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Sacred PokeMon Crosses


Paint Your DreamStrain
I have some SuperSpecial Crosses to share with you.

Somebody, in Some Thread, planted an Awesome Idea into my Consciousness. He compared Growing Bagseed to Catching PokeMon. I Absolutely Love this. It expands my mind on exactly how OpenEnded the search is - - you really never know what you're going to Find. That is the Frame of Mind I keep when making DopeUnique Crosses.

Here we have Rhonda x ThaiTanic. Rhonda is a female plant that was from a seed from Schwag. I have had Rhonda flowers curing for over 5 months and she gives off the most Gorgeous Vanilla Caramel smell at the Pop of a Jar. You'd have to Smell it to Believe it - - it is like smelling a Vanilla Candle.

The ThaiTanic is a male from Flying Dutchman seeds I ordered quite a long time ago. I am calling this cross S.S. Anne.


S.S. Anne​

(Rhonda x ThaiTanic)


And here, We have Power Kush x Vanilluna. A DJ Short Vanilluna male, crossed to a DinaFem Power Kush female. I call this cross LunaTone.



(Power Kush x Vanilluna)


These plants will be kicked into Flower SuperSoon. Enjoy the Journey.


Paint Your DreamStrain
The Family is looking Lovely, and Smelling Lovely, including notes of Nutmeg and MapleFennelSausage.

I got the S.S. Annes and Lunatones, all into One Container to grow together.

And here's what they look like at the Present Moment, as I just Supercropped them.



Paint Your DreamStrain
This is how they're looking today. With Males harvested respectfully, we are left with 2 LunaTones (front), and 2 S.S. Annes (back).


These girls were Pollenatored with a LunaTone male. I am sensing some Sexually Satisfied vibrations, and am predicting some BeyondNuts OffSpring.


Here's a LunaTone.


Gotta Catch 'Em All!


Paint Your DreamStrain
Magicness Unfolding. Consciousness Creating. Mana Manifesting.

What happens when you bring Beautiful Plant Species together into BizarreDope crosses?

Lunatones (Power Kush x Vanilluna)


S.S. Annes (Schwag x ThaiTanic)




awesome. just great. VL x PK sounds interesting as all hell too. and schwag x thai? wow. how bout a large slice of repcake my friend? and is that a seashell in your container there? man i remember when you had that other avatar we kicked it some and you put some great posts down. dont you have the butt gold thread too? +K bigtime


Paint Your DreamStrain
awesome. just great. VL x PK sounds interesting as all hell too. and schwag x thai? wow. how bout a large slice of repcake my friend? and is that a seashell in your container there? man i remember when you had that other avatar we kicked it some and you put some great posts down. dont you have the butt gold thread too? +K bigtime

I really appreciate your reply! Sometimes I can get the Illusion like no one cares about my thread - and it can in turn make me care less about my own project. Yeah I'm only Human. Or wait do humans usually do that or is it just Dumb Lil Ol Me?

Yes yes there's multiple seashells and corals in the bin!

I'm actually in the process of harvesting the plants right now. I have the first LunaTone trimmed and hung up to dry. Looking and Smelling beautiful. My room smells like a Spicy Cheese right now.


Paint Your DreamStrain
I have trimmed and hung all of the plants. Here's some Fragrance notes.

As I was trimming the LunaTones, they were letting off a heavy Grape Skittles aroma, with a pleasant Spicy Cheese aroma coming through. Surprisingly, welcomingly complex.

The S.S. Annes have a very sophisticated aroma coming off of them. A RoseMary Nutmeg Spiciness pierces my nasal. A Beautiful, SpringeBreezy, FlowerForest during a rain smell refreshes my soul. So fresh, soothing and relieving. Ahhhhh.

The 2 S.S. Annes are on the left, the 2 Lunatones are on the right.


Here's a snap of an S.S. Anne. I love the way this bud looks!



Paint Your DreamStrain
Ahhhhh! It's so Wonderful. I have these Plants hanging up in our Room, and every time I walk in, I'm greeted with a Lovely smell. It's the best incense ever.


Interesting crosses and descriptions as well as impressive plant pics!
Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve in the future.
As soon as I get my furnace cleaned I'll be punching the time clock at my own little incense factory as well!(lol)
Nice grow!!


Paint Your DreamStrain
Love that Picture!

Yeah I totally have to recommend the hanging of one's plants in their Room. It has added layers of Beauty to everything I do - I Smile everytime I walk in the Room. SpicySkittles Love.