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Floramite and Neem??


Freedom Fighter
I have used both, many times....but I am in a situation-- I need to spray neem for PM...and I also need to spray Floramite for mites-- This is a greenhouse, and I use supplemental lighting to keep in veg...turned lights off yesterday, and need to spray Floramite immediately....but also need to spray for PM immediately--
Has anyone combined the 2 in 1 spray?? I don't want to go half strength on them, so I am talking full issue of each--
My other option is to just spray now for the PM, since it is worse...and spray for mites next week-- That is what I am going to do prolly....but wanted to ask if anyone has combined them successfully??
Thanks in advance--:tiphat:


Registered User
i've never mixed oil based products with the chemy chems... just kinda concerned me for mixing as the oil needs constant agitation & worried the chems would somehow bind... dunno, just my back of head fears.

have mixed the chems in combination before. esp in veg... why not go with eagle20, which mixes with avid & floramite well? and if no access (you should if have fmsc), can go with some chlorothalonil from the depot or local nursery.

that'd b my rec.


Freedom Fighter
I'm not positive, but I think Floramite is an oil based chem-- It separates after sitting, and it suggests using soap as a spreader--:tiphat:

mad librettist

Active member
I have beaten mites with neem oil, and so have many others. Here is how:

determine the life cycle of the mites, from egg to laying (temperature dependent!)

spray well prepared raw neem oil on the plants, using the finest mist possible and paying attention to the undersides of the leaf

time you spraying so that you interrupt the life cycle - in other words hit them after they hatch but before they can lay

you will need to keep it up for maybe 6 applications. You want to spray at least twice after all sign of mites is gone. If you miss a scheduled spraying, you must start over from the beginning, so SET AN ALARM to remind you

***IMPORTANT - to mix raw neem oil well, you MUST use a blender of some sort. the resulting emulsion will NOT need constant agitation.
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Freedom Fighter
Thanks for the replies!!:tiphat:
mad librettist, what I should have mentioned, is this is a greenhouse in the desert, with no floor (just desert sand), and it is 6000 sq ft, with 400 6-8 foot (very topped, very bushy) plants-- It takes me 2 days (16 hours) of solid spraying to hit it once-- So, that is why I have to use something heavy duty for the mites...I simply cannot give every leaf personal attention--
So what I have decided, is I am going to start hitting it with neem today...but I am going to isolate 5 plants, and try mixing the Neem and Floramite--
But please, keep the comments coming!! Education is something we can never get enough of--:tiphat:
Vash-- I am going to check that out...Thanks!!:)