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Dear Diary.......


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Go ahead, let's hear it! Let your inner Yummy run wild, this is your thread!

Tell us about the chick at work that you don't have the guts to talk to even though you think she likes you.

Let's hear about the classmates and secret crushes that have been pulling on your ponytail or dreadlocks.

Or does your life have more pressing issues such as global warming you need to breach.

Whatever it is you can keep it safe in this simple and secret journal, I doubt mom & dad will be reading it and we promise not to snicker at your entries either, no, really!

Maybe your period is late (SpasticGramps) and you have to tell someone the secret, tell the diary.......

I'll go 1st below.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Dear Diary.......

day one of no weed in maybe 8-9 yrs, stashes have been found and evidence burned, I'll be out prowling the cribs of friends to see 'what's shaking' all day but these are smokers not dealers.

I wonder how many days til I land a bag for my needs.


Dear Diary....3 of my people havin love life problems this week.. Last nights cryin in his beer I'm gonna kill myself/her/anyone was so Yummy I about puked...

pine boy

Today I gotta do stuff and things I dont want to do.
Then tomarrow the same stuff and things come to me to deal with... again.
First time its been like this.


Active member
Today I gotta do stuff and things I dont want to do.
Then tomarrow the same stuff and things come to me to deal with... again.
First time its been like this.

thats how the fuk i feel...lol....no worries tho..

dear diary....wtf :dunno:

btw ....where the fuk is alaska??



Active member
dear diary. man has this pup got energy. i am rethinking her name and considering changing it to goddamnit. she was really only a puppy for a few weeks now she really is a bitch.


stone fool
Dear diary,

I managed not go go out and kill republicans again today, and I did not commit any crimes they can trace to me, and I did not rape the women that appealed to me, so the day was a wash. I will try to do better tomorrow, perhaps a repblicant will step in front of my car tomorrow and I will get some.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
Dear Diary,
I spent all week working on knocking down my house to the foundation to build a huge kickass house for my growing family and i. My wife and kids were down the shore (it's a jersey thing) while i was on "stacation". After all the hard work i put in this week while the family basked on the beach, i had 1 and only 1 favor to ask of my wife when she got home.
I asked her for a BJ to show her appreciation for me providing for my family like any good father/ husband should do.
her reaction was " like that's gonna happen"

jack Haze

Dear Diary...I think I wanna kill my entire immediate family. They have an incessant need to call me in mid-crisis and expect me to jump to the rescue in a matter of seconds without prior notice. My cat won't come around me lately and seems to hate every fiber of my being. I think she's planning an unexpected escape.

I just found out my friend since about age 4 is shooting heroin. My fukin' plants ain't flowering like they should. I've become scatter-brained and can't focus. I have no decent local bars to pull tail from. Seems that they're all crackheads or heroin addicts. I'm covered in poison Ivy from head to toe and it must have an adverse reaction to the numerous tick bites I sustained earlier in the year.

I've become hateful, potentially suicidal and have secret desires to kill anyone I encounter.

I think I may need some counseling...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Dear diary,
it's 2:30am and I'm headed to the local casino (again), with a little luck I won't get food poisoning there (again).......


Dear diary
to day i loaded all the matresses and whatnot, that my dear dog used. and drove them to the dump. it was quite sad, but he is dead and wont be needing any matresses to sleep on.
now i will hook up the wlan, or whatever its called modem, to get wifi internett downstairs, so the wife can work from home.
I would also like a afterlunch joint, but the herbs are standing in the livingroom, and i dont like to daytimetoke infront of her. but soon she will snozze on the sofa and then she wount notice.


Active member

dear diary .... FTW :wave:

.....this is gonna get redundant (but sorta insightful)...hmmmmm


Deary Diary...

It's now 252 days since Christmas and there's still no sign of the cute 25yo blonde I asked for!

I'm beginning to think Santa isn't real after all :frown:


People are Strange

People are Strange

Just decided to throw out an aquaintance, workin towards Friendship but i guess i have High standards and he didn't live up.

What happened?

the guy rented some snorkle fins and came back with 1

He was pissed off goin on about how dishonest it was the guy in the shop took his id so he had to pay the €15 and basically couldn't fuck off w/o payin.

i tried to make him understand that would happen anywhere so wtf

He got all angry at me for sayin he was being a selfish prick so i told him.

"It's people like you, i don't want in my life... so get out"

i find that i have done this very often lately, people are so fucked up...or is it me :ying:

gettin lonely but fuck it i'm sick of wastin time with people like that...


Active member
Dear IC Diary Thread: Being a sales rep for a fortune 100 company sucks ass even if the pay is good. Can't put a price on happiness, or can you.

Basically, I'd rather be a cocaine or mj trafficker, or join the military while i still can, maybe ill get shot and die a supposed hero (yummy moment).

Seriously though, may just quit this bs company and grow the chronic full time in a non-med state where property is cheap. Go balls to the wall, or be semi-responsible? = current dilemma.