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Rippers Found My Spot, So Now What?

Sorry for my laughing, but no one who is respectable or considerate will just take a small amount, and leave the rest for you. They WILL definitely be back to get the rest, you can bet your ass fo sure. So I say, you'd better take what you got, even if it's a bit early to pull them, or else they will do it for ya!

As for booby traps? Very bad idea!... First, and foremost...No plant is worth killing or dying for, or even maiming someone. Secondly...You would just kick your own security risk(s) up a few notches, and turn the heat on, so why would you do that? There are those here, (not saying names, you know who you are!), who would disagree, and believe me, these are the people who are violent, dangerous, and usually end up getting caught, as well as putting others at risk. So I have no sympathy for these jerk-offs.

Graham Purwatt

a game camera isn't going to do any good if you dont know who they are. camp or cut are the only 2 real solutions


If it were me I would go down to one of those military stores and see about some crime scene tape. Wrap a big ring around the area, try and dress it up as a crime scene. Maybe go a bit further with a manikin or something. I would then take half the plants now and take my chances with the other half making it until they are ready. Try scare tactics but don't do booby traps, that is a very bad idea.


Active member
i saw this movie yesterday called severance, a guy got his foot caught in a bear trap and eventually severed. it was pretty cool, bear traps all the way.

lol no im kidding. you are growing illegal plants on what i assume are public lands, and some people who frequent the area saw your face, saw you carrying a jug of water and a bag, what kinda bag and how big was this jug of water? if its a 1 gallon jug and your bag wasn't some sort of specific "im tending weed in the forest" bag then they probably , its possible they havent made (movie term) you. but they have def found your weed. 2 choices, you already know them. either go back and chop the shit now, abandon the shit, or go back on harvest day and hope for the best.

me... i would go back on harvest day and dress as a hiker, jogger whatever, no tools, just a knife and whatever else you need to justify being a hiker, don't take anything with you that could remotely tie you to the grow besides something sharp enough to cut stalks.

on harvest day go in carefully after wandering around like a lost hiker, and if the shit is still there, chop it all as fast as possible and hide it in the brush, wait a day and then come back to get it.

at any rate, from this point onwards assume that those plants were ripped the second you left the grow spot last time.


Active member
i have come across plots 3 times in my life and all 3 times i took lie 2-3 buds and that was it,just to see how good the guys stuff was.i would pull most and leave 1 or 2 and see what happens.maybe at least you can get a nice harvest.


Professor Organic Psychology
They only took small amount because they were on motorcycles. No way to take it all, no way to conceal.


Active member
how big are they? could you dig them up and transplant????

That actually might be possible. They were put out late so not too big. Too big to put in the back seat of a car though.
Might be able to rent a van. They are in the ground though in ten gallon holes that I dug with an auger. Got premium Humbolt soil in them.
I suppose I could get some ten gallon pots and dig them up and put them in there and move them to another spot. Gonna be some work & risk involved, what with the digging and moving them and all.
But it's doable. I might try that.
Was hoping to use those holes again, but spot is blown anyway.
That's going to be some work, digging up ten gallons per hole and transplanting them.
I have to think on that one.
Good suggestion though.


Active member
I carried a couple 4ft. plants in 10 gallons through the woods this year and I can tell you that is NOT an option. What a nightmare!

Well, I would have to get a van and throw them in the back and then drive to another place. Carrying them through the woods is not an option! 10 gallons of wet soil will be pretty heavy.
Another odd thing about this is they took the cola from the smallest plant. There were much bigger ones right next to it.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
They only took small amount because they were on motorcycles. No way to take it all, no way to conceal.

Yep. You said that they went back only a few minutes after initially seeing you carrying gardening supplies. A few buds was all they could take. They'll be back with trash bags and backpacks next time.

Why spend money on game cams? What good will it do you to know who they are? So you can take vengeance? So illegal cultivating now becomes wrapped up with violent crime? You could be in a world of hurt if you go down this path. Ain't worth it bro.

Cut your losses. Cut your plants. And get on with your life.
I just got 5 plants ripped too :/ talked with a buddy who hikes the area alot and he said hes seen a couple other plots that night i pulled my last 5 5' plants out by the stem and there was only a root mass a little bigger than a soft ball because the majority of the roots snapped off and were still in the hole i carried them all about a mile in the pitch black threw them in back of my car (one even snapped in half and i had to tape her back together) and put them into my walk in closet under my 600w HPS and they are doing great still. mine werent even close to even halfway through there budding cycle but if i left them there they would most def have been gone

a HPS or MH light system is a small investment if u can keep them indoors n will insure ur crops safety along with giving you a winter hobby :)

Moral of the story wet the ground and rip them up by the stems or ull KILL your body trying to move ten gallons of soil for each plant and its either move them and risk someone finding them at the new spot, chop and hash them, camp it out, or just pray for a miracle and hope they are still there

Game cam is still not a bad investment ($50 at walmart) but if it has a flash put electrical tape over it so ppl dont no your taking there pic or that too will be ripped but at least if u got a pic then ull know if they were the ones and ull have closure? JUST MAKE SURE YOUR FACE DOESNT GET A PICTURE or if the police see it ur screwed

Hope that helps


Active member
I just got 5 plants ripped too :/ talked with a buddy who hikes the area alot and he said hes seen a couple other plots that night i pulled my last 5 5' plants out by the stem and there was only a root mass a little bigger than a soft ball because the majority of the roots snapped off and were still in the hole i carried them all about a mile in the pitch black threw them in back of my car (one even snapped in half and i had to tape her back together) and put them into my walk in closet under my 600w HPS and they are doing great still. mine werent even close to even halfway through there budding cycle but if i left them there they would most def have been gone

a HPS or MH light system is a small investment if u can keep them indoors n will insure ur crops safety along with giving you a winter hobby :)

Moral of the story wet the ground and rip them up by the stems or ull KILL your body trying to move ten gallons of soil for each plant and its either move them and risk someone finding them at the new spot, chop and hash them, camp it out, or just pray for a miracle and hope they are still there

Game cam is still not a bad investment ($50 at walmart) but if it has a flash put electrical tape over it so ppl dont no your taking there pic or that too will be ripped but at least if u got a pic then ull know if they were the ones and ull have closure? JUST MAKE SURE YOUR FACE DOESNT GET A PICTURE or if the police see it ur screwed

Hope that helps

Indoors out of the question as my place is contaminated with some sort of malady, perhaps TMV or another virus. But good to know you can move them without taking the whole ten gallons of soil:)


You could buy a small tent and pop that sucker up right in the middle of the path.. Leave a half filled soda bottle, a dog bowl and a $1.00 pair of shoes from the thrift store next to it. Might even go so far as leaving a one gallon paint can shot full of holes in the path before that..
Bet that might buy you another week...


Well-known member
You're done....Game over.

Headband had the right answer. Pull or camp. If it was me I'd yank them and leave them right there.

Or you could fuck with them....

Pollenate them....hey boys enjoy picking young seeds out.

Or hang a sign on them. Poison....these plants have been sprayed with....hell I don't know...aresnic...

You can buy signs like that anyplace that sells agricultural chemicals. If you want to make a point, find the most toxic thing they have, Actualy spray the plants, then hang your warning signs.

And never come back.


a game camera is a motion activated camera that u can mount in a tree or hidden elsewhere and when someone triggers it ..it takes a pic ...

lol taking a picture of people stealing your weed, a lot of good thats going to do..

sorry i just loled hard at that.


New member
Maybe they cut off the top, test it out to see if it's ready to be harvested. If not, wait a while, come back with them bags, and chetes. Maybe they are scoping it out while scoping you out. Trying to find out where you stay or if you got some bigger gardens. Start bringing a buddy with you, last thing you need is to get tied up and tortured because someone thinks they can get to a bigger crop.

Rent a uhaul, put in some dressers or make it look like you are moving shit, make a detour through the woods then. Or no back windows van.