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Obama Cracks Down On Medical Marijuana

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
How about all you straight-laced, doctor-looking dudes stop slinging rocks at those who had the balls to stand up and even form a movement in the first place? How about that?

dude the hippies have done FAR MORE damge to mj legalization than just about anyone. them lsdheads became the nixon poster child of a mj user,, making us all look like fucking burnt out retards after nixon couldnt arrest them for protesting the vietnam war
The sad thing is the straw man of the imported Mexican Drug Cartel brick being sold in dispensaries. Legalization would end the importation of said mexibrick and conversely ruin a major cash crop of said Cartels. Legalization would provide taxes to rebuild crumbling infrastructure!


>How about all you straight-laced, doctor-looking dudes stop slinging rocks at those who had the balls to stand up and even form a movement in the first place? How about that?

Yeah you know us blue jean wearing main stream folks looking like doctors and all. Pffft that was about as dumb as it gets. I think you "might" have missed accessndx point. He is not saying that doctors were the ones that managed to get medical marijuana legalized. In fact most doctors were and are still against medical marijuana in most cases. He is just saying that those are the people (doctors) we need on our side. It was the 60's/70's hippies that gave Nixon the fuel he needed to start the war on drugs.

No it was the clean shaven 25-40 year old's who don't smell like Patchouli that managed to decriminalize cannabis in all of those states. In the state I come from the drum beaters were not allowed to represent the organization that at the time was trying to decriminalize cannabis, and for good reason.


tiktok420, I see where you guys are coming from..I do.

Thing is, anyone living outside of what is propagandized as a "normal" lifestyle has the potential to be a scapegoat. Nixon and ol' J. Edgar could have demonized any perceived group and scared the public at large into believing anything they wanted them to believe...well, they did and the fact that ............same tactic used these days.

"It was the 60's/70's hippies that gave Nixon the fuel he needed to start the war on drugs."

The military-industrial complex was becoming out of control and the "clean shaven 25-40 year olds" weren't doing anything about it...............

Any individual or group speaking out against the war was placed under intense scrutiny and discredited/blacklisted by the machine. As I said before, it seems to me disingenuous to belittle those who made targets of themselves by speaking out....all fashion differences aside, because it could have and would have been anyone.

Then, as now, it only takes one newsclip or photo to demonize an entire movement......I'm not out to rehash the 60's. I wasn't born yet. But blaming patchouli and LSD for pot prohibition is just incorrect. More reefer madness...


Obama at his best...lol


Registered User
tiktok420, I see where you guys are coming from..I do.

Thing is, anyone living outside of what is propagandized as a "normal" lifestyle has the potential to be a scapegoat. Nixon and ol' J. Edgar could have demonized any perceived group and scared the public at large into believing anything they wanted them to believe...well, they did and the fact that ............same tactic used these days.

"It was the 60's/70's hippies that gave Nixon the fuel he needed to start the war on drugs."

The military-industrial complex was becoming out of control and the "clean shaven 25-40 year olds" weren't doing anything about it...............

Any individual or group speaking out against the war was placed under intense scrutiny and discredited/blacklisted by the machine. As I said before, it seems to me disingenuous to belittle those who made targets of themselves by speaking out....all fashion differences aside, because it could have and would have been anyone.

Then, as now, it only takes one newsclip or photo to demonize an entire movement......I'm not out to rehash the 60's. I wasn't born yet. But blaming patchouli and LSD for pot prohibition is just incorrect. More reefer madness...

I wasn't around either, but from what I read, thought the use of weed & heroin in Vietnam (by soldiers)... and them returning strung out... is what really prompted the issue into 'problem' status... and the WOD is what we got. Sure there's much more to it... the politicization & what it spun in to... but wasn't that the real impetus?


I just wish really that somebody will get it through the supposed leaders of this country what a night & day difference it is for those of us that suffer everyday in hell in pain that cannabis offers! I don't live in a med state for crying out loud I live in a state that growing one plant for what ever use will get you ten years in the cells of hell, but they will have to pry those PLANTS out of my cold dead hands:wave::plant grow:!!!!!!!!!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
dude the hippies have done FAR MORE damge to mj legalization than just about anyone. them lsdheads became the nixon poster child of a mj user,, making us all look like fucking burnt out retards after nixon couldnt arrest them for protesting the vietnam war

I disagree. These people are not a threat to anyone. nobody is worried about pot because of hippies. It's the racist annotations put on it by Hurst, and the fear Propaganda spread by the government and pounded into people's head since birth. Then combined with giant corporations and government bureaucracies having a huge financial interest in keeping it illegal. It has nothing to do with hippies, they were simple just a scape goat for Nixon to discredit his political opponents that were protesting the war and pushing for equal rights. Nixon was a bad person he had no interest in anything but power and control. If it wasn't the hippies it would have been someone else.


I wasn't around either, but from what I read, thought the use of weed & heroin in Vietnam (by soldiers)... and them returning strung out... is what really prompted the issue into 'problem' status... and the WOD is what we got. Sure there's much more to it... the politicization & what it spun in to... but wasn't that the real impetus?

No, man...that IS the politicization/spin and what is now generally accepted as factual history. It's also another reason so many Vietnam vets had such a headfuck when they got back. On top of all they'd been through, they were then scapegoated as druggies, a threat to the country they'd just fought for. The new freedom was freedom from decisions...my dad was there.

It's a mistake to think the war on drug$ was ever about protecting people.


Active member
the war on drugs was started by racist, industry leaders who saw hemp as a threat, and saw an opportunity to use peoples fears of blacks and mexicans to get rid of it...

killed a dozen birds with one stone, paper, cotton, jails, chemicals, all those industries boomed with no competition from an alternative source....

and the scam is perpetuated today by the same companies acting through congress and the dea...
the war on drugs was started by racist, industry leaders who saw hemp as a threat, and saw an opportunity to use peoples fears of blacks and mexicans to get rid of it...

killed a dozen birds with one stone, paper, cotton, jails, chemicals, all those industries boomed with no competition from an alternative source....

and the scam is perpetuated today by the same companies acting through congress and the dea...

Don't forget the movie called Reefer Madness (1936)

Also because of jazz musicians making devils music smoking Maryj and ethnics stealing white women :rolleyes:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
the war on drugs was started by racist, industry leaders who saw hemp as a threat, and saw an opportunity to use peoples fears of blacks and mexicans to get rid of it...

killed a dozen birds with one stone, paper, cotton, jails, chemicals, all those industries boomed with no competition from an alternative source....

and the scam is perpetuated today by the same companies acting through congress and the dea...

well said


Active member
It was the 60's/70's hippies that gave Nixon the fuel he needed to start the war on drugs.

Please, give me a break. I WAS there then, and I can assure you Nixon didn't need any excuses. He was a paranoid and delusional individual who was borderline psychotic. It was us "hippies" who stopped the war in Vietnam by taking to the streets and shutting down universities across the country. People now don't have the balls the hippies did. They try to work within the "system", forgetting all the way who runs the system. Let's see today's button down activists do what we did.
Take to the streets and shut down universities across the country. Make a lot of noise and practice civil disobedience instead of trying to reason with these maggots. Any time any "progress" is made, they turn right around and stomp on it. We are not dealing with reasonable individuals, so why try to reason with them?


Active member
Please, give me a break. I WAS there then, and I can assure you Nixon didn't need any excuses. He was a paranoid and delusional individual who was borderline psychotic. It was us "hippies" who stopped the war in Vietnam by taking to the streets and shutting down universities across the country. People now don't have the balls the hippies did. They try to work within the "system", forgetting all the way who runs the system. Let's see today's button down activists do what we did.
Take to the streets and shut down universities across the country. Make a lot of noise and practice civil disobedience instead of trying to reason with these maggots. Any time any "progress" is made, they turn right around and stomp on it. We are not dealing with reasonable individuals, so why try to reason with them?

It better be VERY civil, because in the years after the campus riots of the late 60s, early 70s, laws were passed to make 'disturbing the peace of an educational institution' a felony.
It can never happen again in the same way, the campus police state is in power.


Active member
It better be VERY civil, because in the years after the campus riots of the late 60s, early 70s, laws were passed to make 'disturbing the peace of an educational institution' a felony.
It can never happen again in the same way, the campus police state is in power.

Sad state of affairs, as they gradually take all of our rights. We were peaceful back then. And what was their response?
They sent the National Guard to Kent State & murdered 4 unarmed students in cold blood, for demonstrating peacefully.
And what was the response of my university?
They shut down for the semester, but kept our money! They handed out "A"s to everyone. The faculty took the semester off but still got paid. We got grades and credit, but no education!
What hypocrites!
It could happen again if we had the numbers.
They are not going to arrest the entire student body, but hey, we're talking about people who didn't even bother to vote on Prop 19.
Hard to tear them away from Facebook & "reality" T.V. It's a total police state now, no question. Hard to fight jack-booted thugs in full body armor.

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