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if you got busted

and had in yer possession a personal check written on yer brothers bank acct to a non family member.what could the cops do?...say the check is for $5000 or so.everything would be legit.


Registered User
suppose it would all depend on what u got busted for... check fraud... and it might be an issue... lol ;-)


Freedom Fighter
As long as your brother corroborates the story, and doesn't say you took it...there should be no issue--
If I understand the question, that is--


shut the fuck up Donny
As I understand it:

you get busted, cops find a check from your brothers checking account, filled out and signed by your brother and made payable to a different family member, in the amount of $5,000.

As long as your brother knows about it, and would admit this to the cops, there is no problem here.

If they ask what it is for: you don't say shit anyway till you talk to your lawyer so don't worry about it. But basically your gonna wanna have u and ur brother both know what that check was for.
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As I understand it:

you get busted, cops find a check from your brothers checking account, filled out and signed by your brother and made payable to a different family member, in the amount of $5,000.

As long as your brother knows about it, and would admit this to the cops, there is no problem here.

If they ask what it is for: you don't say shit anyway till you talk to your lawyer so don't worry about it. But basically your gonna wanna have u and ur brother both know what that check was for.
thats exactly the way it would be


Active member
if you say nothing ,it cant be used against you. cops love people that talk and give them info. they also like to check your stories. if you give them nothing then they got shit. so many people give different stories of the same situation. divide and conquer. cops aint your friend no matter how much they smile and pretend to be your friend.telling a cop anything but your name ,ss number ect is pointless and can lead to problems.i wouldnt tell a cop what time it was.took me alot of police encounters when younger to figure it out.
guys,the question was what could the cops do. not should i talk to the cops. i'm an old man now and have had plenty enough experience with the police.just wanted to know if there was anything there that they could legally fk with my family and or friends, in that hypothetical situation.i know the dirty bastards..


Dirty bastards is right. Nothing illegal about a good check.

But in connection with a bust they could investigate all parties associated with said check. Bank statements, tax returns, work history, outstanding traffic tickets, you get the idea. Anything that could bring more charges/leverage against you. It could get very involved depending on the intent, what the money is for, etc. Just my 2 cents.

It's a very good hypothetical!


Active member
im getting so tired of the drugwar, that im not certain i wouldnt just snap and beat the shit out of the policemen and then rape them, just for the heck of it.

though, id need a baseball bat if there were more than 2 of them or really big and well trained, so i might accidentally kill them.

not really that unhappy about it.

even though i probably might restrain myself, since im a very nice man, but im really rather sick of this shit.

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