was the start of their new season and was really interesting to see how they dispose of the goods they get. Craziness I tell you!

Hope everyone has a kickass labor day - gonna go smoke a bowl and enjoy the rain as it comes through

soil margin

Active member
Top of the muffin to everyone! Having a little trouble deciding whether Allen Wrench or Jackie White is a better choice this morning.

h^2 O

I've smoked twice since I woke up and it's now not even 10:30 and I feel like my day is done.


Morning wake and bake crew! Slept pretty good, I think its gonna be a good day. Having a quick quiz over the flight characteristics of insects, today. Pretty interesting, they pulsate their bodies by flapping their wings a certain rate of speed, and after they hit that, the bodies vibrate and cause extra flaps in wing motion, more than whats normally possible. This indirect flight system enables insects to beat wings between 500-1000/ second, try flapping your arms 5 times a second, not very easy. Everyone's useless piece of trivia this morning.-basket
Good morning IC MAG! No wake 'n bake for me this morning, gotta work and like to be sober while there. Have a great day everybody!


Active member
morning crew. Checkin in today. Signs of fall already outside. Gonna get snow tires today for one of our cars. Didnt have them last year, and did okay, just found a good deal on used ones with extra set of rims for the car.

puffin some strawberry cough and something else salad bowl.... the something else is whatver left from last night in the kief box. I cant remember.


Lover of Life
It's pretty rainy this morning..feels like fall already.

I waked, I baked, now I'm drinking coffee and getting ready for work.

Have a good one wake n bake crew!
It's pretty rainy this morning..feels like fall already.

I waked, I baked, now I'm drinking coffee and getting ready for work.

Have a good one wake n bake crew!
That's how it was here. Wish I could've chilled but I had to work. Which I also must do in about ten hours, and since I like to be sober at work, I won't be partaking of a wake 'n bake session. Perhaps Thursday or Friday.


h^2 O

I woke up at around 2am EST. Hoping to fall back asleep, did a quick few bong loads and the infommercials are in full effect. Okay wyat do we have..oh okay, 10 Minute Trainer by Tony Hortnon, 60 minutes of insanity. Reality bends where infommercials dwell. Its like the Twilight Zone


Top of the morning! 4 hours from now I should be done, got Kahlua last night, I think White Russians will be in order this afternoon. As for this morning, still toking on some jack. Hope everyone has a great day, its cold here this morning, I guess fall is actually here. -basket


Lover of Life
I wasn't able to wakey bakey this morning, so I'm doing it after work I guess..lol

Got me some L.S.D. (wonder if it's BOG's genetics?) and some Matanuska Thunderfuck. The MTF has got me pretty mellow...can't wait to try that lsd after the GOP Debate is over.

I won't be able to wake n bake for about a week as I will have family visiting..brother, sister and her husband, niece, great-niece..should be fun though and I could use a small break from the herb.


Wake and bake, check. Might be running by Starbucks, triple breve vanilla latte please. Check that too cold, will be making a pot here. Started smoking ciggs again this week, already feel how messed up my lungs are from it. Life is so much less stressful with them though. Ever since I quit, I just replaced them with bud, and smoking from sun up to sun down is no way to live. Going to be beautiful this afternoon, I can't wait, going bug hunting. Hope everyone has a good day-basket


good morning, a puff before some field work....i miss this thread and will be here more often. I was thejointedone before and was here and on the last thread too...

k wake and.....puff


*Stoned User*
Good morning!

Opened up the newspaper this morining but the headlines are again full of oppression and greed. :nono: So its some coffee, the sun and a bowl of lifesaver to start the day. :coffee:

Hey jointedone, budbasket and stoner! Have a great day fellas!

h^2 O

Hit the bong, had a few sips of coffee, did some house stuff. Watching the Today Show, not sure what to do I'm pretty bored. Might try to find a fwb online

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